A young man wearing a commoner's clothes stops the woman after she comes out of the dress store.
Stacy frowns.
She is usually with Lady Emely and guarded by two guards when they walk out the house but today she just stepped out of the mansion to play around by herself so she asked the lady to go alone and ask about the progress of the lady's dress but now she is being pestered by a man.
Stacy looks angrily but pauses after seeing the young man's beautiful face and eyes that seems to contain her.
"Beautiful Lady. Are you from this area?"
He asks with a smile.
"You...Ehem. Excuse me but will you let me pass?" Stacy closed her eyes and stood up as elegantly as she could.
"But...I want to be friends with you. My Lady,"
The man shamelessly said.
The woman blushes.
"Can't you see I am not here to play? I am also older than you. Play somewhere else."
She is serious and strict. She always cared for Emely and didn't plan to get married even though she is already 40 years old.
"Ouch!" The Nanny felt something hitting her ankle. She stumbled and fell in the young man's sturdy chest.
Their eyes met.
The young man hugs her waist with his strong arms.
"You--you! Get away from me."
Stacy's face is blood red.
"You smell nice." The man moves his face and sniffs the older woman's neck.
Stacy feels a thousand ants crawling on her nape.
The older woman can't be blamed for blushing.
"Please...Please let go of me." She said shyly.
The younger man smiles and helps her stand up.
"I am Jojo. What is your name,miss beautiful?"
The man made a beautiful bow by removing his hat.
The older woman's heart is beating fast.
"......I am...I am Stacy."
The man smiled and took her hand and kissed it.
The woman took her hand away and looked around.
She fears someone might see them.
"I know a good place. No one will see us." The man said whispering.
Nanny Stacy's face reddened.
"Vulgar! How dare---"
But the man grabbed her hand and kissed it again.
The woman is scared to be seen so she allows him to pull her to the woods.
Of course she doesn't plan to do anything that might ruin her Lady's name. But a man in heat is really something. Saying words full of warmth and love and care.
Nanny Stacy is old but she doesn't have any experience with the opposite sex.
When the man kisses her. She is shocked,ashamed but also excited.
She momentarily forgot her rationality.
"Will you come back?"
The woman hurriedly put her clothes back on.
Her whole body is still aching and trembling. This is her first experience and she can feel the best sensation.
"Please Stacy? I think I am in love with you already." The man is still naked and he grabs the woman's hand and kisses it.
Stacy's face flushed.
"Okay..Okay..I will be back. But...But you can't look for me. I can't let anyone know."
"Are you ashamed of me? Because I am poor?" The man acts so pitiful and turns around.
Stacy gulps and hugs the man.
"I...I never felt this before. I...I also think I am in love with you. But...But this is not right. You are too young. And...I am serving Lady Emely..We can't be seen in public!"
"I understand. I will wait for you tomorrow. Again. In this house. We..I want to do it with you again."
The woman's face flushed and after reluctantly leaving. The old woman leaves as if someone is chasing her.
The house door opens.
"This is the money. Keep up the good work." X looks at the filthy man.
The man named Jojo is actually a circus performer playing as a clown and doing tricks. Their caravan is in the town for now but it will leave soon. He is the perfect man for the job.
A pretty face who will not stay long in this country..
"Thank you for the money. I'm pleased to do business with you." He said counting the money in front of him.