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Chapter 6

Serena was her name, but she acted the opposite of the meaning of her name. Although she was extraordinarily stunning, she was a major bitch. Beside her were two other she-wolves. They were also impressively tall and beautiful, and they looked amused by the scene in front of them.

Serena stepped closer to us, a look of disdain on her face as she looked at Eve and I. "I asked a question, slaves!"

I involuntarily took a step back when she barked out the sentence at me. Even though everything happening was almost comical to me, I was still scared of Serena.

Carla smirked. "Oh, Luna Serena, I was just warning Akira here to stay away from the Alpha, since she can't seem to leave his side."

Eve immediately came to my aid. "That's a lie, Luna Serena. She -"

"I didn't ask you to speak." Serena snapped, but her gaze never left my form.

She then chuckled, "So it is true then, you're his next little whore." She stepped in front of me. She was well over six feet and I was a dwarf compared to her stunning height. "I saw you the other day."

Her words stung me, refusing to look at her eyes. I looked at the first thing in front of me, her breast. They were enormous, filling up her whole chest and almost spilling out of the blouse she was wearing, which was a fabric away from showing off both of her nipples.

Her finger twirled a strand of my hair, and it took me back to when Ares did the same thing in the study.

She suddenly yanked that strand, hard. Knowing I was going to go bald if I let her continue. I caught her wrist and squeezed harshly, but I knew it was little compared to the pain she was inflicting on me.

She looked down at my wrist and grinned. It was nothing short of cruel. Her green eyes turned silver for a second before she released my hair.

I staggered back and my hands immediately went to the sore spot on my scalp.

She clicked her tongue and moved back. "Since you both have enough time in your hands to chit-chat, I need my quarters cleaned." Her straight teeth were on display when she smiled at me. "And you are the perfect slave for that."

I spoke up for the first time. "Madam Yelena already gave me my duties for today. I can't -"

"Madam Yelena doesn't call the shots here, I do." She giggled like I was stupid. "I suggest you get to work before I have you punished, slave."

Her grin was downright nasty as she spoke to me. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell scream my name out loud, but she was already turning around and walking away, with her minions following right behind her.

Carla grinned at me. "You heard her, Akira. Get to work." I watched as she walked to my front. "It'll be dawn soon, the time is ticking." She tapped my cheek mockingly before strutting out of the kitchen, leaving Eve and I behind. Completely dumbfounded.

"What just happened?" Eve asked, she sounded as startled as I felt as we both turned to look at each other.

I shook my head, releasing a huge breath I didn't know I was holding. "I really don't know."

"I can help you."

I smiled at her. "It's fine, Eve. I'm sure it isn't that dirty."

She looked at me with sympathy before hugging me and walking away.


I was wrong.

Serena's quarters was a mess. Although her bedroom was relatively clean, her bathroom was quite the opposite.

I looked down at the shower stall with disgust. It was clogged and filled with strands of blonde hair, the white marbled floor of the bathroom was stained with muddy footsteps and written on the large mirror with a bright red lipstick was – STAY AWAY FROM ARES.

I snickered at her childish antics.

I quickly scrubbed the walls and floor of the shower stall before I picked out the strands of hair and put them in the leather bag next to me. I then mopped the marbled floor to a squeaky clean state before wiping off her lipstick from the mirror. I groaned when I saw her used wet towel and underwear next to her bathroom drawers. I stuffed them all in the laundry basket I brought with me, with the intent of washing them.

Once I was done with her bathroom, I walked into her bedroom. Her large queen-sized bed was covered with silk ivory sheets, with a canopy over it. It felt like I was in a fairytale, the rug beneath the sole of my flats were soft and plush as I walked around the room.

I was cleaning the vanity mirror when I heard a voice.

"I see you're learning to do as you're told."

I bowed my head immediately I heard the familiar voice. "Luna Serena," I murmured, my feet were aching from standing for too long and my knees were itchy, but I maintained my position.

She sauntered closer to me until I could see her bright red heels right in front of my view.

Serena trailed her fingers down my shoulder before tugging my chin up. "If you weren't so keen on taking what belongs to me, I might have tried to make you my favourite here."

I struggled to let the disdain display in my eyes as I looked into her bright green eyes. "I think the person you should warn is Ares. He can't seem to keep his hands off me."

I knew what I was saying was only making things worse but I couldn't help it. Besides, it gave me a certain rush when her eyes flashed with anger.

I wasn't surprised when her palm met my face with brutal force, my face reared to the side as the sound of flesh hitting flesh resonated in the room. My right cheek throbbed and I cradled it.

With rebuilt anger, I spit out the blood from the wound on my bottom lip at her. I internally smirked when it trailed from her neck into her opened cleavage.


"You bitch!" Serena roared, her face turned red with rage as she roughly grabbed my hair and tugged me towards the door of her bathroom.

I struggled in her hands as she turned on the tap in the bathtub.

I felt another slap on the same cheek, the force of this one landed me on the same marbled floor that I just cleaned. I watched as my blood dripped onto the white floor, the two colours were a deep contrast between themselves.

I looked up to find Serena cleaning my spit on her chest with a towel, with disgust clearly laced on her face.

It all happened so fast, one minute I was on the floor the next I was clawing at Serena's face and she was dragging me to the edge of the tub, with my hair in a tight grip. My life flashed before my eyes as I stared into the water before me.

"Here's a taste of cruelty, bitch." Serena muttered before pushing my face into the tub of freezing water.

