Cheeks heating, Reed shook his head. Sometimes, he wasn’t sure if he drove the Dom nuts, but damn, it was cool to feel like he had Reed’s back. Like...maybe he got it. “Thank you, sir. I really appreciate it.”
“You were cheated out of your rights as a member in this club by another member.” Lifting his glass in salute, Jared nodded once. Sharp. “You’re owed an apology and a fight.” He sipped. “Let’s make it a good one, yes?”
Reed traced his finger along the rim of his glass. “, sir? There weren’t any bad outcomes. But it still would’ve been a good fight.” The edge of his lips quirked. “Sin was calling me on my ish. He could tell when I wasn’t going all in. I felt that edge, how it could’ve ended. I might not’ve had to throw the match. And I saw he brought all his tools. He knew he was gonna win.”
“You go in. You fight to win.” Jared’s lips slanted, his head tilting with his fond smile. “And you’ll lose. But it will be a sight to see, and a match that will have everyone forgetting anything but what they came for. Which was to see your sassy footwork and Sin’s powerful moves licking at each other like sparks against thunder.”
That sounded damn wicked. Jared’s way with words brought everything Reed craved to a whole new level. Fucking...poetic. He grinned, already buzzing with energy at the idea of getting back in the ring.
His grin faded as Lawson came into the bar with Curtis, who seemed calmer now. Noah was a few steps behind, Jamie at his side, their presence likely explaining why not a single member so much as grumbled.
Glancing in the darkened bar window behind Reed’s head, Jared cut his gaze to Reed with a look that told him to stay quiet. He’d handle things. Arm along the back of the chair, he turned a little, and Reed saw Noah meet the other Dom’s eyes as Jared lifted two fingers away from his glass in a signal for Noah to come to him alone.
Noah patted Jamie’s hip, whispering something to him that had Jamie joining Wren and Danny, where the two were sitting in the space by the el of the bar, Wren throwing treats Danny wasn’t catching. Crossing the bar in long strides, Noah came to Jared’s side.
Jared tipped his head back a fraction, his snake tat slithering up from under his shirt collar with the movement. “I’m speaking to you first. He’s getting back in the ring. He’ll likely lose fair and square, and you and everyone else will live with that. Understood?”
Eyes narrowing slightly, Noah shifted his gaze to Reed, then back to Jared’s. “I damn well taught him how to fight better than that. We all did. Losing to Sin? Fuck, Jared, he’s one of the most hardcore players here. The boy has no idea what he’s getting into.”
Great, I’m ‘the boy’ now?
“Are you revoking his membership? Are we voting on that now?” Jared’s tone was mild, but the muscles in his neck had turned to something like corded marble.
“No.” Noah’s jaw ticked. “But I’m not his Dom. He’s to obey him. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.”
Turning his glass slowly in his fingers, Jared flicked his gaze to where Curtis sat with Lawson at the bar, then back. “In that ring, we are all equals. We make our own destinies, man to man. If that is unclear, I want you to think back to the bylaws and think about the third one you, Curtis, and Lawson wrote. Do you remember it?”
Noah slammed his fist into his thigh. “Don’t go there, Jared. There are exceptions. There has to be. He was going to throw the fucking match. If Curtis hadn’t stopped it, I would have. Would you bring up that rule then?”
“Yes.” Jared stood. “As will every member here. Don’t insult my integrity. It’s beneath you. As for the fight, what Reed does when he gets in that ring is none of your business or Curtis’s. Not until he’s out of it, and his debts are paid. Until that time, he belongs to the fighter who claims him. Also in the bylaws.” Placing down his glass, Jared faced off with Noah. “I’m not advocating for us to follow the rules and throw Curtis out. I will, however, resign my own membership if Reed isn’t allowed to get in that ring again. I feel that strongly about this. Otherwise, what else is left?”
For a second, Reed had to just play Jared’s words over and over in his head, because they couldn’t mean what he thought they did. His lips parted as he finally absorbed them. Jared didn’t fuck around. He was serious.
“Jared…” Noah hesitated, then rubbed his hand over his mouth. “Jesus Christ. Fine. I won’t interfere.” He gave Reed a hard look. “You better tap out without someone having to order you to, boy. Because there will be no way for anyone to stop you from going too far this time.”
Reed picked up another gummy, sticking it in his mouth so nothing smartass slipped out. Throwing the fight and tapping out didn’t sound much different to him. Was he supposed to win or not?
Make up your damn mind.
“I’ll talk with Lawson now, Noah. Send him over, please.” And just like that, Jared dismissed Noah like he was one of the soldiers he’d commanded in the desert.
