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I woke up to Tasha shaking me awake gently and laying a few kisses on my face, that's new nobody woke me this gently this my dad died. Tasha is alone today well thank god, I don't want Timmy to change my clothes again, she sends me to the shower and I'm grateful I get to do it alone, I brushed my teeth and she brushed my hair for me, even put it in two pigtails.

"This little uniform, if you see someone wearing it then he or she is a little," she says while lying on my bed in a dark blue plaid skirt with a white shirt and a blue tie.

"Doms wear a full-on suit just watch the ties blue is for a daddy or mommy, black is for a Dom, green for a Master for pet and red is Master and slave, other subs wear a uniform like yours but the color differ depend on their categories got it?" she asks and I just nod trying to file all these information for later use.

She drags me off to what she says is Madame P.'s office she's the dean of this institute, a vampire and a Dom. I walk with Tasha feeling a bit scared, it's all too new for me. We reach a dark oak door and she knocks, there was a loud "come in".

Inside sat a beautiful woman her hair was up in a perfect bun she had some makeup on but it only intensifies her beauty, she looked young around thirty-ish but vampires stop aging at the age they've been made at, she's probably ancient but her beauty will never fade. I was too taken by her feature her gold eyes, blond hair, plump lips. Well, I'm straight as an arrow but I can appreciate beauty.

"Thank you, Tasha, that'll be all," she says and Tasha leaves the room, where did she goes and left me, I was starting to feel safe with her.

"Why don't you take a seat Sophia, we're going to have a quick chat" ~Madame P.

I nod my head and sit down Madame P takes her seat behind her desk, she looks at me for a minute then starts.

"Welcome to Dom and littles school Sophia, I'm the head master here, you can call me Mama P. most little do, now your file was sent to me with some big recommendations to accept you here.

We don't accept many subs or doms this school is kind of special some might say it's more of an elite school"

I just sit and listen nodding my head, I had no idea this place was special I thought I would be sent to a regular school, not to an elite one.

"Your classification test showed some great potential, We vampires live for a very very long time and these days it's getting more and more rare to find true littles.

I already enrolled you in required classes along with some DDLG classes.

You have till the end of this week so roam free by Friday we'll see any potential doms that want to adopt you as their little girl. You are free to reject or break up with a Dom if you two don't work well together or if you get abused.

If you get in any problems come straight to me, your grades are really important so don't disappoint me or there would be consequences"

Again I just nod, it's too much information for me to take.

"Would you like a daddy or a mommy Dom" she asks and I mumble a daddy.

"I can't hear you little girl talk don't mumble" she scolds me

"Daddy please," I say quietly.

"Well of course my sweet little girl, now here's your schedule Timmy will you to your first class" she finishes.

I look down at my schedule I have the regular academic classes, gym (yuck), and two new classes for me little class and Dom and little class.

Timy walks into the office offers me his hand and we walk together toward my first class of the day, I'm scared and nervous it's a little class, I have no idea what's this about.

We enter a classroom it's full of littles wearing the same uniform as me, some daddy and mommy doms, the tables are two big round tables with chairs around them.

Timy hand me a pastel blue backpack I didn't notice he was carrying it, he said it got my stuff in it. He gives me a kiss on the forehead tells me to have fun and make new friends before he leaves.

I'm frozen in place till a bell ring and the doms leave the room, a woman with kind eyes comes toward me.

"You must be Sophia my new student" oww she must be my teacher, I just nod my head yes.

"I’m Miss Blair, go put your stuff in the cupboard that has your name on it and then come sit with the rest of the class," my teacher says and I obey.

I'm sitting next to a guy who's as short as me which is funny since we are the two shortest people in the class and probably in the whole school. I gave him a shy smile and he smiles back and gives my hand a little squeeze.

Turn out little class is the class where you learn all about being little, how to regress, how to cope emotionally, about the pacifier, bottles, diapers all this embarrassing stuff.

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