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I looked around,I knew this place, but I was searching for something else,I couldn't find that though, then I heard that sound ,my favourite instrument's sound , the violin I loved it, and again I couldn't find the exact place from where the sound was being produced, I was excited to listen to that music, which was filled by utter devotion and love. But suddenly it stopped,I couldn't listen to the musical tune anymore,and once again everything around me turned into a mistic one,I was hoping not to see anything more,but then with a full blown voice came a pierce cry,it was the opposite of the beautiful music,it sounded very bad, painful one, but this wasn't, something unknown,I knew who screamed,I knew why the scream sounded painful, but I couldn't do anything,I could only close my ears so that I can atleast cover myself from those painful scream. The covering of my ears didn't do much,as I could still hear that cry clearly,and suddenly the cry sounded something different,so I removed my hands from my ears and, listened to it carefully, and the cry turned into a song, and more exactly "Gangnam style", what the hell?.

I woke up hysterically, from my sleep and noticed that I had tears in my eyes, and my cheeks were wet,as if I had been crying the whole time in my sleep, which may be true,then suddenly I noticed, that again,my alarm clock was playing "Gangnam style", like really, what the hell is happening here?. Now I had enough of this drama, first it was BELIEVER, then DESPACITO,then DNA,

and then, YUMMY, and now, GANGNAM STYLE, and tomorrow what NIRVANA, either my alarm clock has a default,or my brain, it's time to check, I made up my mind.

Check what? Your brain,or alarm clock

My conscience asked me.

Of course Alarm clock,I said you all before, I'm a psychiatrist and my brain is functioning properly, but my conscience is not ready to except that, I think my real conscience was exchanged with someone else.hmmm , that may have some truth, because let's be honest, whose own conscience hates his own self,(except for the books I write and read,none of them,I think so.)

Ok! Now alarm clock,so I took my alarm clock,and looked at its settings,it had another 5 songs,DYNAMITE, STAY, BUTTER, SHAPE OF YOU and SENORITA, What ? How did this happen? and who changed my alarm clock's buzzing to the bigg boss house alarm? Whatever,I changed my alarm clock's setting once again,if it changes one more time I am going to return it to the company.why not,i bought it just before 15 days and this one is costly,I mean it surely does have more than 15 days warranty now, doesn't it.

So I woke up and was about to get ready,I got a call, and it was from my bhai (bro)

"Hey! Jay bhai "(Ram her elder brother, she calls him jai bhai.)

"Hey! Princess, how are you doing? Are you eating properly, and you know na you have to drink lots and lots of water, and you are not stressing yourself are you? and you don't have any headaches right? and you are driving safely right, and, and and I am so sorry princess,I couldn't call you for 2 days ,I just .. " my brother said in one go,now I know all my family has this problem, not only womans of my family,but males to had it.

"Bhai, calm down please I am fine,ok, and yes I properly eat my food, which my personal chef Mahi makes, I drink lots and lots of water, and I am not stressing myself neither do I have headaches, and you know,I had headaches nearly 1 year ago, and I have my license bro, and I think the official authorities who approved my license,I think so you should atleast believe them,if not my amazing driving skills, and it's completely fine bhai that you didn't call me for 2 days,it was not like you forgot or you didn't want to right,so calm down Mr Ram." I said to my brother even though many of the things were a lie.

"Ok ok , and I know you are lying to me, atleast your I AM FINE is a lie. I won't pester you to open up to me, but Sanu,I am seriously saying, you should talk to someone,if not family then friends, you know that helps right, nobody can know it better than you Ms Psychiatrist."my bhai said to me in a gentle but I knew what he was trying to say,or indicate me towards what he thinks is a mistake, just like everyone else.

"I know what you are trying to say bhai, and you know that nothing and nobody can stop me from going there or speaking my heart out there," I said already wanting to end this conversation.As much as I loved my brother,I couldn't make my day more painful, by arguing with him, about a topic which he was never gonna win.

"Sanvi ,why don't you understand that it's not good for you neither your health". My bhai said in a serious tone, which he used at me whenever he wanted to tell me something important.

"Bhai , believe me that is my happiness, and i know what I am doing,and please you know it's morning here, right and I just woke up,so please." I pleaded my brother,

I know he was just looking after me , as every responsible brother would do,but this was not something I had any control on, this was all over my heart, head and in every cell and nerve in my body.

