Alpha Sandro's fury surges like a tempest within him as the news of the fallen werewolves reaches his ears the following morning. His reaction is primal, tearing through his surroundings with savage abandon. The dining table and chairs shatter as he strikes them furiously, the clatter of broken wood echoing through the room. His breath comes in ragged gasps, his chest heaving with rage.
"Leave me," Alpha Sandro's voice thunders through the room.
The two news bearers hasten to obey, leaving Alpha Sandro alone with Beatrice, his mistress, a sorceress who has shared his immortal years.
"Seriously? Did you have to make such a mess with the dining table?" Beatrice remarks, raising an eyebrow at the chaos.
“Shit, I guess I got a bit carried away,” Alpha Sandro replies, his tone returning to normal.
“You know he's still alive, right?” Beatrice asks.
“Of course, I know he's alive. I’m just wondering why he hasn't returned." Sandro exclaims.
Beatrice takes his right hand in hers, her touch calming. "Perhaps the elves have him imprisoned, or worse, turned him against us."
Sandro clenches his free palm, his mind racing with thoughts. "Could he have taken the potion of transition for himself?"
"It's possible," Beatrice acknowledges. "But don't lose heart, my dear Sandro. You know you can still kill him and inherit the power, don't you?"
Sandro's jaw tightens, resolve hardening in his eyes. "I know. We must find Luca and see if he has taken the potion," he declares, his voice a low growl.
"Hmm, but my love, Sandro," Beatrice interjects, her tone gentle yet firm, "we can't rush into this blindly. We can't go to Anir, and as long as we remain in Garth they can't come to us. We must tread carefully and gather information before confronting Luca. The elves are formidable adversaries, and if they have him under their control, it could spell disaster if we act rashly."
Sandro furrows his brows as he considers her words. "You speak wisely, Beatrice. What do you suggest we do then?"
A gleam sparkles in Beatrice's eyes as she leans in closer to him. "We should send someone to the elves, to learn their intentions and ascertain Luca's allegiance. Only then can we devise a plan to rescue him or deal with him if necessary.”
Sandro nods slowly, his mind already calculating the next steps. "Very well," he says. "We should send someone he has formed a connection with.”
With a satisfied smile, Beatrice nods in agreement. “Let's send Sonia. He has a soft spot for her."
"Yes," Sandro agrees. "Fetch her."
Beatrice nods, leaving to summon Sonia. Moments later, she returns with Sonia in tow.
Sonia enters the room, her eyes wide with concern as she takes in the shattered remnants of the dinner table and the tense atmosphere. She glances between Alpha Sandro and Beatrice, waiting to learn why she's been summoned l.
Alpha Sandro turns his intense gaze toward Sonia. "Sonia, we need your assistance in a matter of utmost importance."
Sonia's brows furrow in confusion, but she nods. "Of course, Alpha. What can I do?"
Beatrice steps forward, her voice calm and steady, delivering the news to Sonia with urgency. "Luca has been captured, Sonia. We fear the worst. What we're about to share is top secret. Every werewolf pack will be after Luca by day's end if we don't handle this carefully."
Sonia's eyes widen in shock at the revelation, recalling the earlier report of Luca's demise in battle with the elves. "Luca? I thought he perished with the others."
"He didn't," Beatrice reveals, stressing the need for secrecy.
Sonia's heart leaps with relief at the news of Luca's survival. "Understood. What's the situation, and how can I help?"
Alpha Sandro steps in to explain the situation. "We suspect we made a mistake in sending our forces to the elves. Their defeat leaves much to question."
Sonia, curious, interjects, "Exactly, how did a bunch of weak elves defeat them?"
"We believe they must've used magic," Alpha Sandro reveals, prompting Sonia to gasp in disbelief.
"Magic? I've never witnessed elves using magic," Sonia remarks.
Alpha Sandro acknowledges her surprise. "Neither have we. But it's the only explanation for our defeat. We know Luca lives because of the tracking spell we placed on the werewolves before sending them."
"Then why keep him alive?" Sonia wonders aloud.
"Well, we think they may aim to turn him into a Lycan, as they did in the past," Alpha Sandro explains.
Sonia recalls the history. "I know about that story, my mother used to tell it to me. But didn't the elves' magic vanish after their goddess's intervention?"
Beatrice adds, "Apparently not it may seem. We suspect that their magic just got confined to their homeland. That should be the reason none of us have ever seen an elf with magic around these parts."
Sonia nods thoughtfully. “I'm willing to do whatever it takes to help, but wouldn't the elves just capture me too or worse, kill me? I don't see how I can be of use here.”
Alpha Sandro addresses her concern. “I doubt the elves will kill you, as you alone pose no threat. You might be taken as a prisoner, but then you'd have the opportunity to gather information about Luca's whereabouts and their intentions.”
Sonia furrows her brow, another worry surfacing. “What if they also turn me into a Lycan?” she asks.
"If the elves turn you into a Lycan, that's great," Alpha Sandro says with conviction. "We need someone on the inside to remind Luca where his loyalty lies. Your goal is to ensure they don't turn him against us."
“And please, refuse to be swayed too,” Beatrice adds firmly. “Elves are very crafty, and they are master liars, okay? Stay focused on the mission, no matter what they say or do.”
Sonia takes a moment to absorb things. After a beat, she nods slowly. "I see. In that case, count me in. So, what's the next step?”
Beatrice steps forward, a determined glint in her eyes. “We'll need to prepare you for infiltration. Cover stories, communication protocols, and how you can report back to us.”
They delve into the details, crafting a plan to ensure Sonia's success. Alpha Sandro concludes by setting the departure time. "You'll be leaving for Anir at sunset."
Sonia squares her shoulders, steeling herself for the task ahead. "I won't let you down, Alpha."
Beatrice places a reassuring hand on Sonia's shoulder. "Be safe, my dear. And be cautious, the Luca you meet might not be the same one you knew here."
At sunset, Sonia moves swiftly through the Garths forest, her steps purposeful as she navigates the familiar terrain. She reaches the Pluvoria River before darkness sets in, hopping off onto the moss-covered rocks with practiced ease. The rocky riverside passes in a blur as she presses on with urgency, her senses keenly attuned to her surroundings. Finally, she reaches the base of Mount Gwyrindor, its towering peak looming ominously against the moonlit sky.
With a steadying breath, Sonia begins the arduous ascent, her muscles burning with exertion as she climbs higher and higher. The mountain seems to stretch endlessly toward the heavens, but she pushes onward, driven by her desire to see Luca.
As she nears the summit, a sense of foreboding washes over her. She scans the rocky terrain warily, her senses on high alert for any sign of danger. Suddenly, two figures emerge from the shadows, their elven features illuminated by the pale moonlight.
Before Sonia can react, she finds herself surrounded. The elves' eyes gleam with malice as they advance upon her. With swift precision, they cast blinding lights to distort her vision and bind her hands with magical twines, before dragging her toward the heart of the elven kingdom.
Sonia struggles against the grip of the elves as they escort her to the King's court, compelling her to kneel in front of His Majesty.
"My king, we caught this one," one of the elven soldiers reports. "What shall we do with her?"
King Elian sighs heavily. "I've had my fill of werewolf affairs. Lock her in the dungeon. I'll decide what to do with her by morning.”