As Flora was being severely beaten by two boys, the entire room was filled with her screams, and her mouth was already covered in blood.
However, they did not stop because Tiger had given them the order to continue.
After a few minutes, Flora went silent. She found it difficult to scream out because she had become too weak to do so. Instead, she just let the tears run freely down her cheeks. Given the level of pain she was experiencing in her back, she was certain that her back was already badly peeled.
She was starting to lose hope, and she thought that perhaps this was really going to be the end for her, but despite the fact that the pain was beyond what she could bear, she wanted to live. She doesn't want to throw in the towel quite yet.
She silently wailed, "Someone...... help ...... please," as she pleaded with herself.
Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and a security officer walked in.
He shouted out, "Stop! It's an order from the boss!" and the boys who were whipping Flora immediately put down their whips when he said it.
before turning to face him
One of them questioned, "In what order?"
The guard responded by saying, "Enough of the beating."
Flora wasn't sure whether she should laugh or cry, because there was really nothing to laugh about, but she was still holding out hope that the
Because the pain was getting too much for her to bear, it would not kill her eventually.
Before she lost consciousness, she silently thanked the devil, saying, "Thank you, the devil."
The young men hurried over to her right away.
"Is she dead?" one asked in a state of frantic questioning.
The other person gave a response that said, "No, she's breathing. What should we do to her now?"
"The boss said that she should be taken to madam Zilla, and he also ordered that she shouldn't be taken to the doctor; you are responsible for carrying out both of those orders."
should hurry up,' the guard yelled before turning his back and exiting the room where the torture was taking place.
Flora's lifeless body was carried out of the room by one of the boys, and she was covered in blood.
**** DINNING HALL ****
The chosen gangs are the only ones who are permitted to eat here; all of the trainees, juniors and other members of the organisation eat together in the general hall.
Ariel was seen running into the hallway.
Everyone who was sitting at the table, with the exception of Nathan, looked up when she asked, "Guys! Have you heard what's going on?"
who were solely concerned with consuming food.
Addison questioned, "What the heck happened?"
Does anyone have any idea what Logan's daughter's name is?
" Ariel inquired, and everyone remained quiet.
Ariel laughed as she explained the situation, "Anyways, heard she was trying to steal from the kitchen and she was caught."
Nathan cast his eyes upward.
"Caught? By who? " Bri asked
Ariel informed the guards that the woman had been brought to the boss.
"Tiger? What is the nature of her discipline? "Lexi asked
Ariel spoke in the voice of Tiger and said, "Beat her to death."
Diana kept her cheerful face and continued eating.
While Nathan finished his meal, Ariel joined him at the table.
"Hey, Nathy," she said with a grin.
Nathan gave her the cold shoulder and pretended she didn't exist.
Ariel gave him the cold shoulder and began to eat.
"Has anybody seen Piper recently?
" Jason and Darrel asked at the same time, and then they looked at each other in surprise.
"Whoa, are you thinking the same thing that I am?
" Lexi grinned
Ariel then said, "I'll bet Piper will kill anyone who has a crush on her," and everyone laughed, with the exception of Diana and Nathan.
Piper entered the room, and everyone immediately fell silent. Without so much as a glance in either direction, she took up residence next to Jason and across from Darrel.
When she finally looked up, she noticed that both of them were staring at her.
She asked them why they are staring into her eyes and they looked away
Instantaneously, a maid arrived to attend to her needs.
"More drinks!
" I apologise, Ariel said as a maid approached her, but as she was pouring Nathan's drink, she accidentally spilt it on him.
"Oh my!! I truly apologise! The maid immediately knelt down and bowed her head.
"Are you unable to see?! How could you be such a slave as to spill it all over him? " Ariel screamed and reached out to touch Nathan, but he gave her a stern look and then stood up.
He assured the maid that he was in good health and then exited the building.
"Oh my God, is he even human?
" Addison gave a small shake of her head.
She had more to say, but Bri interrupted her by stuffing her mouth full of food.
Bri advised her to "eat enough so you can add more flesh" while giving her a knowing wink.
Addison just smiled
Diana let out a resounding scoff,
There was complete silence up until the moment when a loud beeping sound began.
"What the heck is that?"
Jason called, and Piper looked up as soon as he heard his name.
"I believe it was sent by you?
" Jason remarked, and she instantly pulled out her phone, and she stood up instantly.
When she announced that the tracker had been activated, everyone immediately stopped eating.
"Seriously?" They inquired"
She nodded
Diana said, "I will confirm it right away," and then she excused herself while the others waited; she came back a few minutes later.
She yelled out, "Jude is back in the mob guys, get ready immediately, we are moving in a few minutes," and everyone left as soon as she finished speaking.
Soon after that, Lexi, Addison, Darrel, and Ariel came back; however, they will not be participating in the mission.