*Nisha Pov*
“Are you mad?” Bhai said again, which he has been doing from yesterday.
“Don’t you have anything to say other than that.” I said looking at him.
“Both brother and sister are the same.” Bhabhi mumbled from beside me.
“Yes, that is a wrong question from my side. You are actually mad.” Bhai said packing his clothes.
“Will you not attend my wedding?” I asked him sighing.
“Yeah! Such a huge celebration, which I need to attend.” Bhai said rolling his eyes.
“Many people get married in a register office so it is not such big deal.” I said shrugging.
“I will kill you with this.” Bhai said coming towards me.
“With Jai’s play toy?" Bhabhi asked and then I realized that he is holding Jai’s small music toy.
“Don’t encourage her Sangeetha.” Bhai replied, closing the suitcase.
“Where is the other suitcase?” He asked, looking at us.
“Why? You packed yours, mine and even Jai’s clothes. Now do you want to pack Jai in one or what?” Bhabhi asked him.
“No! To pack Nisha’s. We are taking her with us, and she will continue her studies there.” He replied, and I looked at him with wide eyes.
“I don’t have a visa.” I pointed out.
“I already applied one for you yesterday. Until you get one, we will stay in some other state and then go to London.” Bhai said in a completely serious tone.
“Bhai! I love you so much, but I have to go with this.” I calmly said.
“No! You are not a sacrificing wish or something that required to do this. Think about yourself, Nisha.” He said in a stern voice.
“Are you teaching me to be selfish?” I asked him smiling.
“Yes! You are not of marriageable age. You should wait for five more years.” He replied.
“Says the man who got married when he is twenty two.” Bhabhi said, chuckling and I smiled at her.
“Sangeetha! You tell me, you were twenty one when we both got married. Were we matured enough to lead the married life properly?” Bhai asked her.
“No! We got into many quarrels and had to work hard all these four years.” Bhabhi replied.
“See, even when we both are of nearly equal age. We still got problems then what will you do by becoming a mother of five years old?” He asked.
“I don’t know Bhai! I can understand what you are saying. But did you see her? When she looked at us with that tear-streaked face and with the eyes, which have nothing but confusion in them. I just wanted to protect her Bhai.” I replied closing my eyes.
“Like you already said a few times he will get one person to get married, and they both will be fine.” Bhai pointed.
“I know! But I have this feeling that I will regret it if I disappoint her. Did you see how her eyes held that little happiness when Mom told her I would be her new Mom yesterday?” I said remembering.
“Nisha! We need to leave.” Mom said entering the room.
“Now?” I asked her frowning.
“Sudhir has some important meeting in the evening, so we are going to the registered office now itself.” Mom replied and looked at the suitcases.
“I already packed your clothes, and the bags which you brought from the hostel are still packed.” Mom added.
“Mom! Think again, please.” Bhai pleaded her.
“Like you care for your sister, I too care for mine. She will be devastated when Indu’s wish is not fulfilled. And we all were already thinking of getting Nisha married. She will be fine.” Mom said, walking out.
“Indu, Indu, Indu! Don’t they care for anyone else?" Bhabhi said frowning.
“I am not going through this for Indu Di at all. This is just for Ayesha and…” I trailed off.
“And for us so that Mom will not disown us.” Bhai finished it.
“You know?” I asked him shocked.
“Of course! And that is what killing me double. Let’s go! Your bags are already packed it seems.” Bhai replied getting up.
“Bhai! Please...” I pleaded him.
“Nisha! Many people can’t handle to be with someone who already loves someone else and also to take care of the kid who is not theirs. Are you sure you can handle everything?” Bhabhi asked worriedly.
“When I have this wonderful family as my support of course I can. And please Bhabhi I am already feeling guilty that I didn’t do anything for anyone and only thought about me. Now if I back off, then I can’t live with more guilt.” I said hugging her.
“Bhai, say something.” I whispered, standing in front of the registrar officer.
“I have a lot of things to say. Will you be able to bear them?” He whispered back.
“He must be stuck in the office.” I mumbled.
“Definitely! In the evening, he has a meeting and in the morning he is struck in traffic.” Bhai said sarcastically.
“Look she wants to go with it so at least be a little supportive.” Bhabhi said holding my hand.
“Call me selfish, but I don’t want my Sister to go with this.” Bhai said rubbing Jai’s back who is sleeping.
“I love you.” Bhabhi said to Bhai smiling.
“Is it a time to confess your love?” Bhai asked her in shock.
“Well, I hope I am not too late.” Bhabhi replied smiling.
They both started whispering standing on either side of me, and I just shook my head.
In the meantime, Sudhir reached the office holding Ayesha, who is sleeping. He calmly signed the record and passed me the pen.
When I was about to sign, Bhai held my hand and asked, “Think again.”
“Thanks Bhai!” I said and signed where the officer showed.
Mom passed garlands to us taking Ayesha from Sudhir, and we exchanged the garlands.
After that he placed a black bead jeweler around my neck, which Mom gave him. They all clapped while Bhai and Bhabhi hugged me.
“Are you guys going to leave?” I asked them when they released me.
“Do you want us to stay here?” Bhabhi asked.
“No! Bhai already put so many leaves.” I replied, smiling at her.
“Nisha! We already set the bags in his car. You both need to leave now to catch the flight.” Mom said.
“Flight?” I asked her confused.
“Yes! He stays in Mumbai.” Mom replied.
“What?” Bhai and I asked her.
“Yeah! He shifted his company there as it was his hometown.” Aunt replied.
“When?” I asked her.
“Few months back.” She replied.
“We are getting late.” Sudhir said, walking towards us.
“Just call whenever you need to Nisha, and we will be with you.” Bhai said, and I nodded at him. I hugged everyone and then walked outside the office.
I walked towards the car and sat in the backseat to see Sudhir and Ayesha sitting calmly.
When the car started to move, I didn’t know what to do. Ayesha is just looking at me, and Sudhir is looking outside.
I placed my hand on her cheek and just smiled at her, and she frowned at me.
“Can I hold her?” I asked him.
“She is not that much comfortable with new people.” I got the reply after a few minutes.
“But she needs to get comfortable with me.” I said.
Contemplating for a few minutes, he calmly gave her to me. I placed her on my lap, and she sat stiffly.
I hugged her and whispered “I am here!”