‘’Why the rush? You look like an excited teen,’’ Matt commented from across the room, where he had taken a seat. In his hand was a small note he had dug out from his pocket. He flipped a page. ‘’She said she’d be ready in an hour or so.’’
‘’Where are we meeting her?’’
‘’At a cafe.’’
To be honest, Haven had been quite surprised when Matt told him the girl he found was the waitress who had attended to them yesterday. He didn’t remember much about her other than the fact that she had left the cafe without giving them their orders. He frowned, staring down at his phone again.
It read a few minutes after three.
‘’Call her.’’
‘’Rushing her doesn’t seem like a nice option. Remember she can decide not to.’’ Matt flipped another page, looking totally unbothered with the whole situation. Normally, Haven wasn’t one to lose his cool. In all his twenty-six years, he was always the cool, sarcastic, and calm headed one. But now, he was anxious. ‘’And that would be bad.’’
Totally bad. Haven couldn’t have his mother on his case again.
‘’Can we even trust her?’’ Haven couldn’t help but ask, suddenly realizing how stupid this idea was turning even though it was his in the first place.
‘’Since she is in it for the money, I’m sure she wouldn’t back down that easily.’’ Matt smiled like he had everything under control. Well, Matt always did have everything under control. Both of them have been best friends since they could walk. While Haven was the type who would see a clean paper as nothing but a blank paper, Matt saw it as something waiting to be written on. Haven was like the cool moon, while Matt was the warm sun. Which was why it was always easy for him to handle situations Haven knew he wouldn’t easily handle; as long as it had no relations to work. ‘’Besides, she’s Sam’s friend. So, I trust her and you should too.’’
Like that mattered. It wouldn’t be the first time a woman would pretend to be cozy and trustworthy, only to backstab him. Catherine had been an exception. Having been born into a wealthy family, she had been given everything she wanted since birth. This was primarily the reason why Haven preffered to stick around with people who shared the same social status with him; it didn’t mean that they were less greedy but at least they were trustworthy to an extent.
Or so he thought.
A loud vibration suddenly filled the air. Matt fished out his phone. ‘’It’s her.’’
Haven stood up, taking off his suit and pulling up the sleeves of his shirt.
‘’We’ll be there soon.’’ He hung up. He turned to Haven. ‘’Let’s go.’’
‘’My car?’’ Haven asked.
‘’Definitely, yeah,’’ Matt said, reaching for the key on the counter locker beside the door. He threw it to Haven who caught it with a flick of his wrist.
As they walked out, he wondered what kind of expression she would make when she saw him. Would she be calm? Or would she be rosy at the prospect of marrying him even if it was just for show. He suspected the latter. It wasn’t every day one of the most elite businessmen moved around to offer a marriage contract.
A black vehicle was waiting outside her home when she stepped out. Alexis had been sure to dress as neatly as she could, well, at least she didn’t see anything wrong with her ragged jeans and plain white T-shirt. She climbed down her stairway and moved to the car, offering a small smile as the driver opened the door for her.
She whistled lightly at the interiors. ‘’Damn, the things money can buy.’’
‘’Are you comfortable ma’am?’’ the driver asked in a very polite tone, Alexis couldn’t help but wince.
Ma’am? She had never been called that before. She felt like Cinderella being driven to a ball. She had never been one to be concerned about dating or even having a relationship. She had tried to have one at a time, but it didn’t go so well. And so, she decided to indulge herself into work rather than one filled with fake love and commitment.
What an irony it was now, that she was indulging herself in said fake love and commitment.
The driver nodded and started the engine, driving off to the cafe she was meant to meet her new husband.
Well, fake husband.
The cafe they chose was a famous one. Not only was it famous, it looked like those fancy restaurants only rich and elite people went to. Alexis suddenly felt out of place.
‘’Should have worn a skirt instead,’’ she muttered to herself. Well, there was no need to think about it now. She thought, taking a deep breath before walking through the pull-in doors.
When she entered, the sight that greeted her was surprising to say the least. The ceiling was elaborately decorated and a grand staircase led to a finely lavished second story of the building. The walls were a semi-white pallor with hints of lavender and stairs that were carved out of fine wood that Alexis had only seen in magazines.
This place put Sam’s cafe to shame. It was even big enough to occupy her cafe and still have space for two more. She wasn’t even sure she could call it a cafe at this point. It looked like a dinner hall.
Just who was the guy anyway?
At the corner of her eyes, she spotted two men seated. One leaned against his back on his chair, arms crossed and looking completely tensed. The other sat on his chair comfortably, sipping out of his cup of coffee. When he saw her, his eyes immediately lit up.
Alexis instantly recognized them as the customers from yesterday.
‘’Alexis,’’ the pretty boy said, walking up to her. He held her hand as he led her back to their seat. ‘’Glad you could make it.’’
‘’Thank you, huh,’’ she stared, noticing that she didn’t know his name.
‘’Matt.’’ He beamed.
She smiled. Of course, Sam mentioned him. ‘’Mr. Matt.’’
‘’Mr. Matt sounds too formal. Please call me Matt.’’ Matt laughed clearly more excited than she or the other person were.
Alexis' eyes shifted to the dark haired man who had remained quiet just like he did yesterday. When Sam had told her someone needed a wife, she had pictured some washed out loser who had no backbone in his home and followed everything his mother told him. But now, seeing him, she could tell he was the kind of person who was rather prominent.
Haven Gray.
No wonder his name sounded familiar.
Not only was he popular as a businessman, he was popular for his looks. He was really handsome, Alexis would give him that. If she thought he was handsome yesterday, he looked even more stunning today.
She shook her head. Ogling her pretend husband wasn’t today’s plan. She was here for business.
‘’Mr. Haven,’’ She greeted him with a hesitant smile as she took her seat. ‘’We met yesterday—’’ She stretched out her hand.
"Can we get to the chase?" he rudely interrupted her, ignoring her and causing her eyes to narrow slightly. ‘’We don’t have all day.’’
Alexis scoffed as she retracted her hand. Well, not only was he a rich, good looking businessman from a prominent family. He was also a dick-head.
Was it too late to change her mind and go home?
Alexis wasn’t happy to say the least. Just five minutes and she wished she could wipe the smug look off Haven’s face. He should be grateful she agreed to do this. Not every person in their right sense would agree. And yet, here she was.
Haven folded his arms over his chest. After brooding for a minute, Matt, sensing the sudden rise of tension, coughed lightly, placing a brown envelope on the table.
‘’What’s this?’’ Alexis asked.