I shifted to my wolf form and lunge towards them. I bite Billy and tear him into pieces in front of his group. Good thing that my parents and Maria are unconscious or else they will see me like this.
I give Billy a wolf grin after I tore him. I then look to Trevor, my next prey.
I stretch my body and legs and jump to stick him under and clawed his stomach deeply, I give one final glance before I broke his skull and his blood slowly draining from his lifeless body. I look to the remaining intruders, they cowers and run.
I shifted back to my human form with my clothes still on. I walk slowly towards them while they run finding their way out and I compass my small hand to call my air affinity to close all possible exits in this palace so that they can't escape my wrath.
"Do you like our game?" I ask smirking evilly to them.
"P-please s-spare us y-your majesty! We're not coming back anymore if you will let us live" Bruno pleads looking to me with terror.
I smile to him and compass my hand to call my fire affinity to burn him. He hiss from pain and running around to ease the fire but I compass my hand again to burn him down and in a seconds it turn him into ashes.
"Next is?" I ask looking to the men.
One with scar face and the other with mustache, they trembled in terror. I walk to them slowly, enjoying their reaction while they keep stepping backward until their backs hit a wall and boom! They were both trapped and I laugh evilly.
"Are you afraid of me?" My soft voice echoed in the room was in.
"P-please d-don't k-kill u-us. I b-beg y-you" Scar face stammered asking for their life.
"Too bad you're late for that!" I yell and compass my hand to use my water affinity to drain his life.
He coughs terribly kneeling with one knee until he coughs blood and air slowly leaving his lungs.
"A painful death isn't it?" I ask and smile to man with mustache.
"You're the last, the next in line" I said low tone. He looks to me wide eyes, his mouth gaping like a fish. I laugh evilly and narrowed my bright golden eyes to him.
"Are you ready to face your death man?" I ask preparing my hand to compass. I saw his face paled and his body trembled.
"That's the sight I want to see!" I said. Soft chuckles escape my mouth.
"P-please d-don't" He said tears now falling from his forest green eyes.
"I'm sorry but as I said it's too late to apologize!" I yell with power and compass my hand to use my earth affinity to crash his body. His blood sprinkles everywhere.
"Well done!" I mumbled.
"C-celine?" I heard mom's croak voice.
"M-mommy?" I ask. My bright golden eyes now back to silver orbs.
I turn my back to see mom slowly getting up. I rush beside her and hug her.
"What happen? Where are the intruders? And w-what's that awful smell?" Mom asks scrunching her pointed nose.
"They're gone mom" I response, she looks to me and to the whole room. I heard her gasp and she looks like she wants to gag and her eyes shows terror.
"Mom" I said softly.
"H-how it happens? W-who did this to t-them?" Mom asks stammered.
"My wolf helps me" I said softly, she didn't respond so I touch her wound to heal it.
"I will heal you mommy" I said closing my eyes and I feel the small wave of energy slowly coming out of my body and I release it through my palm and the wound slowly fading.
"Oh my goodness, you can heal?" Mom asks surprise holding her now healed stomach.
I nod to her and go to dad unconscious body.
I open my palm and put it on his forehead, then his burn gone in a seconds and he slowly flutter his eyes open.
"Are you feeling well now daddy?" I ask innocently.
"Yes sweetie, oh! My burns are gone!" Dad gasps looking to his arms and legs.
"How is this happen?" He asks confuse.
"Celine can heal Derek!" Mom said. Dad looks to me amuse and scrunch up his nose.
"What's with the smell?" He asks looks like vomiting and look to his surroundings.
"Oh moon goddess!" He gasp wide eye.
"Celine killed them" Mom said before dad asks his question.
"Shit! It's unbelievable!" He muttered looking to me for confirmation. I nod to him and his eyes look in fear.
"H-how can you do that alone?" He asks holding my cheeks.
"Celeste made it! She's the one who killed those old rags dad" I said bored.
"Celeste? Who is she?" They both ask.
"She's my wolf!" I said proud.
"What? Your wolf, you mean you shifted already?" They ask in chorus.
"Yeah it happens a while ago to be exact" I said.