"Princess,ok let's leave that,and you say me when are you coming to Bangalore (INDIA) we are missing you so much, it's been more than 6 months,and you have not visited,and my birthday is coming you know that right? " Bhai said, and I know that how much everyone missed me there, because I missed everyone so much,I missed the place I was born,where I played,studied, learned so much, even though now I am British, India will forever be my home town,there was a whole different reason,why I wanted to settle here,and still want to, even if I am forced,I don't think that I can ever leave this place,and the one thing that is keeping me and giving me the strength to survive,I am not that strong.

"Princess, are you listening?" Bhai asked me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah bhai,I am coming soon,I will first have to make sure I don't have some immediate patients,and I have to apply for my leave,so yeah,it will take atleast maybe 15 to 20 days, don't worry".I said to bhai, already making plans to what gifts I should bring everyone, especially bhai.

"That's great Sanu, mumma and dadda are going to be so happy,kriti (KRITIKA ACHARYA ,her brother's bff) is breathing on my neck pestering on when are you coming back, and are you coming alone or with some one else?" Bhai asked me, that had me thinking, actually bringing someone else was a very good idea.

" Let's see bhai,who is free, I have to ask all of them first." I said to him.

" Ok then,bye Sanu ,I Love You , take care". He said.

"Bye, bhai,I love you, and take care of yourself too". I said and the call was disconnected.

Well,I was happy to talk to my brother.

I went to washroom,I brushed my teeth,

did my business,and took a shower.

After that I went to my closet,and chose to wear something Indo - western today,so I wore a sleeveless navy blue anarkali top and denim jeans,I paired it with a stylish Kolhapuri slippers,some silver bangles ,

watch, hanging earrings and my usual rings and left my hair down today,I applied bb cream, mascara,lip balm and some perfume,and I was good to go.

I went out with my handbag and my coat,

As I entered the living room,I saw Mahi cooking something delicious as I guessed it from the mouthwatering smell,and Ana dancing with her non-existing music,I mean wow! wasn't I supposed to like dancing,and she was actually very good at singing and a worst dancer, whatever my bff's are weird,and as I was about to enter the kitchen,Ana called my name sorry, sorry correction, screamed my name and I stopped on my tracks and turned towards her,and my bestie was waving her both hands as if she was seeing me after a very long time,ah! Nobody will think that this girl here is a gynecologist (she is studying for it) i mean if I didn't really know her,

and if she behaved like this, even I wouldn't believe anyone, except for her certificate maybe,I was awoke by my thoughts as my weird bestie snapped her fingers at me.

"Hey! Sanu, what are you daydreaming about? If you are daydreaming about me,

then it's not my fault that I am so beautiful and my dancing, let's not talk about that ." She said.

"Yes, you are right Ana I was thinking about your weird qualities,and yes you are right, let's really not talk about your dance." I said to her and shuddered as I remembered her dancing or more her hippo style dancing.

"Are you using sarcasm on me,you macaca, and listen you macaca turned homo, I am a great dancer,and I know that you are just jealous of my dancing talent,I mean aren't you my best friend,so you should feel proud of me and support me, but instead of that you are discouraging me and are jealous of me,I can't believe it". She said to while shaking her head in disbelief.I mean was she kidding me,I who can dance a countless times better than her,is jealous of her wow! Just wow! ,and support I should support her,so that government should put a ban on both of us because,

my bestie would have been mistaken for a mental patient and me her psychiatrist best friend supported her in her crazy idea of dancing in front of "Buckingham palace",I can never believe how the hell did I ended up being her Bestfriend.

And God bless Mahi,as she called us for breakfast.

Mahi had prepared choclate waffles and some ,well It looked like veg sandwiches and some ginger tea, woah! what was the need for that,ok whatever waffles and sandwiches are good. As I was busy gobbling my chocolate waffle which had been covered with chocolate sauce,Mahi asked something.

"Sanu,does your alarm work properly now?" Mahi questioned me,and before I could answer,Ana answered it.

" What happened to her alarm clock,it was working completely fine". Ana said.

and Mahi was confused and this time, even I was confused, like I know she is my best friend, she just barges into my room whenever she wants,and thinks that she owns it,but how can she know about my alarm clock? was I missing something here?

"And how do you know that her alarm clock is fine". Mahi asked,still confused.

"Because,I actually changed the alarm tone, that was quite boring and regular,so I thought it would be great, if Sanu wakes up daily by listening to our favourite songs, what? Why are you both glaring at me,ok fine I am sorry,I shouldn't have added 4 of my favourites, and you both's only 3 and 3, but see it was my idea,so , don't I deserve extra credit". Ana said raising her one eyebrow and smiling as if she has done something worth Guinness,

Me and Mahi were so done with her,and I can't believe that I thought my poor alarm clock and my poor brain,had some default, when I had a whole manufacturing default as a Bestfriend.

