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ENEMY IN DISGUISE (stepmother)

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Sophia Carter felt betrayed and her worst nightmare came knocking her hard on the face when her boyfriend of two years o...

EmotionRomanceUrbanCEOBillionaireGoodgirlIndependentbxgTrue LoveSecond ChanceSingle Father


It was the summer season, and a very busy day in New York City. Andrew Hernandez parked his car at the parking space in the groceries store and stepped out of his car. He was locking his car when he caught someone stepping out of the groceries store with a wide smile plastered on her face.

He straightened himself very well, with all his attention on her and to have a proper look at her. The same way he felt the two times he had seen her was the same thing he was feeling as he stood there watching and admiring her. Goosebumps, pounding heart, the urge to claim her plump lips and kiss her till she'll be gasping for air.

Those are what he felt since the first time he set his eyes on Sophia. He'd have loved to make a move the first time he saw her, but he dismissed the feeling and thought it was a normal thing to see someone for the first time and be attracted to them.

That was the third time he's seeing her and he doesn't want to convince himself that it was a coincidence, rather he wants to believe their meeting is inevitable and also destiny at work. Even though he has met her twice, he hasn't made himself known to her, he was just a secret admirer who isn't afraid of asking her out, but thought his feelings for her might disappear if he does ask her out and she accepts, or what if she's taken.

As Andrew stood there watching as Sophia was walking to where her car was parked which he figured out wasn't far from where he parked his car, he made up his mind that instant that nothing would stop him from having a talk with her which would lead to him asking for her contact. Andrew made a move when he saw that she was getting close and intentionally bumped into her, making her hand bang and other stuff she was carrying fell to the ground, scattered.

Sophia winces like someone who's sustained a light injury.

"Oh my god, oh my goddd. It was my fault. I'm very sorry."

Andrew apologized, being a little dramatic, cutting Sophia short of what to say when she opened her mouth to say something. She closed her mouth back and swallowed whatever she was about to say, either to lash at him or to also apologize for not looking up from her phone. She also bent down to help Andrew pick her scattered stuff on the ground.

"I'm really sorry about that, hope you aren't hurt anywhere?"

He asked after they'd both finished picking and Sophia had dropped everything inside her car booth which was beside them.

"It's okay, I'm fine. I should actually be apologizing, I was so engrossed with what I was doing on my phone that I forgot I'm not in my room."

She replied with a chuckle, adjusting her hand bang that was on her shoulder.

"Yeah, Uhm... I'm Andrew Hernandez, and you're?" he said, Stretching his hand forward for a handshake.

"Oh, I'm Sophia, Sophia Carter."

Sophia Answered and shook Andrew's hand, when her hand touched his, he rubbed her knuckles gently enjoying how fluffy her hand is.

"You're beautiful and also gotten a beautiful name," he complimented still holding her. She blushed at his complimentary and smiled at him.

"Thanks, you're also not looking bad" She replied and Andrew let go of her hand when he sensed that she was desperate to remove it from his grip. For a second he was lost staring at her brown eyes which added to her beauty, he had to blink his eyes and muttered a sorry when she cleared her throat.

"It was Nice meeting you, and uhm thank you for earlier. I'd love to take my leave now" She announced and was about to turn and walked out when he stopped her.

"Excuse me, if it is not too big to ask, can i get your contact, please?." He requested and Sophia had this smile which she doesn't want to make obvious on her face, a smile which might indicate that she has been waiting for him to ask for her contact. She stretched her hand forth requesting for his phone which he handed to her immediately.

"I love to text and sucks at calling, but I wouldn't want to miss any chance of hearing your beautiful voice. Be expecting my call." He said and Sophia laughed before they both bade each other goodbye.

Andrew Hernandez is a C.E.O of one of the best tile companies in New York, a company he inherited from his late parents as an only child. With a broad shoulder and abs that could get any girl drooling, he has raven black hair with hazel eyes. While Sophia Carter was a brunette with brown eyes and a plump lips woman. She's got the perfect body shape that would make anybody, including a girl, stop a hundred times to look at how gorgeous she is.

She's also the C.E.O and founder of Sophy fashion house. She's got a great fashion sense and is doing great on her own.

"You mean you like him?" Sophia's best friend, Florence asked as she jumped on the bed sitting beside Sophia who had her two legs crossed busy working on her laptop that was on her leg. She paused and looked at her friend who just asked her a question.

"Don't be an asshole Florence, I didn't say I like him, I only said he's handsome and..."

"You can't wait for his dick to be buried deep inside you." Florence laughed after saying that before jumping down from the bed when she saw Sophia closed her lap top and was ready to hit her.

"With the way you described him, I know he's your kind of guy, and he'll be a very good fucke..." Florence was saying when Sophia threw one of the pillows at her face and they both burst out laughing.

"Oh, Florence, common. You're assuming too much," Sophia said amidst her laugh.

"Oh my god Sophia," Florence exclaimed with her hand on her mouth, and Sophia got scared at her sudden exclamation.

"Your cheeks and ears are red, you're blushing." Florence shouted and Sophia released a heavy sigh before falling on the bed in frustration. Sometimes she regrets telling her best friends things but she's the only person she's got whom she can share everything happening in her life with.

"I hate you flo....." the ringing tone of Sophia's phone distracted her from completing her sentence. She rolled over on the bed, with her stomach now pressed to the bed. She grabbed her phone and saw it was an unknown number.

"Is that him calling?" Florence asked quietly.

"I don't know, it's an unknown number," Sophia answered and she was about to press the answer button when she heard Florence say.

"Who else would it be if not him?," she rolled her eyes and crossed her hands on her chest waiting for her best friend to just pick the call already.

"It could be a business call, asshole." Sophia replied before pressing the answer button and put the phone on her ear.

"Hello, who's this please, how can I help you?"

Sophia asked in a calm voice as she changed her position into sitting on the bed edge, glaring at her best friend who wouldn't stop winking at her.

"Please am I speaking with the beautiful Sophia?" the caller asked, answering a question with a question. Sophia flushed and removed the phone from her ear.

"I said it," Florence mouthed almost inaudibly releasing her crossed hands,but Sophia could hear her. Sophia ignored her and focused back on the call.

"Yeah, this is Sophia." She replied scratching the back of her neck.

"I knew it's you, I must say truthfully that you've got the best voice I have ever heard in my life, you should be a musician." Andrew confessed truthfully about Sophia having a sweet voice.

"Oh please" that was all she could say as she was too speechless to know the right word to use, maybe Florence was lying and pulling her leg earlier when she said she turned red because she's blushing, but she knew she did turn red after Andrew praised her voice. She put her phone on speaker so that Florence could listen to the rest of their conversation.

After texting and talking on the phone for one week, Sophia agreed to go out on a date with Andrew. They both fixed a convenient date to go out. On the day they chose to go out on a date, Andrew was getting dressed when his eyes caught a picture of a woman on his nightstand. He stared at the picture for as long as he continued buttoning his shirt, he felt like he's betraying her. What he was avoiding is happening, he doesn't want to regret ever making a move towards Sophia. At the same time, it is what his heart wants. But he thinks his heart is betraying someone whom he had made a promise to.

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