"Where is your father?" The man asked again as Brenda gawked at him.
Her mouth suddenly felt dry, and she couldn't muster any words. She couldn't tell whether it was the way the man looked at her or the way he made her feel.
Although it was dark and she couldn't see his face, his aura and stature were enough to tell her that he was a dangerous man. He was over 6ft3, and his burly figure was somewhat terrifying. Her mind quickly darted back to the papers she found in her father's wardrobe. Could she be right that he was in trouble again? Did he really travel for business, or was he hiding?
"He's not home," she muttered inaudibly. She slowly lifted her legs and moved closer to the door.
"And where is he?" The man asked, his eyes not leaving her face. "I need to see him."
Brenda thought of the best answer. Could she tell him that he was on a business trip? Would that give him away? She didn't know what to say to protect her father because she was convinced that the man was dangerous.
"He is away on business." She replied. "Is there any problem?"
"When will he be back?" He snapped.
Her father had mentioned that he would be back in a week, but she knew telling him that was a bad idea. "I have no idea. Can you tell me your name so I can ask him if...." Her voice trailed off. "He comes home."
His eyes remained fixed on her, and Brenda tried to pretend she wasn't uncomfortable. She tried to ignore the way her heart was pounding as he studied her.
"I'll be back."
Before she could understand what he meant or respond, he turned and walked away. Brenda stared into the darkness and wondered what his last words meant. They definitely sounded like a threat, and she was sure of it.
"What happened? Who was that?" Carla asked behind her.
Brenda turned to her slowly, biting down on her button lips. "I have no idea, but I have a bad feeling about him."
"What did he say?"
"Just asked about my dad and said..." She exhaled. "He said he would be back."
"I have absolutely no idea. I think my dad owes him and he looks pissed. Whatever my dad has done this time, I feel it will be terrible." Brenda said and slammed the door.
"Do you think that's why he is away? Could he be hiding?" Carla asked.
"I have a feeling that he is hiding. That man is dangerous, and every inch of my body knows that. I need to call my dad." Brenda said, walking to the sofa. She picked up her phone from the couch and dialed her father. Carla watched her with concern etched across her face.
"Hello, Dad?"
"Brenda, why are you calling so late?"
"Dad, a man just came over to our place. He said he wanted to see you, and he didn't look like he was here to chat. Where are you? Are you in debt again?" Brenda asked, raising her voice in anger.
Silence settled at the other end of the call, and Brenda paced about the room restlessly. "Are you going to say something?"
"Don't worry about it."
"I shouldn't worry about it? What do...." Her father ended the call leaving her hanging. Brenda turned to face Carla, her eyes gleaming with fury.
"What the actual fuck? Did he hang up on me?" She asked Carla, who was also speechless. She tossed her phone angrily on the sofa. "I will not take this anymore. How could he hang up on me?"
"You need to calm down." Carla rushed to her and wrapped her hands around her shoulder. "Take a deep breath for me, can you do that?"
"How could...."
"Take a deep breath.." Carla said, cutting her off. "You're angry right now, but I need you to get your shit together."
Reluctantly, Brenda followed her instructions and took a deep belly breath.
"Now, that's better. Exhale slowly." Brenda did as she said and exhaled. Carla lowered her into the sofa and sat beside her.
"I know you're freaking out, but I am here for you always. If he thinks it's not a matter of urgency, then you should not be so worried."
"I know my dad very well. He's up to something, and it's not good. That—that..." She paused and buried her face in her palms. "He is looking for him, and I'm sure he came here to confirm if he is really hiding. How long is this going to keep up?" Her voice was breaking, and tears were building up in her eyes.
"Please don't cry." Carla hugged her tightly. "Nothing is going to happen, and your dad will be ok. I'm sure it's just a minor issue between them."
Brenda nodded her head quickly and exhaled. "Yeah, you're right. I'm just overreacting. It's probably just a..."
The doorbell rang, and she paused mid-sentence. She and Carla exchanged nervous looks with each other. Who could possibly be at their apartment by midnight? Brenda tried not to think about the man that just left but it was impossible. Was he back like he said? Did he come back to hurt them? A thousand thoughts were flitting through her mind at the same time.
"What are you doing?" Carla tried to stop her from going to get the door as she did earlier.
"He said he would be back."
"And you don't think it's best we call 911? Do you think he is back to give us candies?" Carla voiced, taking out her phone from her purse.
"Don't call 911," Brenda warned. "These men are dangerous people, and you don't want to get cops involved." The doorbell rang again, and Brenda gulped.
"Who could be more dangerous than the cops?"
"Mafias," Brenda replied, walking to the door. "My father deals with the worst kind of people. Just let me handle it."
She walked to the door, and with less fear, she opened it. Her mouth fell open in shock when she saw her father standing outside.
He brushed past her as he quickly walked into the apartment. His eyes scanned the room carefully before he sighed. "How long has it been since he left?"
"So you were really hiding? I was right, wasn't I?" Brenda asked, shutting the door. "What did you do this time?"
"Don't speak to me that way."
"I will speak to you the way I want." Brenda bit back. "You can't keep putting our lives in danger and expect me to keep quiet."
To her surprise, he remained quiet, and guilt washed over his expression. "I know, I made some terrible decisions." He walked to the middle of the sitting room slowly, his shoulders slumped.
"You have every right to yell at me, but this is not what I planned. I'm sorry that I have failed you once again."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Fifteen years ago, when I lost your mother, I lost everything. I spent everything I had trying to save her, but I couldn't. When I lost her, I tried to find a way to make money to take care of you and your sister." He stopped and shook his head. Then he continued. "I was introduced to a man who borrowed me $50000 to start a business, but it didn't work out. When it was time to pay, I didn't have anything to pay back, and he decided to kill me." Brenda's eyes widened as the words rolled out of his mouth.
"On the night I was supposed to be murdered, I met a man who saved me. He repaid the money completely and even gave me an additional $20000. He instructed me to pay it back within two years. I decided to try gambling, but I didn't have the luck as most people did. When it was time to pay him back, I had nothing to give him. Ramirez is no man to play with, and I was terrified. So I offered him a deal for the repayment."
"I hoped that I would someday make back the money and pay before the time elapsed. I didn't mean to drag you into my business, but this is a good opportunity for you."
"I don't understand. What opportunity are you talking about?" Brenda asked, confused as to why he was bringing up such an irrelevant thing at a critical time.
"I offered Edwin Ramirez a deal: he would claim you as his once you are twenty-one," Alex said. "And the time is up."
A shock wave washed over Brenda, and she froze at a spot. For more than a minute, she remained unmoving in her position with her eyes wide open.
Then she blinked rapidly and scoffed in disbelief. There was no way she heard him right. There was no way her father offered her as a deal in repayment of his dept. "What did you say?"
"Ramirez is here for you."