"You took a real hit down here, Miss Sanders"
Those words were very much audible for my ears, but you see, I was lost on whatever this strange sensation which spawned out of nowhere was made up of.
I could feel a finger trail up my thighs, wiping off the blood stain on my legs, and at each passing minute, one was sure to hear a gasp emitted from me.
I bit on my lower lip hard, grabbing a hold of the hospital robe I had been thrown in, and with the shadow of his touches teasing me down there, I was threatened to fall deep into such longing.
His hands were now examining my vulva, the sound of the rubber gloves he had on, giving a soft slop while he roamed his hands on my vestibule.
His fingers did a walk over my mons pubis, pausing on my clitoral hood, and finally coming to settle on my clitoris, he gave a little dab on my legs.
"We might have to shave you"
There came his voice, and if I was earlier embarrassed by having a male doctor stretch and check out all which encompassed my 'lady', then just that utterance of his was enough to top my shame.
Who would blame me?
I didn't mark a reminder on my calendar telling me of an appointment with some striking doctor who would end up having my vulva spread before him.
Who really would blame a lady who hadn't known what pleasure felt like in months, who thought it wise to leave her lady part unkempt all because someone found her unappealing?
Who would blame me?
Now I believe those words of Loren when she says, you can tell a woman's pleasure-life merely by the state of her Vagina.
"Would you be kind to tell me how it happened?" The voice of Dr. Valentino jolted me back to reverie, while he reached for his scissors, ready to trim.
I hesitated.
Of course I was one to turn numb, for how comforting could it be bearing your story to some stranger of how your life seemed to be in shambles, and how you were at the center of pain.
Who would care to spare a listening ear?
I wouldn't, to be frank.
And as if reading my thoughts, I heard the voice of Doctor Valentino follow. "You can go on Miss Sanders" He dropped. "Conversing with my patients helps keep them at ease" He was sure to add, but I doubted all of that. For I knew just a word in, and I would only have myself embarrassed.
"We had an argument..." I began.
Lips pursed, I dreaded recalling the events. Every part of me sought to let it go, but for some reason, I settled on going on.
"He ordered me into the car and began driving off... We were only a few kilometers down the road, when he began speaking of how he had gotten tired, and how I seemed to be the problem of our relationship"
"What made him term you the problem of the relationship?"
I paused, jolting at the touch of Dr. Valentino's fingers. He was now wiping my vulva with cotton balls, his left hand resting on my crotch.
And at every of his touch, I was sure to lose my composure.
"He said I was getting lame at satisfying him"
I noticed Doctor Valentino pause, the silence in the room all too palpable.
"He said our sex life needed an appeal...needed resurrection. He said he couldn't carry on like that, as he sought satisfaction as a man"
"We both had payed a visit to some counselor a week prior, and even after those sessions, he claimed I just wasn't a fit for him..."
"I confronted him about the late night calls, the hotels he snuck to, and he only defended himself saying it was right he went in search of call-girls to play my role"
"It led into an argument in the car, and he said he wanted out, unknown to me, he was taking me back to my home to part for good"
"Upon knowledge of it, I pled with him, and that was what led to the wrestle which had me ending up here"
A hundred warring thoughts ran in my head.
What would some stranger think of a lady whose boyfriend had left her all because she was a dud in the bedroom, and couldn't keep her man together?
Of all, I wondered whatever went on in Dr. Valentino's head at the moment.
"Miss Sanders..." He began.
"You should know the car tumbled five times"
Of course, I know that.
The story went up on the news, how a couple involved in a fatal car crash managed to escape with their lives.
And I don't know whatever play the universe had, but I ended up with only an injury between my legs, few inches from my lady.
"Where's Gary?" I forced myself to speak.
"Your boyfriend is on the other wing, Miss Sanders. You need not worry"
"Ex" I corrected immediately, managing to summon his gaze on me.
He gave a nod, returning back to tending to my vulva.
"Gary Turner is in coma" He announced, and upon those words, I went numb.
Such guilt which ate at me came prevailing, clutching at every part of my chest. Perhaps it was because I blamed myself for the crash—I blamed myself for what happened.
I hadn't been a companion. I had lagged just as he said, and I ended up being a pain to him.
Yet, amidst all, I couldn't tell whatever it was, but there came such feeling of elation which rushed through me that left me churned.
