*Jiya Pov*
I woke up hearing the pounding on my door. I shouted 'Wait' but still it continued. I groaned and sat up from my bed.
"What is it?" I asked, opening the door to see Mom fuming at me.
"What is it?! Just see for yourself. I can't believe you are with him even after everything he did to us." She replied, shouting, and threw the paper at me.
I searched the stupid section of the paper to see the photo of him and me. I closed my eyes and threw the paperback at her.
"Now I understand why you don't want to release your brother." She said glaring at me.
"Can you leave me alone?" I asked and slammed the door without hearing her reply.
"We should take a photo of ourselves and put it here laminating it." I said, looking at the empty space in our room.
"So, you are finally ready to talk." He said, placing his head on my shoulder.
"I am not talking to you. I am talking to my husband." I said, shrugging his head.
"I am your husband." He said, turning me around.
"Then why did... you... Stopped our dancing yesterday?" I asked him frowning.
"You should be comfortable." He replied, staring at me.
"I am! There I said it. I am comfortable with you. Don't you see I love you so much Ajay." I said holding his face.
"Jiya..." he said, sighing.
"Am I unattractive? Am I the reason?" I asked him frowning.
"No, no! Be ready by 8 in the evening. We will even have a photo if you want." He replied and walked outside the room to go to office.
Even? Does that mean? Yes! I want to be his in every way, and finally, it will happen.
#Past End#
I shook my head and got ready to reach the office even earlier. When I walked outside, Mom is still fuming while Dad is just confused.
"I am working as a secretary for him. That happened yesterday when we went to a client's function where my other colleagues were there." I said sighing.
"I am not saying this to clear any misunderstanding. I just don't want anyone to think I am with him and don't want to hear it directly." I added and walked outside.
"Jiya! It must be difficult for you. Why don't you join somewhere else?" Dad asked following me.
"I can't Dad. Another contract is signed by me for the amount, we have to pay him." I replied and walked away.
"Do you have any problem?" I asked the people that are staring at me in the elevator.
Everyone is doing the same from the time I stepped inside the company. I shook my head and thought this all would have never happened if I didn't stay in that function at all.
I made his coffee and placed it on my table as there is still time for him to reach.
"Are you fine?" Raj asked directly walking towards my desk.
"Why wouldn't she be? She stole my chance and must have planned this from the beginning of function." Ms.Rose replied who didn't stop fuming at me from the time she walked in here.
"Yeah! It is not a big deal. That section of the paper is stupid anyway." I replied, shrugging and continued to do my work.
"Are you fine?" I heard this question from none other than Mr.Mehra, and everyone looked at him in shock.
"Your coffee, Sir. And you have a meeting in half an hour." I replied and he walked inside his cabin, taking the cup along with the jaw clenched.
"Ms.Sarin! Can you repair my system in the lunch break?" Raj asked smiling.
"Deal is a deal." I replied mumbling.
"It's ok! You can do it only if you want to. If you don't want to I don't mind." He said smiling more.
"I will look into it at lunch break." I said, and he nodded walking away.
"Is there any other meeting for today?" Mr.Mehra asked, walking outside the meeting room.
"No Sir! But there will be few calls today in the evening from some clients." I replied, moving the papers to the page where I have written who will call him.
"Good work Ms.Sarin." he said, and I fisted my book.
"I will leave for the lunch, Sir." I said, walking away from his cabin while he walked inside.
"These Sandwiches were waiting for you." Raj said immediately when I walked near him.
"You need not to buy them for me." I said sitting down.
"It's a treat for this help." He said giving one sandwich.
"I already took one to do this help." I said, and he rolled his eyes.
"Just take it. I didn't mix any poison." He said smiling.
"I wouldn't have minded that." I mumbled and took it from him.
"I will return the dress tomorrow. I forgot to bring it." I added.
"It's ok! Just keep it with you. I don't look that good in that color dress anyway." He said, and I coughed.
"I am joking." He said laughing, but I still continued to cough.
"Here." He said passing the water bottle.
I drank it and said, "I thought you really wear them."
He bursted out laughing while I shook my head. I finished the repair and got up from my chair.
"Be careful, and don't make that mistake again." I said, and he nodded.
"Hey! Want to go for dinner?" he asked.
"No!" I replied.
"Ok! Friends? And you can't say no again." he smirking and I sighed.
"Friends!" I replied, and she grinned.
"I will be your best friend senorita." He said winking.
"We will see." I said, turning and started walking, rubbing my hands feeling little cold.
I suddenly got bumped into someone and glanced up to see Mr.Mehra. I apologized and walked to my table.