"You are great Ana, you know that" .I said with a sarcastic smile and began to eat while sighing happily that both my brain and alarm clock were fine.

" I know, right" .Of course, everyone should have a personality like Ana, isn't she wonderful,but jokes apart she is a great friend, great person,she helps people who are in need and just because she is little crazy okk more crazy,it doesn't mean that she isn't smart, believe me never underestimate anyone, you never know who they truly are, and what they are capable of,and Ana and Mahi are never to be underestimated.

" Ok guys,I was going to ask you if you all can come to India with me,I am going to go in approximately after 20 days max, hmm yeah,so..". I said to them,well they were excited at first,then they seem to realise something.

"Sanu you know I always come with you, but do you remember,I was saying you a week before that my hotel's ,new branch is going to open in 2 months and they have already short listed some candidates,and as they have assigned the selection process of candidates to me, and that's going to happen till 3 upcoming weeks,so.. I can't".  Mahi said dejectedly, and I knew how important it was for her, ofcourse coming with me was not important as this opportunity,well she has been to India,many times.

"Of course Mahi, I understand, it's ok don't worry." I said to her,as she felt little relaxed, after listening to my words.

" I'm so sorry Sanu,I was actually going to say you both that I am going to Australia, after 15 days,my mum wanted to speak something with me, and even I didn't visit my home for about more than 9 months." Ana said devastated yet happy, because she will be able to go to her home, and she was right, she didn't visit her home for about 9 months, because she had a tight schedule.

"It's okay Ana, just like how I am going to my home town, you are going to yours, nothing else,I was just asking if you guys were free and interested, that's all ok ." I said even though I wanted them to come with me,I can't make them if they are busy or have somewhere else to go.

After that,we ate in silence,well I thought,we were going to eat in silence, but again who is silence? Please can anyone remind me.

"Well you know guys, I was thinking of you know,I mean you guys,I wanted to inform you something, you know iamgoingonadatewithkevin."she said in a one go and I didn't even got the thing which she said at last.

"Slowdown, please Ana we can't understand your planets language, you know,we want to know that in a simple human language, which we understand."

I said to her.

"I was saying, I am going on a date with Kevin". She said and when I registered her words,I was completely bewildered by it.

"Wait, wait Kevin as in the Kevin we know or there is a new Kevin over here."Mahi asked her and I found myself nodding in agreement.

"Guys,no need to over react ok,it's not that bad,ok and he asked me first so yeah"

she said so casually,I mean as if he  was her best buddy or something,I can't believe this.

"Yeah, right there is nothing to react at all,I mean it was not like he was your archenemy or something"i said to her,and Mahi continued.

"And nothing serious at all best buddies cut your hair, just because he proposed to your friend,right hmmm." Mahi said,and yes Ana actually styled Kevin's hairs while he was sleeping in his cabin.

"And, because of that your best buddy painted your silver Audi into a hot pink Audi,by the way the colour you hate, the most." I added,and shivered remembering,Ana's anger that day,it was really dangerous,I mean she doesn't like pink normally, except light pink, which she seems to adore so much,and let's not talk about hot pink.

"And, weren't you the one,who barged into his house, while they were having get together and said that he wanted to transform himself into a woman,as he was not happy being a male. " Mahi said, believe me that was something very weird,

because as her Bestfriend,I still don't know how she got that idea,and I don't even want to know, what Kevin's parents thought about his gender transformation.

"Wasn't he the one, who said you are lesbian and have married your girlfriend to your mother." I said and believe me her mother,may have had a minor heart attack, because of it,I mean Ana has almost dated 5 boys and one being her neighbour in Australia and suddenly she turned lesbian.

"And let's not talk about...."Mahi was going to say something, but was stopped by Ana.

"Ok,I get it we were fighting alot,and yes we were archenemies,but that was in the past,now we became friends, and all but wait a second, don't you both have somewhere you would like to be." Ana said to us,and I was shocked, that I was going to get late again,if I didn't go now,so we both hurriedly went out and Mahi gave me a ride to the hospital as she was driving today,and I rushed out a bye,and entered the elevator on time,good and after I entered my cabin,I saw that today I had a very unknown yet known person,I mean I have heard about him, but never met in person. As he was sitting  in front of my chair,I spoke to him,as I took my seat.

