The room was sick.
Dolls and dolls. What the f***?
I pushed saliva down my throat and took a step forward.
Walls were painted black as usual but the room was scary, full of dolls. And then there was this doll through which knife had been passed. For a second I thought the splattered blood was real but no it wasn't. Someone did it deliberately.
Then there was another doll whose eyes have been ripped out. And one without chest, her nipples were chopped off.
My heartbeat paced up as I saw the scariest thing in my life. Freaking dolls with damaged parts.
"Damiano did all this." Rico's voice broke the utter silence.
"Have you seen that one?" Pointed Alex.
That doll has wax all over her body. Like someone burnt it with hot wax. And one more which have been completely burnt with flames.
My chest became heavy as I struggled to breath.
What is this room? W-wh...Damiano is really a psychopath, isn't he?
My hands started shivering in fear. And without thinking twice, with shaky hands I removed the collar from my neck and threw it on the floor.
I closed my eyes and saw Damiano passing a knife through my chest because I tried to escape him. He didn't show any mercy and next, I know I was bleeding heavily and that psychopath was laughing like crazy.
No. No. This must be a nightmare.
I...I...Run, Aria, run away from here.
Without even looking at Rico and Alex, I started sprinting towards the front gate about which I had no idea. I ran and ran around the mansion finding the way out of here and when I did, I escaped.
I escaped from that monstrous place and ran into the forest without the idea of where I was going?
Hell. I can go to hell but not to that psychopath. He will also kill me or chop my b**bs or most probably snatch out my eyes. No!! I couldn't let that happen.
My body was still shivering in fear. And now my crush on him was completely over. I don't want to be his doll. I am Aria not some kind of a f**king doll.
My throat was asking for water but I couldn't stop. I don't want to die this young.
I heard steps approaching me and that was enough for me to blackout in fear.
I parted my eyelids and my head throbbed badly. Somehow I managed to look around but nothing made sense.
Where I am? This is not Damiano's place. What I meant from Damiano was psychopath, not a normal human being.
Ew. Even his name sounds creepy now.
But the hell where I am?
"Buongiorno, Bella ragazza." A strong Italian accent echoed in the room.
I looked up and damn I was screwed.
Another handsome face. Another crush.
Hush, Aria.
I kept on staring at him, he..he was gorgeous. Oh ho, Taylor swift I remember you right now.
Clean shaved, straight jaw, f**k me, he's so gorgeous.
I shook my head to come out of my reverie. Focus girl, you've learnt a lesson already that never fall for a handsome face.
"Morning." He smiled.
And oh my, his perfect teeth.
Damn it. Not again Aria. I reminded myself.
"M-morning." I shuttered.
"You blacked out in the woods. I brought you home." He said in a thick accent.
His damn accent!
"What's your name, pretty lady?" He asked.
"Aria." I smiled.
He smiled too testing my name on his tongue and f**k, it rolled out so smooth like my name was meant for him to take.
Stupid. Shut up. My brain told me not to fall into the trap again.
He could be related to Damiano. Should I ask?
Or not?
"Can I ask you something?"
"Anything, Aria." He replied.
It felt good to hear my name after so many days. That psycho used to call me a doll and I was tired of it.
That f**king doll thing. Again I felt like my head is spinning. Fear rushed through my spine but I don't know why I feel safe here.
"Do you know anyone of the name Damiano?" I asked.
He arched up his eyebrows and scanned my face before taking a seat next to me.
"Are you talking about the Damiano D'Angelo?" He asked.
I nodded my head.
"I see." He smiled.
What was there to smile about?
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing, Aria."
Again my name!
"Come I'll prepare breakfast for you." He said and took my hand.
I followed him downstairs where he made a perfect Italian breakfast for me. I ate in utter silence and he also said nothing. He was just staring at me as he found something worth passing his time.
"I need to go now," I said all of sudden getting bad vibes from him.
"Sure." He smiled.
Will he does not dare to stop me like in all the novels that I've read?
"Where is your home, I'll drop you off."
"I'll go by myself," I said, not trusting him a bit.
After Damiano, I could trust no one, not even a handsome face.
"Say my hello to Damiano whenever you meet him." He smiled, again.
I will never meet him. Never.
"By the way, what's your name?" I asked.
"Lorenzo" He answered.
"Well goodbye Lorenzo."
"Bye, Aria." He dropped me off the door.