"We are leaving." He said looking at me.
"But there is no meeting, Sir." I said frowning.
"No! But there is a meeting in the main conference hall. Call everyone there." He said and walked towards the elevator.
I frowned and sent mails to everyone's system regarding the meeting in the conference hall. After they returned from the lunch break, everyone opened it and looked completely confused.
But everyone got up from their seats and left for the conference hall. I locked the system and followed them.
I stood in some corner, and Raj joined me. He smiled, and I nodded at him.
"I am sure everyone must be confused to be here. Today something new appeared in the paper, and I am sure everyone must have seen it." He started his speech, and I frowned.
"I never want my photo to be anywhere near media, and I took proper measures for it. And that is breached now." He continued.
"How convenient!" I mumbled myself thinking if only his photo was put in that stupid section which I used to read every day before marriage.
As if he heard what I said, he turned to look at me directly. He cleared his throat and said, "And I know who the reason behind that photo was."
"Someone called that particular paper office from the office phone and said to publish one photo with the girl in red." He said, and everyone looked at me.
"Is he going to accuse you?" Raj whispered.
"Who knows?" I whispered back.
"Ms.Rose! Please come here." Mr.Mehra said, and she nodded.
"So Ms.Rose, will you apologize to me and to Ms.Sarin?" Mr.Mehra asked.
"But... but I didn't do anything Sir." She replied gulping.
"And it is her photo, which was published." She added.
"Yes! Such a great confusion occurs when someone orders saying to publish the photo with the women who is more beautiful." Mr.Mehra said, and Raj snickered hiding his face behind me.
"But Sir..." She started to say, but he cut her off saying, "I got the phone details and also the money transaction details."
"I am sorry, Sir." She said looking down.
"Apologize to her too." He said, staring at me.
"It's ok, Sir! We all are colleagues, and I don't want her to say anything to me." I said, and he nodded.
"There is another reason for this meeting." He said, and everyone turned attention from me to him.
"I am happy with the growth everyone achieved for this company branch. My work is done here and there will be new boss for you all who works under me." He continued and everyone felt bad that he will leave, but I am feeling relief.
"Ms.Sarin and I will leave for the main office tomorrow, and this is the last day she will work in this branch." He added, and my relief got replaced by horror.
"You can't leave me friend, but it is a good opportunity, so I am happy." Raj said, holding my hand, but I ignored him still thinking how can he make this decision.
"I will not come with you, Sir." I said as soon as we walked inside his cabin.
"You have to Ms.Sarin and if there is any good reason, then I will see to it." He said sitting on his chair.
"My family is here, Sir and I am not capable for main branch." I said staring at him.
"They will be fine and you will be given a separate flat, and you can even bring your parents if you want. You are capable or not should be decided by me." He said staring back.
"I will resign." I offered.
"I didn't cross my profession boundary, Ms.Sarin. So no need to act like I did." He said leaning forward.
"But..." I started to say, but I know what he said is right. He didn't cross it, and I can't resign now and search for new one by this month end.
"Do you want to bring your parents with you?" He asked, and I shook my head because Mom will never come there.
"You can have the half-day leave for today to pack everything, and I will be near your house in the morning in my car." He said when I was in serious thinking.
"I will come to the airport directly." I said not wanting to travel with him.
"We are not going by flight. We are going by road." He said, and I closed my eyes.
"I have some things to do in between the travel. I need to meet a few clients relating to another branch." He added.
"Ok Sir." I said, walking out and left the office packing everything.
I talked to Raj and took his number along with Ms.Malathi's who were nice to me here, and I don't care about others.
"I am leaving Mumbai tomorrow morning." I said walking inside my house.
"What? Where are you going?" Dad asked frowning.
"Are you going to bring back your brother?" Mom asked.
"No! I am going to the city in which main office will be there." I replied.
"What is that city?" Mom asked frowning.
"Ahmadabad! I know you don't want to leave this city as this is near to the place where Bhai is in the jail. So I am going there alone." I replied.
"You are not going there alone." Dad said shaking his head.
"I need to. There is no reason to resign. If I resign, then I need to pay so much more money than we already have to pay." I said, and he looked down.
"My phone will be available and just call whenever you both want for any extra money than the money I will send every month." I added and walked inside to pack my dresses.
"It is not about money Jiya but are you really sure you want to work for him?" Dad asked.
"I don't have a choice until he does something with which I can leave it, but then I need to search another job, which will pay the same salary, but I doubt that." I replied and packed my both bags.
"Be careful!" He said walking outside, and I lay on my bed cursing myself wishing I was never in this situation.
I closed my eyes and drifted off into sleep...