Emerald’s POV
“There are so many bedrooms and every one of them has a different design to it, I know I cried a lot about this journey but I have a feeling it’s going to be amazing; although I don’t know if I can live in peace with Alessandro, he’s something else,” Emerald said visualizing the scene that happened in the car; “Hello! liv, you still there?” Asked emerald. “Yes I was listening to your nonstop chatter about that husband of yours” Olivia replied steadily.
“Husband! Oh, I still can’t believe I am a married woman now with a husband, oh my goodness that’s crazy; Emerald says cheekily, so what do you have to say? And I also wanted to ask how everyone is doing. She asked composedly.
“Emerald you shouldn’t worry about them, they are all good, just look after yourself for me okay? bye love you, Olivia promptly said.
Reverting to herself, continuing in her thoughts, wondering if all was well at home and if she was missed, they left the wedding grounds earlier she didn’t know why but since Alessandro was not here the only explanation for that was either he had work to do or he was cheating on her but that seriously doesn’t bother me in the slightest, she thought to herself biting her lower lip in the process.
Walking up the stairs to divert to any room that's likely hers, she wonders where everyone was and why there isn’t a single soul in this house or mansion I presume, it’s too quiet, you could hear the echo of your voice when you say anything.
Just then Emerald opened the third door, it came with a staircase leading to another door,” Wow this is cool” Emerald said in amazement.
Sliding the golden brown door open, her eyes widened and her face melted into a smile the room was too perfect, it was so tidy you wouldn’t know if anyone had been in there before, glancing at the opportunity in front of her she barged into the room and threw her body to the bed clutching onto the softness of the silk linen.
Yawing tiredly, Emerald rubbed her eyes and tapped on her phone, “11:30! I slept throughout, I guess I was really tired” I said dully.
“ You didn’t think to wear your tiredness off somewhere else” Emerald heard a husky voice say in the direction of a dark corner of the room, i stood from the bed quickly as the shadow began moving towards her getting her knees weak enough to wobble in the exact time the shadow caught her on, while the light immediately came back on, “Alessandro you scared me” Emerald said catching her breath and on her feet, able to stand.
I felt his glare on me before he said “Was my intention, to hope you were terrified”?, he said tauntingly with a risqué smile, soothing her black wavy hair, “So back to business, why are you here?
My hands were starting to shake due to the intense environment, i clasped her hands together and placed them between her legs to slow my heartbeat,
Emerald unclear of the question voiced out “Because we’re married”
“Shocking! I didn’t know that”, Alessandro said sarcastically; he slowly came closer with his hands in his trouser pockets, he successfully pinned me against the wall, “What I’m asking Emerald is why the heck are you in my room?” His eyes darkened so did his expression, his cold glower burned like fire.
Noticing his demeanor I peeped frighteningly, averting her gaze from staring to his hazel eyes and instead focusing them on her blue flowery gown laces, “I’m really s —sorry it won’t happen again, I didn’t know it was your room, her voice wavering as I let out mumbly in a quiet breath.
“Alright then, we can share, since you love the cozy bed you take it, while I sleep on the side, we are married after all, as you said, Alessandro chipped in, I didn’t expect the quick change of attitude, I thought he would be angry but when I looked at him, his face showed no emotion. Emerald sensed the change in his utterance as he winked at her.
“I know I’m late, sorry about that I had some business to take care of; unfortunately you don’t get a day off on your wedding night even when you own the company” Emerald heard him say flatly.
Was he bragging or simply talking to her, she wondered but thinking about it, why was he telling me, he was so full of himself, rubbing it on her face because I didn’t have a job now; she was sure he didn’t know about the turn of events but the anger bubbled up in her clouded her sense of reasoning.
After a long screeching silence Alessandro turned to me “If you're hungry, the food is packed in the fridge, and the housekeeper is on a week's leave, I don’t live entirely alone if that’s what you think” he said hastily and moved towards a door, I think the bathroom, I haven’t gotten a view of it yet.