I shrieked, water going into my mouth and nose as I struggled not to breathe. My lungs screamed for air as the water harshly lodged itself in my throat and nostrils.

Serena continuously shoved my head deep down into the tub of water. "This is only a fair warning, pretty Akira."

My hands desperately clawed at the edge of the tub, but the more I struggled, the harder she shoved. My eyes burned and I could slowly feel myself beginning to get light-headed as the struggle to breathe - and live- decreased.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

I heard a familiar voice demanding above water before I felt the grip on my hair gradually lessen.

I quickly detached myself from the bathtub as Serena's grip left my hair. I scrambled away from her and Ares and hurriedly breathed in all the air I could afford to.

I looked up to find Ares scowling at Serena. His hands were folded over his chest and his jaw was twitching. "I asked a question, Serena. What the fuck is happening?"

I could feel the waves of anger washing off of him and it held me in my spot.

Serena's eyes flickered between Ares and I. "This slave here disrespected me, Ares." She quickly stepped towards him and I felt something in me break. "All I did was ask her to clean my quarters, but immediately I stepped in here, she attacked me."

I scoffed out loud at her obvious fib and Ares' eyes landed on me for the first time since he stepped into the bathroom.

Once his gaze assessed my cheek and the red bruise on it, his breathing changed, his fist tightened and his nose flared.

He returned his gaze to Serena before gripping her throat so hard he lifted her off the ground. "I think you forget your place in this mansion sometimes," He whispered it with so much hostility that I could barely hear him. "Call me by my name one more time and I will fucking rip your throat out with my bare hands."

Serena's face was turning purple as she struggled to breathe. "Don't tell me my assumptions are right, Alpha." She smiled, gracing us with her perfect teeth. Ares' grip tightened, and she choked out a breath. "Members of the pack and the elders will be enraged once they find out about your little secret."

Her words heightened Ares' anger, and he released her, giving her a few seconds to catch her breath before crouching down in front of her. Her cheeks were squished painfully with his fingers.

"It's almost comical how you believe you have some sort of leverage over me, Serena." His grin was outright cruel as she sputtered out a string of words. "I don't give a fuck what you and a bunch of old men think. I suggest you keep your mouth shut to avoid my wrath."

He slowly stood like he didn't almost murder someone and turned to face me. "Did you fight back?"

I shook my head. "I tried to," I said grimly. "I only spat at her."

I didn't know what I was expecting, a - I'm proud of you, maybe. But I got none of that.

His face was stern as I struggled to get on my feet. "You're not supposed to talk back at superiors as a maid in this mansion. You should know this by now."

This was the second blow to my ego today and the day wasn't even over. I looked beside him to find Serena smirking while my heart shattered.

"I know Alpha and I'm sorry but she struck me first. I'm a slave here but I am also human, –"

He raised his hand and I flinched, expecting another strike. "That's enough, Akira. You're going to sleep in the cell tonight. That's your punishment." His words were final.

Serena snickered but it faltered when he glared at her. "One more nuisance from you, Serena, and you will be joining her."

I blindly expected him to hold my wrist as he walked us out of Serena's quarters but he never did. It was almost as if I was going to burn him if he did. I couldn't believe him, an hour ago he was grinding his cock on my ass and now I felt like a speck of dirt underneath his shoe.


The ride in the iron lift was filled with so much tension and as we reached our destination, Ares didn't let me out, instead he turned to face me.

"Stay away from Serena."

His warning was loud and clear, and his voice was firm and authoritative.

He didn't want her to find out about what we did.

I was his little secret.

His little human slut.

Without waiting an answer he walked out of the iron box, I quickly followed him and we both walked down the basement leading to the cells. It was funny how I felt comfortable around him even after knowing what I meant to him and where he was taking me to.

Once we reach the door of the familiar dungeon, we were met with two guards.

"Alpha Ares," They bowed their heads and greeted uniformly.

He gave a swift nod as they opened the door for us and stepped in with us. I was welcomed with the familiar stench of blood, piss and whatnot and my stomach heaved as it struggled to contain the little food I ate earlier.

Ares nodded towards me. "Lock her up."

I was pushed into one of the cells by a guard and I felt the first tear drip down my cheek as I heard the click of the heavy padlock. He didn't even look at me, neither did he put me in the cell by himself. I didn't know why that hurt, but it did.

Ares walked to the front of my cell and as if he couldn't stop himself, he lifted his hand and ran his knuckles down my bruised cheek and my face relaxed at the feeling.

My body was such a traitor.

I gripped the cell railing hard as he turned my chin up to meet his gaze. "I'm going to make her pay." He whispered out calmly, his fingers were twirling a strand of my hair now. "No one gets to hurt you but me, Akira. All of your screams from pain and pleasure belongs to me."

I almost staggered back at his words but I met his steely gaze. "You. Are. A. Sick. Bastard."

He only smiled and rubbed his thumb over my lower lips, his eyes glazed over as he gently shoved his thumb into my mouth and almost like I couldn't stop myself, I ran my tongue over the digit.

"You call me sick but you're the one going to scream and cum all over my cock someday, knowing that I fucking hate you." His smile was blood-thirsty. "And you're going to love every fucking second of it because you're mine."

Immediately, I reared back.

I wasn't disgusted at him or his crude words, no, I was disgusted at myself because I knew he was right, I was going to love every second of him fucking me even after knowing that he hates me because I was a sick fuck who craved him.

And by the look on his face as I pondered over his words, he was going to use my desire for him to his advantage.

And I was going to let him every step of the way.

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