The gummy bears had Reed’s full attention as Lawson approached, the hard soles of his boots clipping lightly against the polished wood floors. He stopped somewhere between Reed and Jared, close enough for Reed to see the extra shiny polish from the few times Matt and Wren had finally found something in common, Wren showing Matt how to get that perfect gleam.
“How are you?” A shadow of movement and soft rustling of fabric accompanied Jared’s question.
A heavy sigh, then Lawson sat on the arm of the sofa beside Matt, hand rubbing Matt’s shoulder in a way that always seemed soothing to them both. A dark red mark marred his jaw. “That could have gone better, to say the least. I didn’t flinch and I gave more than I got. And we’re not who we were when we used to have confrontations like this. Both Curtis and I agreed it would be a bad idea for him to be there.”
“You probably don’t need to hear this, but you did the right thing.” Lifting his drink again, Jared stepped a little closer, leg pressed lightly against Reed’s. “He’s getting back in the ring in fifteen minutes. This is his membership. His match. We will all stay out of it since the permission was given. I have a feeling you agree, but I am telling you before I tell Curtis. I imagine he will take it even less well than Noah did. If he presses, I will remind him that what he did tonight is one of a handful of ways that under normal circumstances guarantee you’d be tearing up his contract in the office right now.”
“I know.” Lawson inhaled, slowly. “I have no objection. And my presence might not be welcome by the members at this moment—I did get in that ring rather than let Wolfgang fulfill his duties as referee. But I would appreciate it if we could have someone he feels safe with who knows him. Dallas, or you…” He hesitated. “I can’t complain about him not knowing when to call quits, I have the same problem. Unlike me, he’ll listen if he’s reminded his limbs feel much better attached to his body.”
Biting hard into his bottom lip, Reed had to fight not to laugh.
“I’ll do it. Curtis goes upstairs to the loft after he apologizes to Sin, Reed, and the members. I don’t want him in the gym.” Sipping his drink, Jared sighed as he lowered his glass. “It might be better if he gave your boy a little space tonight, but that’s between all of you.”
Lawson was quiet for what seemed like a really long time. Then he spoke softly. “You may be right, but I’m hoping this can be resolved sooner, rather than later. It’s a complicated situation with a lot of confused emotions. We’ll all get through this.” When Lawson stood, Reed lifted his head, watching his other Dom kiss Matt, wondering if the man was disappointed in him. Lawson met his eyes, some understanding in his own. “Things will get better, my boy. All I ask is for some patience.”
Throat working, Reed nodded, rubbing his hands on his black shorts. “Yes, sir.”
“Stay here with us, Lawson. I think Curtis might need your calming presence.” Arching a brow, Jared tossed back the rest of his drink—which was more than a few mouthfuls—in an uncharacteristic display. Then he motioned to Curtis, who’d been staring their way, but not.
Standing, Curtis glanced at Noah, setting down a bar towel that he’d wrapped around some ice. Then he threaded his way through the tables, not meeting Reed’s eyes.
Jared remained quiet for a long while. “If you were anyone else, you’d already be gone. How dare you come between another member and an opponent. You know better, and you’ve shamed the core, this club, and everything we stand for. Apologies will be made. Reed is getting back in the ring. After he’s finished taking advantage of his membership, what you and he do is none of my business. This, however, very much is. Don’t press my patience by trying to claim otherwise.”
“He said he wouldn’t throw the fight.” Curtis finally met Reed’s eyes. “There were promises made.”
“I wasn’t planning to throw the fight, I hadn’t decided. I didn’t promise to win.” Reed let out a frustrated groan, thinking back to the moment he’d been ready to agree to just about anything to get back in the ring without anyone accusing him of being sneaky about it. “And Sin’s one of the top ranking fighters in the club. The odds were split down the middle for a reason.”
Curtis looked at him like he didn’t know him, then blinked, hand sliding into his pocket, and turned away. “I’ll apologize. Good luck with your match.”
Drawing back a bit, Reed gave a slight nod before picking up another gummy bear. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate it very much. If I may be excused?”
“Go ahead, Reed. I’ll let Sin know.” Jared squeezed Reed’s shoulder, standing back a little so he could get out of the seating area without having to cross in front of Curtis.
On his feet, Reed gave Jared a grateful nod, slipping by him on the way to the bar. All the excitement he’d had for the match was gone. His chest felt like it was full of cement and hollow all at once. He wanted to scream and cry and demand to know why he couldn’t have just had this. It was part of things getting better. Important changes. Him opening up a bit to get what he needed.
