The destructive mythical beast was right in front of me prepared to gobble me up. what was I expected to do I thought, I couldn't say whether it's was truly lex remaining before me any longer.
There was fire all over him- I mean the mythical serpent he change into.
I hold my blade like a chicken liver. also, that was when rain began to fall down, how was the downpour expected to help me now I expressed looking up at the clouds.
This was more enthusiastically than I suspected. The winged serpent was moving towards me and I didn't have the foggiest idea what I was doing any longer I felt my soul left my body in a split second and I become water myself.
My blue eyes become white and all my body transformed into clear water. I looked down at myself and saw that I was transparent and after that, everything went black.
"Stop!" I heard young master said and i returned to my right sense.
"Wonderful," he expressed checking me out. I watched him confusedly until he said "your powers are grand Destiny"
"Who truly are you" Master said holding my hand up.
Lex stomped out of the spot. Living me in complete disarray. I don't recall what truly occurred between us.
What I remembered was lex changing into a Dragon and the stormy climate after that.
"Meet me in my office" Young master said then left.
I could see every one of the students looking at me like they had just seen a ghost.
Some gave me a mean look while other were befuddled about the entire thing and even I was still confused about the whole thing.
Rachel winked at me then, at that point, and I smiled then quickly left the training room. I strolled directly to the Masters office but as I walked, my mind was occupied with thoughts.
I took a full breath then, at that point, nock the door to his office.
"Yes, come in" I heard him say I walk directly to his office and stood behind a chair " you might have your seat" he said giving me a bizarre grin.
He cleared his throat and grinned again he was living me in complete disarray.
"You see Destiny, you just found out what your power is," He started saying but all I could do was watch him talk.
"You have quite the outstanding powers given to you by the divine beings and goddess of our forefathers... Yet, to be earnest Destiny, I haven't seen anything like yours before I mean I don't know Destiny but rather I have perused abilities like yours and your power is just so exceptional—Diffrent. And I believe you are the one to stop the Devil himself." He said, looking me deeply.
"You are a goddess, Destiny, a water goddess" he added and I was shocked.
I was unable to speak for I was puzzled and speechless about everything that was happened. How could I, Destiny be gifted with such a strong gift as master had say.
I strolled back to my room pondering all what Young Master had said. Will I be choosen among the best that will go down to the underworld or was master just bluffing?
Will I battle Devil himself? I was unable to think straight. Only just two days of my stay here and this was occurring.
I went directly to my room and saw Rachel on her bed patiently waiting and grinning at me.
"I haven't figure out how to utilize my power impeccably and you are now great at yours." She grinned and moved closer to the edge of her bed. "So what did the Master say?" she asked, now getting up to seat next to me on my bed.
"Um, not a lot. He said I should work on my skills" I lied and she nodded convinced by what I said.
"Oh, that's weird. Yet, you did well the field. Just that you guys couldn't fight each other since you were, you know, transparent and all." She mumbled while stroking her chin which was kind of commercial.
"And lex is kinda weird... He transformed into his Dragon like it was something he already knew how to do for ages, but most of the teens just got their powers a few months ago and we still don't know how to use it" She whisper like it was some kind of secret.
Recheal was right though but before I could ponder more on the topic she swiftly got to her feet.
"Let's go for a walk?" She asked with a charming smile on her face. I gestured my head and followed her despite her good faith like a puppy.
I moved to her side and we walked down the hall and to the garden in the middle of the buildingings. Different kids of all ages were there.
Some were secretly making out with themselves while others were gossiping with their friends and I release a sigh.
It's kinda good to be here even with all the Demon problems.
"Omg his adorable" Rachel whispered those words in my ear.
" who?" I inquired looking around but couldn't find the person she was talking about.
"The guy with the blonde hair " Rachel expressed pointing at my left and looked over there.
A grin broke out on my face when I saw that the boy was a familiar face. "It's Kelvin, I know him" I told Rachel
"Then what are you waiting for! Let's go say Hi to him" she answered snatching my hand and leading me to where he is.
Kelvin looked stunned to see me but still smiled and waved at me. "Destiny, why is you here?" kelvin asked looking so stunned.
"Same reason as to why you are here" I answered hi
"Wow, so who is thus Beauty alongside you?" Kelvin asked checking Rachel out.
I can feel Rachel becoming flushed as of now.
"She my friend, Rachel" I answered and they both exchanged a Hi and Hello.
Kelvin look down at the watch on his wrist and mumbled a curse.
"What's wrong?" I asked confused that something bad might have happened.
"Nothing is, I was suppose to meet my father 15 minutes ago " he said while running his hand through his hair.
"Father? Who's your father" I inquired curiously.
"Young Master" he answered with a wink then left.
"The master is his father?!" Rechal asked with widen eyes. "No wonder why he is so hot. He's going to be among the choosen ones for sure" Rachel said grinning like a person on drug.
"Do you wish to be among individuals that would be picked? " I asked Rachel.
"Of course. Isn't that the reason we are all here?" she answered and I nodded.
"Hello" I heard a female voice. She was short and wearing a blue jean short with a white top her hair was dyed red.
" I want to be your Friend" she asked confronting me and I was shocked by her boldness
" OK." I answered ungracefully.
"Do you mind going along with us to our table?" the red headed young lady asked and I nodded, looking over to Rachel.
"Definitely. However, my Friend here is also welcomed right" I asked her.
"Obviously. By the way I'm June" she said.
"Destiny" I said.
"And my Friend here is Rachel" I added.
Rachel just grinned and we followed june to her table. There were three people seated at the table. A girl with two other boys.
I sat adjacent to Rachel while june was at my front and so were her friends. They were all seated in front of I and Rachel.
What's more, the began presenting Themselves. the dark man name was frex and the other guy wearing glasses name was gold. While the other young lady's name was Manny.
We all got to know each other and when the aunt started going down, I and Rachel bid then a goodnight and went to our rooms.
As I layed on my bed, I couldn't help but think a out Lex. I didn't see him through out the day after the whole thing occurred at the Training ground.
There was a nock on the door and I sluggishly got up to answer it. I was surprised to see Kelvin standing outside my door with a grin on his face.
"Hi princess, did you miss me?" he asked with a smirkC