Kinsey Pickford sat in Magic Beans sipping a cold strawberry frappe wishing she was anywhere else but there, not the coffee shop, but rather the entire town. As much as she loved Draven Falls, being there now only caused her pain. She stared down at her cup; the condensation dripping down the sides; the straw pointing up like an accusing finger, blaming her for the misery she now felt. None of it was her fault, however. To make matters worse, she had thought she could handle it, thought she could keep the deprivation under control, keep the mating call from consuming her, the mating call that could never be fulfilled.
She was wrong, of course. Very wrong.
Kinsey glanced down at her drink, no longer wanting it. Her stomach was in knots, and her hands almost always trembled slightly. Her panther yearned for its mate, driving Kinsey crazy with the animal’s hunger for one that was no longer within her reach. As cruel as it sounded in her mind, she wished death’s coldness was the reason for her loss. Then, she would at least have a reason for her denial she could understand. But, death wasn’t the reason.
She glanced around the coffee shop, every face even chancing to look her way a possible whisper about how Kinsey was rejected by her mate for another. A year had passed, and the symptoms of a mate deprived grew worse with each passing day. She heard the rumors, the stories of how mates lost to each other soon died, or how sometimes, they just went crazy with unfulfilled connection. Nothing they did to fill the void ever worked, no other relationship mattered to them, no matter how deep the love went. They craved their destined mate and remained unsettled without them.
Kinsey lifted her plastic cup, taking a small sip, but the frappe tasted bitter on her tongue with the anxiety that twisted her stomach. Putting the cup back on the table, she pushed it away and stared out the front window at the bright North Carolina morning. A year. She wasted an entire year waiting for Fitzgerald Everest to make things right as he said he would, and there was no indication he was any closer to fulfilling that promise. Kinsey grew tired of waiting, wasting time on a promise Fitz would never keep because of the Everest family patriarchy. Dimitri and Lainie Everest were smart to skip town and get out from under their father’s thumb. Kinsey only wished Fitz had the same courage.
Kinsey stood, sliding her chair back as she did, and left Magic Beans, but not her troubles. Those would nag at her wherever she went. Perhaps some fresh air would help clear her mind.
However, when she stepped outside into the warm June air, all she saw were happy couples holding hands as they walked the roundabout of downtown Draven Falls. Their smiles expressed their contentment with their lives; their laughter mocked Kinsey, it seemed, and made her want to run even more. Perhaps distance would ease the denied mating call that kept her so wound up.
“Kinsey, hello,” a woman’s voice called to her. Turning, Kinsey saw the gray-haired Agatha Rochester approaching her from the south. “I haven’t seen you in some time. How are you doing?” Agatha gave Kinsey a smile as she drew near, one hand reaching out to touch Kinsey’s upper arm.
Kinsey glanced around, taking in the downtown area she had known all her life. “I’m actually thinking of a change,” she admitted. She turned her gaze back to Agatha. “I find I’m not doing as well as I thought I would staying here.” She knew the older woman understood. Agatha was once the leader of the nine covens in Draven Falls and still held the witches’ spot on the Paranormal Council, much to Stella Fletcher’s chagrin. Agatha knew all about mating calls and the shifters who felt them. If Kinsey heard correctly, Agatha had been instrumental in getting Dimitri and Lainie out of Draven Falls as well as another witch, Adira Brennan. The woman had connections in several paranormal hubs around the world, it seemed.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Agatha said. “Let’s go sit in the gazebo and talk.” Agatha kept her hand on Kinsey’s arm, not giving her a choice, as she turned her to face the town center, a grassy park with a giant white gazebo in the middle. Every fair or carnival or festival Draven Falls held happened right here in this park. Weddings were held here and some late-night rendezvous between lovers. The place was the hub of the town. “Now, I assume your animal is struggling with the mating call denied. What has Fitz said?”
They crossed the street, stepping into the park and making their way to the gazebo, Agatha’s arm now wrapped around hers as they crossed the grassy field. “Same thing he always says,” Kinsey replied. “He’s doing the best he can and is just as frustrated as I am.” They sat on the white bench circling the interior of the gazebo. “But, Agatha, even with the mating call, what right do I have to expect anything from him? He made his decision when he agreed to marry Mandy to help his father’s connections. They’re husband and wife now, and from everything I’ve witnessed, Mandy Taylor truly loves him. What right do I have to expect anything from him?” The knot in her stomach twisted even more as she spoke, the feeling of being a homewrecker filling her. She dropped her face into her palms. “Oh, god, how evil am I to expect Fitz to leave his wife for me?”
“Well, sweetie, from what you’ve told me before, Fitz has led you to believe that he intends on doing just that,” Agatha said. “He feels the mating call toward you, as well. He’s struggling just as much as you are. We both know when it comes to shifters, things, especially relationships, are never what the traditional mindset would have them be.”