Or, rather, opening up to walk into a fucking wall.
At the bar, he slid half over, hanging upside down to grab a cold bottle of water to down before the alcohol hit him. Nearby, Noah and Shea were having a discussion that was getting more and more tense, Jacks hissing at Shea to back the fuck off.
Good idea, but another distraction wouldn’t be all that bad.
Hopping down, Reed almost tripped over Danny’s leash when the sub darted playfully away from Jamie and Wren, dropping his ball and chasing it between the legs of several Doms. He bumped into one who’d been staring at his phone, face already red with rage.
The Dom shoved his foot hard into Danny’s ribs, cursing at him.
Snarling like he was the fucking dog, Reed barreled into the bastard, knocking him over a table before cracking him in the jaw with a solid punch. The Dom tried to grab his arm, but Reed twisted. An elbow caught him in the eye. As he recovered, the Dom was starting to use his bigger size. Yet, Reed hadn’t trained with the best for nothing.
He rammed the heel of his palm into a trigger point in the man’s side, then kneed him in the balls.
No one’s ever accused me of playing fair.
Jacks pulled Danny out of the way, cradling him to his chest.
Dropping from the rafters, Avery got the howling Dom in a chokehold. Despite his smaller size, Avery manhandled the Dom toward and out the door.
Panting, Reed braced his hands on his knees. His eye was throbbing, but...fucked up as it was, that had felt good. His lips slanted. “Who’s next?”
“Come here, Reed.” Behind the bar already, Jared put together a compress and handed it to Jacks. “Let me look at you to make sure you’re still alright for the ring. Lawson will need to ref so I can take care of Danny.”
Reed straightened, the room teetering a bit, but he was careful to walk steadily to the bar. He grinned as he hauled himself up one handed to sit on the ledge. One of his eyes still worked perfectly fine. “I’m good to go, sir.”
Tipping Reed’s chin up between his thumb and forefinger, Jared turned Reed’s head to the left and right, his fingers still cold from the ice. “No. You’re not. And while I thank you for taking care of Danny, you’re played out for the night, my boy. The rematch will have to wait. I’m sorry.”
“But…” Reed pressed his eyes shut, which made his left one throb even more. “Then all of this, this whole turdshow, was for nothing. I thought…” He opened his eyes, meeting those chilly blue ones that offered more comfort than anything else right now. “After the first time, everything will be okay again. If I can’t fight for a week, then...then they’ll stay like this. All freaking wrong.”
Jared let go of Reed’s chin, lowering his hands to rub Reed’s thighs. “If you think punching Sin and getting some rough handling in the dungeon was going to solve everything, then we definitely have more talking to do.” Squeezing Reed’s legs, Jared leaned back a little. “And I didn’t say a week. We’ll see how that eye is tomorrow. For now, I want you to take some ice and go with Matt and Jamie to the dance club. Sit back and get high or drunk or both. Let off some steam and then go to bed. Doctor’s orders.”
Strangest orders ever, but Reed didn’t mind. At this point, nothing could make the night go much worse. “Yes, sir. And...for real, you were awesome tonight. Thanks for...getting it.”
“Pft.” Giving him a look of mock effrontery, Jared stepped back. “I’m always ‘awesome’. You simply don’t always recognize it.”
“I will from now on, sir. Swear on my grave and stick a needle in my eye and all that.” Reed bounced off the bar, tipping sideways a bit so the kiss he’d planned to plant on Jared’s cheek hit his ear. “’re right. Definitely not in top form. Music, drinks, and candy. Best medicine ever.”
Wren stood a few steps away, giving Reed a curious look. “Maybe an injection in your eye would help with healing?”
Reed pointed a finger gun at the other sub. “That’s gross. No thank you. But thanks for the moral support or whatever.”
Giving Wren a little headshake, Jared moved to help Jacks and Shea with Danny. “Jamie, go get into some trouble with Reed and Matt.”
To his credit, Jamie bit his tongue, though his gaze widened a little at the last part. When Matt’s name was mentioned. He hopped off Noah’s lap, giving him a little kiss.
“Lead the way, indie rock.” Reed glanced over at Matt as he approached, then slid his arm around Matt’s waist and tucked his hand in the back pocket of his jeans. “Still love me?”
Matt draped an arm around Reed’s shoulders. “Are you kidding? I’d marry you if triple bigamy was legal.” He pretended a sigh. “But you know how it is. I have to settle for getting high with my mortal frenemy.”
Now that is love.
Not that Reed was sure he knew what that was anymore, but a small, desperate part of himself still licking its wounds.
Was desperate to believe.