"Oh! Our daughter shifted without us. We're not able to ease her pain and her wolf" Mom said sadly, ignoring the stench smell of blood and flesh inside this room.
"Why pain?" I ask unsure.
"Why? You don't feel the pain when you shifted?" Dad asks cautiously.
"No dad! I don't feel anything except anger and hatred and I feel satisfied when I killed them like that" I said, and they look to me with horror clearly written on their eyes and their faces paled.
"It can't be! Mom gasps and dad hugs her tightly but before I could ask question" A long howl erupted outside.
Mom holds my hand and dad get Maria. We run out of this room and went to the back door of the palace to escape.
"What's wrong mom? Why we're running?" I ask.
"They are coming and too many for us to fight and besides our warriors gone, we can't stand a fight with them without getting hurt or worse killed" Mom said.
"We need to keep running" Dad said heavy breathing.
"Mom let's face them!" I said, letting go of her grip, stopping by halt.
"What are you doing Celine? We can't fight them!" Mom scolds.
"Your mom is right Celine, we need to get out of her and please if you really have powers don't use it and shift for now cause if they knew they will hunt you down until they caught you or killed you when they found out that your wolf is a pure silver" Dad said.
"How do you know that my wolf is pure silver Dad?" I ask confuse.
"I will answer it sooner but for now let's keep running! We need to get on the West side to avoid them finding us" Dad said eagerly.
We keep on running until we have decided to stop to take a little rest after three hours of running. Dad woke up my nanny after he put her in the forest floor.
"Maria get up now!" Dad command and slowly Maria move and opens her eyes.
"Where am I?" She ask getting up shaking her head, she looks to us frowning.
"Where are we?" She asks again.
"We're in the middle of the forest Maria" I said
"Why we're in the forest?" She ask
"Is your nanny an idiot or something?" My wolf asks rolling her eyes. I ignored her and sit under the tree beside her.
"We're in the forest because we're heading to west" I response.
"Our enemies sent battalions to get rid of us" Dad said stoic.
"Mom, dad can I ask something?" I ask
"Go ahead sweetie" Mom said looking to me.
"Do you have powers like mine too?" I ask innocently, mom look to me and shake her head.
"No, we don't have powers or affinities as others called it. Only pure silver wolf, lycans or halfblooded lycans can have them" Dad said cross arm.
"So it means that the other kingdom is lycans?" I ask.
"Yes they are halfblooded lycans. They are the last descendant of Lucians and they are naturally stronger and bigger than normal wolves or royal blooded wolves like us and a lot faster too" Mom said I never got the chance to speak because dad cut us off.
"End your conversation here; we need to keep going before they find us here" Dad said.
"Derek, I guess we need to shift to get there fast before it turns dark" Mom suggests.
"Right, Maria you shift too" Dad said looking to my nanny.
"Can I shift too?" I ask hopeful.
"No!" They both growled.
"Oh! Celine can shift now?" Maria asks cheekily.
"Yes nanny, I can! And my wolf is beautiful!" I said proudly, grinning at her.
"Good for you! We can run sometime" Maria said
"Enough of that talk. Celine hop in to your Dad's back when he shifted okay?" Mom said.
"Okay" I said pouting and they all started to shift. Dad wolf is a little bigger than mom, his midnight black with silver eyes and white paws.
"Hi Adonis!" I greeted dad's wolf by patting his head.
He purrs and I hop in his back, then mom's wolf growled. Mom's wolf is silver with streaks of white and ocean blue eyes.
"Oh hi Lira!" I said to mom's wolf smiling, she lean closer to Adoni and I hug them, then a small brown wolf came beside mom.
"Hi there Tessa!" I said greeting nanny's wolf. She's smaller next to Lira and her fur is brown with emerald green eyes.
"Let's go now!" I heard dad in my mind.
"Dad is that your voice in my head?" I ask confuse.
"Yes sweetie, why you ask?" He asks while we're running.
"Yes! I can hear Dad in my head!" I said cheekily.
"Yeah because you already have your wolf and this thing is called mind link" I hear mom's voice.
"Oh' I can hear mom too!" I said happily.
