Dimitri laughed along with the rest of his teammates as they recounted a previous mishap. They were on the plane heading toward their latest mission and reliving funny episodes.
As the men settled back for the flight, Dimitri glanced up when Ernst sat beside him.
“Chief,” Dimitri said.
“Merlin. How are you holding up?”
He raised a brow. “Sir?” Holding up? Had something happened he didn’t know about? “What are you talking about?”
Ernst “Ghost” Zimmermann stared at him with his pale-blue eyes. “Kacy told me you and Landi ran into each other in Greece.”
Of course she would. Dimitri watched his friend’s expression. No censure, no sympathy. Nothing but straight-faced open curiosity.
“I’m okay. It was a shock seeing her. Man, I thought I was over her.” He sighed. “Boy, was I wrong.”
“Did you explain what happened?”
A dry chuckle burst from him. “Are you kidding? She barely said anything and didn’t seem inclined to listen to me in the least. I was more yelled at than anything.”
“And the date she went on? How’d you handle that?”
Man, Kacy didn’t leave anything out, did she? “Wanted to kill him. But I refrained myself…barely. I figured my mother wouldn’t be happy if I killed her nephew.”
Ernst smiled. “We heard about the explosions over there. Was she hurt?”
Dimitri clenched his jaw as the memory of Landi being in danger resurfaced. “A few scrapes but nothing more. She was lucky.”
“I’m glad she wasn’t hurt.” A solemn expression filled Ernst’s lean features. “How are you doing, really?”
“I’ve had better days, Ghost.” Dimitri closed his eyes briefly. “I want her back, but she won’t give me the time of day.”
“Hang tough, Merlin. If she won’t come to you, go to her.”
He nodded. “I love her.”
Ernst laughed. “Don’t tell me, tell her.” He patted Dimitri’s arm. “Keep your head in the game.”
Dimitri smiled his thanks and his friend and chief went to a different seat. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and let the comfortable seats of the Sovereign aircraft cradle him as he drifted off to sleep.
“Dimitri,” Landi’s voice moved over him like a powerful drug.
“Yes, baby?”
He looked at her over his shoulder and grinned at the picture she presented. She wore a hot pink halter top and tight white shorts that offset her toned, brown body. His cock stirred.
“Are we going to eat soon?” She stretched out on the lounge seat. “I’m hungry.”
“So am I,” he muttered under his breath. “Yes, just as soon as I grab my wallet.” Dimitri put down the wood he had been moving for their bonfire tonight and went inside the cabin.
He looked out the window of the beach home he had rented for them for the weekend. Being in a smaller, out-of-the-way town meant they were pretty much secluded from other people. With a smile, Dimitri shoved his wallet in the back pocket of his chinos and tugged a clean shirt on over his head.
Landi waited for him by the door and her eyes raked over him with appreciation as he put on his sandals. Her stare darkened with desire and she licked her full lips once. That single lick went straight from her mouth to his groin.
“Ready?” she asked, approaching him.
He looked at her and grinned. “Yes, ma’am. I most definitely am.”
As his hand closed around her smooth one, Dimitri realized this was more than a weekend fling to him.
Dinner was fun and full of teasing, sexual innuendos, and tons of fun. He loved how quick-witted she was, how sassy, how humorous. It had been a very long time since a woman had engaged him so completely.
On their way back, they stopped at a small photo booth and took some pictures. Two sets of four. One for each of them.
Dimitri stirred as the plane banked left. Opening his eyes, he took in movement as Scott walked past him. Sitting up fully, he smelled food and looked behind him to see Ernst handing out meals.
“Good to see you awake, Merlin. Was about to kick you. Grab some chow,” Ernst said, holding a dish in his direction.
As the eight members of the Megalodon Team ate dinner, they went over the mission one last time to make sure it was imprinted into their heads. No mistakes.