Kinsey just nodded. “I know, but it doesn’t help me feel better about myself.” She took a deep breath. “No, I’m tired of sitting around like a vulture waiting on a carcass that isn’t even dead yet. I need to move on and do something with my life.” She turned to Agatha. “I need to leave Draven Falls and start over, but I don’t want Fitz to know where I am. This has to be a clean break. He’s tucked firmly into his daddy’s business, and I don’t ever see him leaving this town. With me out of the picture, he can stop trying to balance something that never should have been balanced in the first place.”
“Where will you go?” Agatha asked, reaching out and taking Kinsey's hand. “Do you even have a plan in mind?”
Kinsey just smiled at the witch. “I’ll go where everyone else goes when they’re wanting to hide from the world. Bull Creek. At least, that’s where I’ll start until I figure out the rest.” She squeezed Agatha’s hand, a sense of purpose filling her for the first time in a year. “I’ll think of something, I’m sure.” She nodded once, her lips pressed into a thin line of determination. “Yes. This feels right. It’s what I should have done a year ago. Thank you for talking to me.”
Agatha chuckled. “Sweetie, I didn’t do anything but sit here and listen.” She returned Kinsey’s hand squeeze. “But, I’m glad you’ve found your answer. Just make sure it’s the right one. The mating call is strong, wherever you are. Distance won’t silence it once it’s been triggered.”
Kinsey nodded. “I know, but hopefully, not seeing him every day will at least weaken that yearning. I have to at least try.”
“Well, if I can do anything to help, just let me know.” Agatha leaned over and hugged Kinsey, patting her back as she did.
The two stood and walked off in different directions. Now that Kinsey had made up her mind, the only remaining decision was whether or not she should tell Fitz about her decision. She gripped her purse strap tighter as she walked away from the gazebo toward the Enchanted Spoon. Her anxiety ruined her morning coffee, and now her stomach begged for nourishment. The delay would also give her time to decide if she wanted to tell Fitz about her decision to move to Bull Creek. Part of her wanted to tell him, to see his reaction, and let him know she was making a move to continue her life. Then there was another part of her that didn’t want to tell him, because she didn’t want him to attempt to talk her out of it, keeping her around with his empty promises. She sighed as she stepped up onto the sidewalk in front of the small cafe. That wasn’t fair, and she knew it. Fitz didn’t mean to give her empty promises. He meant everything he ever told her, but he just couldn’t follow through. Not with Daniel Everest holding Fitz’s reins. If only Fitz had the guts to stand up to his father.
She was about to step inside the Enchanted Spoon when she decided it was too nice of a day to eat inside with the air-conditioning. Instead, she took one of the outside tables, settling in with her thoughts and a warm breeze. One of the servers came out and took her drink order, quickly leaving Kinsey alone with her thoughts once more. She settled back, facing out at the park across the street as people strolled along the edges of the roundabout. She would miss this place. She was born and raised in Draven Falls, her family moving here three generations ago. Leaving would be tougher than she thought, but she needed to get out of Draven Falls, just so she could keep her sanity.
The door to the Enchanted Spoon opened beside her, but her focus remained on those in the park, thinking back to all the festivals and picnics she attended there while growing up. When she attended a fair during her junior year of high school, she had her first kiss while riding the Ferris wheel. Her panther felt the stirrings of the mating call even then as Fitz held her, one arm draped over her shoulders. She could still close her eyes and feel the weight of his arm along her back, the warmth of his kiss on her lips. Those memories would have to do.
“Kinsey,” a female voice said, a strained tint to the tone, drawing Kinsey’s gaze away from the park and to the entrance of the restaurant.
Kinsey turned, but who she saw only sealed her decision. “Mandy, hello. How are you?” Kinsey felt that churning in her stomach again as she stared up at Fitz’s wife. Amanda Everest was a small woman, slender, but fit, with shoulder-length blond hair and sharp blue eyes. She dressed for work: slacks, cream-colored top open just enough to show her ample cleavage without being too risque, and held a small takeout bag in her left hand. The woman looked stunning, which was another reason Kinsey couldn’t blame Fitz for wanting to stay married.
Mandy held up the white bag in her hand. “Just picking up some lunch for Fitz and his father,” she said. “Things at the office are picking up lately, it seems, and no one can get away.”
Kinsey forced a smile onto her face. “Well, at least it’s busy. That’s always a good sign. I’m glad to hear it.”
“Thanks. Never a dull moment.” Mandy fidgeted a bit where she stood, looking awkward. “Well, I need to get back to the office before their food gets cold. Nothing makes the men grumpier than cold clam chowder. Have a good day.”
“You, too,” Kinsey said as she watched Mandy walk away, her arm swinging with the bag in her hand. It galled Kinsey that the woman looked good even as she walked away, the tightness of her slacks cupping her firm ass cheeks as she moved. Her panther purred within her, agreeing with her as she felt the heat pool between her legs. Even Fitz’s scent on his wife drives me crazy. I’ve got to get out of this town.