"By the way mom, what is mind link?" I ask curious.
"Mind link is when werewolves talk or contact another wolf through mind, like we're doing now" Mom said
"Now I know" I said shutting my mouth. After another two hours of running, finally we reach our destination.
"We're here" Dad said and lowers his back to get me off, and then I saw guards approaching us and slowly bowing their heads and lead us to Alpha's house.
Inside the Alpha's house, the Luna greets us bowing her head for respect. They shifted back to their human form with clothes still on, except for Maria so the Luna quickly gives her dress.
"Your clothes don't shred too mom, but why nanny is naked when she shifted back?" I ask confuse.
"Because Maria is not a royal blooded wolf. Wolves with royal blood and lycans can shift back with clothes still on "Mom response.
"We heard about the said attacks in the palace and the loss of many innocent lives, your majesty" Luna said sympathizing.
"Yes Ana! And that's the reason why we are here" Dad said. Luna whose name is Ana called her servant to bring us food and drinks. Ana nods to him and lead us into a couch to sit.
"But how can they do that my king? How can they manage to enter the palace border without us getting known?" She asks frowning.
"Even I do not know the answer to your question Ana" Dad response thinking
"All I know is that, they want our kingdom to have more power and control in all werewolves" Dad added seriously.
"So the attack comes from other kingdom?" I heard male's voice ask, and then I saw a man about dad's age walking in to join us.
"Yes Dale, they are the kappa royalty" Dad answered looking to Dale seriously.
"My goodness!" Ana gasp and all become silent and unable to say something when dad speaks again.
"We headed here because of Celine and Laurel and I made a decision" Dad said monotone.
"What is it my king?" Alpha whose name is Dale ask dad. My parents look to me with sad eyes.
"Ana and Dale I would like you two to take good care my daughter. We made a decision to leave her here when the time that we found out that she's special. You are the first rank packs in our kingdom and we know you can provide her safety" Dad said sternly.
"Make her and her nanny your packs member and please make sure to keep her identity hidden" Dad added looking to alpha Dale.
"But daddy you're the king! You can provide me a safe haven without staying away from you and mom!" I protest, tears starting to fall.
"No Celine!" Dad voice boom
I wince, keeping my mouth shut while holding back my tears. Nanny hugs me giving me comfort. Mom looks to me sadly and shook her head.
"Train her until she come of age. She is the key for peace and alliance and for new hope" Dad said
"What do you mean my king?" Alpha Dale ask
"Celine, she's special so please take good care of her and keep her from shifting" Dad said sadly.
"What? She can shift now? How old is she?" Dale ask wide eye looking to me.
"Yes she can and she's eight now" Mom answered looking to me giving me reassuring smile.
"O-okay, we will your majesty" Dale said bowing. I keep silent, crying softly while listening to them.
"Stop crying will you? It's annoying!" My wolf sneers
I ignored her and continue my silent cry when I feel the soft couch beside me deepens, I look to see mom and she pull me to a hug. We stayed like this while we're talking.
"We're doing this for your good sweetie. We need to keep you safe and alive. We love you and you know that will always do. Stay here and train well, keep your identity hidden as possible as well you're shifting. Please be strong sweetie, be strong for us" I heard mom through link while she's hugging me. She let go of hug and caress my wet cheeks then her tears fall freely.
"I get it mom" I said sad voice.
"Thanks sweetie" Mom said.
"Maria will be staying here with you to assist you" Mom said softly. I nod to her and dad joins us giving me kiss on the forehead before they bade me goodbye.
"I trust you Alpha Dale, Luna Ana, also you Maria. We will provide anything you want but in return keep my daughter safe and comfortable. I will leave her nanny with her" Dad said looking to them, mom standing beside him.
"Yes alpha king" They said in chorus.
"We will keep an eye to her and to your pack as well for further protection" Mom said seriously. Alpha Dale nods to her and bow down his head.
"We will leave now; we need to gather the remaining warriors to fix this mess" Dad said emotionless.
"Be safe mom! Dad!" I said in whisper and they both left.
"We'll see you soon sweetie, we love you so much" I heard there voice in my head.
To be continued •••