Before the light peeked out through the silvery clouds, I looked out through the blinds. Chaz was already there, waiting for me, poking his head out from behind a tree, making sure everything was in place how we had planned about our little adventure the night before.
Chaz confirmed the coast was clear and motioned me to come outside. I told him to wait. With a brief nod, he ducked behind the tree.
I drew back the blinds and quickly changed into a woollen skirt and slipped into my boots. I tiptoed out the home, holding my breath as the old wooden planks groaned against my weight.
I didn’t want my mother to wake up and ask me where I was going. I didn’t want to lie to her but I knew telling her the truth would lead me back to my room.
I would come back before she even realized I was not in my bed and went out before dawn.
The air was chill and crisp. The coldness nipped at my exposed flesh making me instantly regret not wearing my mittens.
I strolled towards the tree where Chaz was waiting for me patiently. He leaned back his head against the tree trunk, eyes closed and his messy curls fell over his forehead.
Chaz was still wearing the shirt he wore last night when he came to meet me before he went for a run with the other juvenile wolves. His olive green shirt was now rumpled — drawstrings tied loosely, few loops were missed and hanging over his shirt.
He didn’t change his clothes last night and might have woken up late and left the house in a rush only to miss another chance he had. Chaz knew it very well we couldn’t delay our escapade any longer. The Volkov wolves would be here soon after their victory over the Whitfire Pack. The news of their supremacy spreading in the north like wildfire.
Without making a noise, I tiptoed towards Chaz and flicked on his forehead. He jolted from his dozed off state and straightened. The surprised look wore off from his face before an annoyed expression took over. I giggled and dashed into the path stretched out towards the forest.
Chaz gave me a few minutes head start before he easily caught up with me. “Got you,” He tugged my hair and my back crashed onto his chest. I didn’t let him enjoy his momentum of victory before elbowing him in his stomach and stomping my foot on his left foot. He loosened his grasp and I sprinted out of his reach.
“Not so easily, I guess” I laughed and ran away.
Chaz did not attempt to catch me again when I slipped away from his hold. My joyful laughter filled the air. He rubbed his stomach in circular motions to ease some pain, posing a lazy smirk on his lips.
The sky was becoming clearer, slightly lifting off the darkness of the woods. Aside from our noisy laughter and occasional stepping on twigs and kicking stones, there was no noise. Everything settled to stillness against the grey backdrop.
The first golden ray making its way through the hazy clouds, giving new light to the dull landscape. The forest was waking up leisurely from its long slumber. The outlines of the trees became more prominent. Leaves appearing greener than grey.
A new day welcoming us with its warm sensation blooming a new sense of hope in our minds.
The more we closed the distance, the more Chaz became anxious. Now and then he glanced towards his right and left. His steps became quicker and faster. He walked beside me with an uneasy expression on his face.
It was not hard to keep up with him while basking in the beauty of nature “Chaz, will you just slow down a bit. It is supposed to be fun.” I sighed and slowed down my pace.
“Aura it’s your plan but if we are going to do it, it will be my way”. I rolled my eyes at his serious tone.
“Sometimes you are no fun, Chaz. You are just sounding like my mother” He paused in his steps and turned back to look at me. He folded his arms over his chest and arched his brow.
I knew this looked very well. Either I was agreeing to his terms or we were going back to the path where we came from. I was adamant as well. I wouldn’t go back after coming this long way, getting so close to our purpose. And there would be no way we were going to have this chance anytime sooner—when most of the warriors were out of our territory and those who remained they were either stationed at the perimeter of our pack or a few other important places. Our destination wouldn’t come even close to their priority list.
“Okay, have it your way then. But I know for a fact we will not get caught. A warrior came to our home to notify my father about the details and I eavesdropped on their conversations.”
Chaz didn’t bother by my revelation. If he did, he masked it skillfully and continued to walk ahead. With a huff, I followed after him without a word of protest.
A lopsided grin showed up on his face when I caught up with his pace “oh! I believe I am plenty of fun, Aura. If not then you wouldn’t ask me to tag along with you.” It was true though, Chaz had always been my partner in crime but he didn’t need to know every explicit detail of my thoughts.
“No one is willing to come along with me, so you are my only option.” I tried to hide the honesty in my voice but when he arched his brows and gave me the all too familiar look, I knew he didn’t believe what I said.
