“I’m sorry Logan. Sometimes I forget it wasn’t just me going through Hell these past few months.” His eyes get glassy, t...
Chapter 1
I’m rushing as fast as these damn heels will let me. I’ve only been at my new job two weeks and have been late three times. It isn’t something I seem able to control, no matter how hard I try. I never seem able to get where I need to be when I need to be there. I’d call it a gift, but no one else seems to think it’s funny.
I’m working as a receptionist in an accounting firm right in the heart of downtown; directing phone calls, welcoming guests, and answering mail. The job isn’t great; but it pays well, and that’s what I need. I’m saving every penny so I can, so sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!
Like suffer in the prettiest but most uncomfortable pair of shoes ever! Before my first day, my best friend Lana helped me buy a few ‘multi-purpose’ pieces for my wardrobe. I needed to stretch my dollars as far as possible, but these shoes are not the bargain I had hoped for. They pinch my toes and rub the back – I just know I’m going to have a blister by the time I get home toni-
Mid-complaint the fucking heel snaps on my shoe. Goddamnit! I can see the ground coming towards my face very quickly as I lose my balance, my arms flailing wildly. I must look absolutely comical is all I can think, as I prepare to fall onto the ground. I should have stayed in bed.
But suddenly there are very strong arms wrapping themselves around my waist, catching me mid-fall. A muffled ‘oof!’ escapes me as the air is knocked out of me, but it certainly feels better than falling all the way down. The set of arms are attached to a set of hands that help me regain my balance, as I turn around to thank my hero.
Standing in front of me is the sexiest man I have ever seen. He’s several inches taller than me – but at my 5’ 5”, that isn’t a challenge. He has sandy brown not quite blonde hair cut short, and his eyes are the most unique shade of blue… kind of like that really deep, dark blue that appears on the horizon just as the sun sets…Wow.
Those eyes are looking at me so intently. Staring at me. I see his lips are moving that I can’t hear what he’s saying. His bottom lip is fuller than the top one. Yummy. Holy crap, I need to get my shit together! It’s been awhile since I’ve had any kind of action, but this is ridiculous. I’m acting like a horny 17 years old.
But wow. Is he ever hot.
Her eyes are glassy which is starting to freak me out - she’s looking at me all weird. Just as I turn to Jeremy, my right-hand man and the CFO of my company and ask him to call 9-1-1, she seems to snap out of it.
“No, no, please. I’m fine. The only part of me hurt is my pride.” She says, smiling at us. Wow. Like…. Yeah. Wow. She’s stunning. Easily a foot shorter than me, she’s not only short but she’s also petite. Except her eyes; which are almond shape, and emerald green. Her long lashes resting against cheeks that are lightly sprinkled with freckles. She’s trying to cover them up with makeup, but I can still see them, standing this close to her. Her hair is copper red and all tied up in some kind of style at the back of her head. I long to let it all loose and watch it fall through my fingers. A couple of curly tendrils have worked their way loose from her near-fall, and are now framing her face. The other part of her anatomy that isn’t petite are her breasts. Jesus. They look almost massive on her tiny frame. As if they feel my glare, I can see her nipples start to poke through the material of her blouse. My dick twitches in response.
It's time for me to go.
I hand her a business card, telling her that if she ever needs anything, not to hesitate to contact me. Then I turn, and Jeremy and I walk on. I have meetings back to back all morning.
“Logan?” Jeremy is trying to keep his voice relaxed, but the fucker is smirking about something.
“What?” I snarl back. Who shit in my cornflakes all of a sudden?
“Why did you give her your business card? She’s clearly no one of importance –“ I glare at him for some reason, so he tacks on “in the business world.” Jeremy has been my best friend since grade three, but sometimes he can be a real asshole. He clearly is waiting for an answer, and won’t let this go until he gets one. Such a dick.
“It just seemed like the polite thing to do.” I reply.
“Sure thing, boss.” He chuckles back. By now we’re at the office, which is good. Otherwise I was about to punch him in the throat. He knows and I know why I gave her my business card.
I’m hoping she’ll call.