The cold air cut through the numerous layers Landi wore as she hurried through the snowy slush to her apartment building. It was late, it was cold, and she was in one hell of a foul mood.
New Year’s Eve and she was bitter. She could admit that. Business was great—not a single com-plaint in that department. It was her personal life that lacked. Having no one to kiss as the year turned over sucked brass balls. Big shiny ones.
She snorted as she walked in her building. “Like I have a damn personal life!” Shrugging, she forced a smile as another tenant walked by. Instead of continuing on, he stopped and touched her arm.
“Evening, Ilanderae,” he said. “Glad to see you back in town. And just in time for New Year’s Eve.”
“Hello, Hanson. How are you doing? How are your kids?”
He smiled. “We’re all doing great.”
Shifting her weight slightly, Landi nodded. “Wonderful.” All I want is to get to my apartment and close out the outside world for a few hours.
“So what about you? Any special plans for the big night?”
Landi ground her teeth. She wasn’t in the mood for this. If she were a drinking woman, a large bottle would be in her future. As it was, she just wanted to relax and wallow in her pity.
“No, Hanson, no plans.”
“Humph, you need a man, Ilanderae.” He patted her arm. “Don’t worry, one day you’ll realize it’s not all about work.”
Her smile was more of a grimace. “Give my best to your family. Goodnight, Hanson.”
She walked toward the elevator, grateful when the doors closed behind her. Pressing the button for her floor, she thought about Hanson’s words as she took off her wool coat and leather gloves.
It wasn’t like she didn’t want a man. It was more that no man could measure up. Dimitri’s ghost had resurfaced and didn’t seem inclined to give her any peace.
Dimitri’s face reared up in any man who remotely interested her. Those damn golden eyes of his appeared to stare into her soul. Perhaps they dared her to forget him. Or maybe they were searching for something…something she wasn’t quite ready to give to him. Even Kacy had told her to let him explain.
Stepping out the elevator onto her floor, Landi shivered as a chill ran up her back. Not from the cold, from something else. With a strong shake of her head, she walked toward her loft. Putting the key into the lock, she hesitated. I’m freaking losing it. Landi turned the knob and pushed open her door. Then she froze.
The lights were on and there were flowers everywhere. All of them were different shades of pink. And in the middle of it all stood a man she had met in Greece. AJ Melonakos. Dimitri’s cousin.
Kicking the door shut with the heel of her shoe, Landi demanded, “What the hell are you doing here?!”
An enchanting grin crossed his face. “Dima,” he said, ignoring her question. “I think you should come out here.”
“I asked you a question!” Landi snapped, dropping her bag and coat. Her eyes refused to let him go.
“Hello, Landi,” AJ spoke in that deep voice he had. “Lovely to see you again.”
She glared. “Are you gonna tell me what the fuck you’re doing in my apartment?”
A shadow moved behind AJ; and to Landi’s shock, it materialized into Dimitri Melonakos. “Hello, Landi,” he said. The words surrounded her like a warm, velvet blanket.
Her legs began to tremble, her mouth went dry, and her palms became sweaty. Her heart rate went off the charts. He looked so damn handsome. Black hair, deliciously shaggy and perfect. He wore a dark-gold shirt tucked into black slacks. Black leather shoes poked out from the cuffs of his pants. A black belt with a gold buckle united shirt and pants perfectly.
She ran her gaze over his upper body that was impressive in the gold that matched his eyes. The sleeves were rolled up, exposing muscular forearms. In one hand he held a single pink flower. The burning intensity in his stare made her feel he only wanted to be with her. And that memory made her remember the pain and betrayal she had felt that day.
“You!” she seethed. “Get the fuck out of my apartment!”
“Hear me out, Landi,” Dimitri said.
Hear him out? Was he serious?
Her lip curled as she honed in on AJ who stood there with a half grin on his face. “You can leave and take that…that…that one with you!”
“Don’t you think you should give him a chance to explain? He came all this way to see you,” AJ reasoned.