"Michael Elijah Romano,  one of the most excellent and expensive lawyer, correct me if i am wrong,and what would you like to do today,I mean if you just want to talk to someone it's actually ok,or if you think you have some disorder then you may say it." I said to him.

"No,no doctor, I'm here to actually speak to you about something annoying." He said, and made a disgusted face,okk.

"Sure". I said, amused as these are the patients, who actually makes my day lot more funnier, because I knew he just wanted to take out some frustration.

"So,you know there is this one hell of a handsome son of a *****, whom,I know from childhood and believe me he is kind of an idiot, stupid and let me rephrase you he doesn't like women near him,and no he is not gay,I mean I would have known it, because if he was then how could he resist me,and no even I am not gay,and and he has a son who is a dog,whom I love to,but he is a kind of brat just like his father,and you know what that person doesn't have a girl in his company, who is actually single, everyone are married,or they are engaged,or they have like 2 children or something, and I can't even flirt with them, and not like didn't try, but little did I know that her husband works in the same company,and more over he is  the new financial head, not that I am scared of him or something, but still, and that on top of that Lucifer made me eat his burnt toast,I mean he can't cook to survive, atleast I don't burn water, and you know what doc,he needs you more than me, believe me,he has multiple personality disorder, bipolar disorder,and so on and on,and you know what he made me to clean his room,as if he was not one of the richest man in the world right now,and that stupid fellow calls me Eli and he has set his ringtone for me , you know what it is Who let the dogs out,his son is a dog not me,but nobody should call him dog except me, yeah so going on,hmmm, I think that's it for now well thank you so much for listening,I have to actually change my psychiatrist from time to time,as they kick me out,so before you kick me out,I will leave myself, good day sweetheart, you look hot." He ranted and I was gapping there with my mouth open, what the hell,and why would I kick him out,I wondered he was my patient and even though I saw that he was crazy,but it was perfectly fine,I mean Psychiatrist are there for the help they need right.

" Dr. Rai " Ray (another wardboy ) called me

"Come in Ray, what happened and who are you searching for?" I asked him,as his eyes were roaming everywhere .

"Dr,there was this fake patient who entered without permission inside your cabin,as the one was supposed to have an appointment was locked in one of the washroom,by him"Ray said,and now I knew why did he say that before I kick him out,he definitely needs care,and how on earth was he a lawyer.

After all that drama,my day went quite well,with my patients and colleagues, Mahi picked me up,we both had our dinner as Ana had an emergency,so she couldn't join us,we watched Malefecent ; mistress of evil ,and after that we went our rooms once,i changed into my night dress,my phone started ringing,and a smile came to my face, by reading the caller name,I missed him.

Hey!tesoro ,I missed you so much. He said to me.

I missed you too lukey, how are you doing? and how are you doing in China? And when are you coming back,I miss you like crazy and I wanted to ask you something,will you come to India with me,I am going in exact 20 days. I said to him,and we'll let's just say as a matter of fact I knew Luke was going to come with me,I was 100% sure about that.

You know that I cannot say no to you, don't you,ok I will come and now jokes apart,how are you?tesoro, and don't you dare lie to me.of course he was going to ask me about that.

I am not fine Luke,i am tired of faking myself,I can't anymore, everyone just say me to look at the bright side,to enjoy life,I can't, you know I can't.i had tears by now.

Tesoro,I can't say that I understand, what you are feeling, but you know what I know, I know that you can and you will be happy, it's gut feeling you know and remember one thing you promised, you remember right, you promised.he said to me and he was right i can and I will and I promised.

Well, you are right,I will and thank you like,and about happy part my bff's make me laugh like a monkey, let's leave about that, do you know the lawyer, you used to talk about who is your twin's best friend,he is a fraud believe me... And then I said to him about the great Michael Elijah Romano.

He always was a little bit crazy, you know,and let's say I can't still believe how Lucas is still his best friend,I mean I am his twin and he doesn't speak to me as much as he speaks and spends time with Michael,well ok then, good night tesoro.

Take care.

Good night lukey.and I cut the call and went to bed,as for the first time in 2 and 1/2 years I was thinking about some one else, and that was Michael and Lucas,as their friendship brought a smile on my face, and I didn't even know when I slept.


Author;- hello everyone,how are you all doing, so what do you all think about this chapter, and do comment and vote please,and next chapter will be on Lucas POV,so have a great day ahead

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