“Uhh ok,” I replied stiff as a rock as I bit my lip looking down, this guy made me so nervous.
I could finally exhale the breath I was holding up my lungs, so he wasn’t a total snob, that’s a first.
“Stop doing that”. I looked at him with confusion written all over my face.
I thought he left already
“Stop biting your lips”. I gulped hard listening to him, he was so huge and intimidating. He walked towards me, towering over me as he removed some strands of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ears. I closed my eyes, I didn’t know why I did that but the feeling felt so different. His
Slight touches made me shiver. My body reacted to him more than anyone else. He brought his face closer to mine, raising my chin with his hands. My eyes were still closed.
He was about to kiss me.
My heart pounded faster than ever.
Suddenly I felt his absence as the bathroom door closed shut.
What was that, did he just make me want him and leave when he felt manly enough?
I pushed myself off the bed and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower after a long while of waiting for Alessandro to finish off; Walking into the bathroom there was a huge bathtub and a glass door for the toilet, twisting my lips from side to side, I nodded at the fact that indeed Olivia was right, he was stinking rich, my small bedroom and bathroom at home combined wasn’t even half the size of Alessandro’s bathroom.
I quickly washed up and after what seemed like a long time enough for Alessandro to sleep, I happily snuck in, carefully shutting the door behind me as I slipped into the coziness of the bed, staying in a firm position to not wake up my mortal enemy; he hadn’t done anything to gain the name but he was acting too strange, somewhat of being nice, that’s not what I’ve heard of him or are the rumors wrong?.
Get over yourself Emerald, didn’t you just witness what he did to you, he will unveil his true self soon, my thoughts shatter my delusion.
Inhaling the fresh air and stretching out in the king-sized bed, forgetting it wasn’t mine; regaining my memory I turned slightly but he was gone, the sheets of the side he slept on were properly laid smoothly. “Did he leave for work already, look at me thinking I was a workaholic” Emerald sighed blurting out loud.
I tardily descended the stairs and paused between my tenth step, my eyes landing on Alessandro, wanting to retreat my steps and run, I soon heard Alessandro’s beckoning voice paused my feet from revising, “Good morning Emerald, didn’t know you slept like a slog”, here we go again, he is such a bully, emerald expression held anguish; “when do you start working, or do you think because of you had a wedding, you get days to spare”.
What is this man’s problem, aren’t we married because of the debts we owe, it’s all over now, my work is none of his business, all of this she wanted to scream at his face but she knew it was not a good idea, it’s also a fact that he scares her when he becomes furious, so it best to keep her attitude in check.
“Umm, Alessandro before the wedding my position at the company was given to my sister, so I currently do not have any job to go back to”.I said calmly, silently hoping he wouldn't do anything about it”.
“So you're unemployed then, his gaze fixated on me while I timidly avoided his stare, do you want to work Emerald”? He asked daringly.
“Yes, if I could get another job or position that would be great”. I replied, thinking about where all these questions were leading.
“It is settled then, I will ask Albert to give you back your position, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind”. My heartbeat slowed instantly, no, Sophie would kill me or hate, whatever but she would probably act on one of them.
“No!! I don’t want the position back” I quickly replied.
Standing quietly from the chair he was sitting on and having his breakfast, he dropped the table napkin on the grand dining table, he looked down at me, and in a piercing yet calm voice he muttered
“Then you’re not ready to work,” He spat. Drenched from my sweat from the possible consequences I could face if Father heard about it, the main entrance door loudly banged shut and it brought me right back into reality, sighting as Alessandro got into one of his cars, a shiny black Rolls-Royce, it was a phantom Rs.9.50crore.
I didn’t know much about cars but I knew enough and just anybody can’t afford that grade of a luxury car, you must be of a certain high rank to afford it.
He drove out speedily as I watched through a balcony in the sitting room.