Mia POV.
My name is Mia, I'm sixteen, or I think I am, it's what my mother says I am, she hates me, like really hates me. The bruises on my body stand witness to her tough love, to how she treats me, when everyone else get to go to school, make friends and be classified by my age, I wasn't I was locked inside.
We moved too much, every time I felt like I'm close to knowing what classification I am she'd move us, she says I look too much like my father, she hated him. He's a sadist that's what she called him, I didn't believe her most times, but others I do believe her, well it depends on the day.
I wanted to believe that my dad loved me, that he didn't want to leave me but he never came back, he hates me, I knew he does, no one likes me. I know everyone get classified, my mother was a submissive although she paid too much money for her ID to be changed to dominant, a dominant is allowed to live alone but not a submissive.
Crazy law but it's the law, in the last month, I wasn't allowed to leave the house, I wasn't allowed out of this small closet-size bedroom, call it a room if you want but it's a little prison for me. I'm locked here all the time, mom said I'm not allowed to be classified, I was scared for my life most time.
Everyone knew what they are by now, but not me, I had no idea what my classification is, I'm not a submissive, no I mean I am one. But I'm afraid of having a dom, maybe I'm a pet? Then I'll have a master, but I'm not great at listening, I'll probably run away from the first commend.
What does that leave me? Being a little? Well I never had a real childhood, but a daddy would want me to be fully dependent on him, I can't do that. I can't just trust someone that much. Add to all of that my problem, yes I have a special problem it's with blood.
I was never interested in blood, I never wished to be a vampire, but the reason I was locked in this closet to begin with was I bit my mother, idiot move, a very sorry move, I bit her from hunger. She doesn't feed me, well she do, but hardly, but the thing that happened that day, the sudden hunger blinded me, all I wanted was to eat, but it wasn't food that's interesting me but her blood, my mother blood.
I didn't get any blood, but I did get one hell of a beating, before I was pushed in the closet, for now I was hungry, dizzy, and tired. I spend most of my day sleeping, I was too tired and weak to get up, or move, today was just another day.
But things weren't normal today, mother was moving, I heard her moving around the house, her footsteps were all over the place. I heard her moving something down the stairs, it sounded like a suitcase, then the front door slammed close, I heard her car and nothing, silence.
I stayed in my place the door was still closed until she opened it for me, to give me my bathroom break, but she didn't come that night, nor the day after it. I tried to count the days on my hands but it was hard, I couldn't really count that well, the hunger was leaving a big haze over my head not allowing me to think or decide things.
I think I counted six, I think I peed myself, I cried when that happened the first time, but I couldn't do anything. After all those days of silence I heard the front door open, momma is back, she's going to be so mad that I peed my bed, I curled on myself into a ball, trying to make myself as small as possible hiding away, if she doesn't see me she wouldn't punish me.
The footsteps were many, not just hers, that scared me even more, I heard them move around and around until they made it to my room, I started crying. the door opened but momma didn't come in, instead three guys got in, I was so scared, but I also was so hungry.
I attacked one of the guys, trying to bite him, he held me back no problem pinning me between his body and the wall not allowing me to bite or do anything else. The sudden movement and jumping, add to my fear , the adrenaline rush was over, I fainted.