I just put my ex in coma, and I felt gleeful.
Olivia Sanders, what has begotten you?
I was jolted back to composure by the break of Dr. Valentino's words, and with that gaze of his affixed in mine, I deciphered his utterance.
"Do forgive me if this in anyway seems intruding, but when was the last time you both had sex"
Who was this person?
Of course it was intruding.
I don't believe speaking with your patients about their sex life was a given in the Doctor's rule book, so tell me yet again who this man was to enquire when I had rubbed skins with my partner.
He looked at me, catching onto my hesitation.
"I mean no harm, Miss Sanders"
"And why would you care?" I cut him abruptly.
And that was when he paused, letting out a sigh.
"You see, most times, people tend to be so quick to lay blames on the lady for not meeting up to the quota when speaking of pleasure, but you see the man in turn, has an equal part to play in making the companionship pleasurable"
I stared at that figure before me.
Dammit how one could be every bit majestic!
This mister was some eye-caller. That clean shave on him, those plump lips, it all seemed too perfect.
So perfect a being like this should be kept out of existence.
His gaze remained asserted on me, hands working down there, threatening to have me enfold.
He had a scruff of mustache which appeared like they had just been trimmed, and with his eyes skimming here to there, I wondered whatever tingles I would feel this time if that gaze managed to meet mine.
My eyes found rest on the blood-soaked towels lain on the bed, and upon sight of those, I fell back, shutting my eyes tight.
"And what would you know about pleasure, Dr. Valentino?"
My utterance was rather enough to earn his attention, for in a second he paused in his actions, green gaze meeting my dull brown ones.
"Believe me, Miss Sanders...I know more than enough"
Perhaps it was the hit of the pain, but I swear I saw his gaze turn soft in mine, and in a moment, he returned to business.
"When was the last time you had sex, Miss Sanders?"
"A year ago"
I think my revelation might have been so perplexing for him, for his hands took a stop, having a rest on my legs.
"You guys grew apart?"
I gave a nod at his question, struggling to keep my eyes shut.
"Now may I ask you when the last time you felt any bit of pleasure was?"
"A year and several months"
"And how long have you both dated?"
"Four years"
"So the glee only lasted for two years, and was all scruffy from there? What happened Miss Sanders?" Dr. Valentino enquired.
"I don't know" I dropped. "I just stopped feeling elated as I used to feel whenever Gary came next to me in bed"
"And why do you deem that?"
"He never pleased me?"
"And did you please him?"
"I tried my best"
Dr. Valentino stopped with his interrogations, returning to tend to me.
"I think you might have sustained an internal injury, Miss Sanders" I heard his voice.
"It's alright" He spoke. "It's only an inch deep in your vulva"
"Now I need you to lay back, while I try to work on it"
My lips pried open to speak, but were forced shut the moment I felt a finger slip into my urethra.
A sharp gasp left my lips, body rigid in shock as my vulva now went enclosing his finger inside of me.
"You're injured in there, Miss Sanders"
That mellow voice of his, dammit!
"Do permit me to go on" He let out.
The silence prevailed for a long minute. My figure lain back on this hospital bed, and his form propped in between my legs, fingers getting to know my 'lady'.
I gave a nod, pausing my lips, and while the finger of Dr. Valentino gave a stretch to my urethral passage, that budding sensation returned to my chest.
"You took quite a hit here..."
He pushed even deeper, dabbing the walls of my vulva.
That rousing feel, that growing tinge, the calm of his voice.
My head now fallen back, lips pursed tight, eyes rolled in, as the fingers of Dr. Valentino, found comfort inside of me.
"We might have to place you under extensive care..."
There he went again, but this time another finger slid in, and upon its entry, both fingers struggled to fit inside of me.
The thrust of his fingers, his hands caressing my thighs, believe me I struggled to suppress that moan which laid at the bed of my tongue.
I was only a minute away from letting it all out, and I knew not how to carry on.
And that was when I lost it all.
My figure juddered at his touch, body arched, and the next thing I felt was a heavy load being released from me.
It was such sensation I prayed to last for all eternity. It was such sensation that had me gasping for breaths.
And only when I heard that calm voice filling the room, was i jolted to the situation amiss.
I pried my eyes open at the break of his voice, only to find my squirt sploshed all over his scrubs.