“You can’t be so sure Aura. We have to be careful. If we get caught we will have to face the consequences, especially, you. I am just concerned about you.” His words held so much concerned about my well being, all my complaints evaporated. We had been friends as long as I could remember. I couldn’t deny he was saying the truth though. So, I thought it would be better to stay mute than argue over a cause that would trouble me more than him. He quickened pace and I matched his.
When we reached the destination, I could feel my lips stretched up in a curve line. I stood there, relishing myself into the sight before my eyes. Round and firm blood oranges dangling from the limbs, waiting to be plucked and savoured.
A deep reddish blush spread over the orange rind. The fresh citrus aroma made me salivate and I could almost feel the sweetness and tangy flavour spreading over my tongue.
I turned to notice Chaz and his face was reflecting the same expression as mine. Without any unspoken words, we sprinted towards the tree as the same line of thought spinning inside our heads.
A low branch loomed just above my head. With a jump, outstretching my arms, I seized it. , The muscles in my arms protested against the weight of my body as I pulled myself up off the ground.
My boots squeaked as I dragged them against the trunk to get a better hold and hoisted my body from the ground and seated on the branch.
I plucked the nearest blood orange and took the first bite. The juicy flesh with a hint of sweet-tart edge and with a subtle raspberry flavour flooded into my mouth, enhancing my taste buds.
These seasoned fruits were often provided in the pack meetings, prepared in various dessert dishes but being an Omega it never reached our table. I never got the chance to taste this foreign fruit until now.
The food was always served first to the high-born and then it passed to the next in the hierarchy and so forth. Before it made it to our table, hardly any bits were left. It became a forbidden fruit over the years and my urges became stronger with each passing day.
We craved what we couldn’t have.
Every enjoyable moment needed to come to an end before we even realized. As Chaz and I were busy enjoying the delicious fruit, a discreet cough interrupted us. We turned our heads and noticed a boy, a few years older of us stood a few yards away from the tree, regarding us with a shock expression. He was tall and lean. His coat was a size bigger than his frame and his hands were occupied by a heavy, empty creel.
Chaz and I both looked at each other to come up with an excuse but nothing came to my mind. Blank.
“What are you two doing here? Don’t you know, you are not supposed to be here, wandering around, stealing...” The boy spoke directly to me, emphasizing the word stealing.
“We are just having some oranges,” I said in an uneven tone.
“What hierarchy do you belong to?” He asked me, completely ignoring Chaz.
“I am an omega and he...” the boy cut me off and shifted his focus to Chaz for the first time. His accusing tone diminished as he simply stated “I know you, you are highborn. Son of the salutatory wolf. What made you involved in an improper act like this? Did she force you?”
Chaz grew annoyed with his accusation. “I am equally guilty as her if that’s what you are asking.” He stated in his stern voice, narrowing his eyes at the boy.
Chaz never made me feel unwelcomed. A highborn and an omega. He valued our friendships and never acted differently based on my status. He shared our foods and joined us on our table during the pack meeting. After his father died in a rival attack, her mother stopped coming to the pack meetings. Being a salutatory wolf of the pack she held more power than other highborn wolves but she hardly showed it in the public.
“We are not stealing just having some blood oranges. There is still plenty for you if you want some.” I said softly.
“That's stealing but if you want to turn a blind eye..."
I didn’t appreciate his remark and instead of shrugged it away, I returned in a disapproving tone, “You are no better, judging people based on their status”.
“It’s not my place to judge, I am just a hunter. But you should be thankful if anyone other than me witnesses your actions, they would have dragged you to the authorities without hearing your pleas. I am being generous so I am letting you go. Both of you. Now go away before anyone sees me involved in your wrongful acts”. The boy glanced around him nervously, verifying if anyone overheard our conversations.
“Thank you. Give us a minute we will take our leave,” I quickly grabbed some blood oranges from nearby branches and stuffed it into my pockets before I hopped down the ground.”
A sudden playful smirk appeared on the boy's face which I had difficulty comprehending. “I promise to keep my mouth shut about the incident and do not tell another soul if...”
Before he could continue, Chaz cut him off, leaving the sentence hanging between us. Till now Chaz had been silent and observant, intently listening to our exchanges. He made his presence known with his harsh voice “what do you want from us?”
“Not from you. Her.” The boy averted his gaze from him to me and his lips stretched into a sheepish grin.
Chaz did not appreciate his tone and jumped from the tree. He stood before me carrying a protective stance.
With his fidgety movement, the boy babbled “I just want to spend some time with her maybe we could go for a walk or run a few miles”
Before I could respond Chaz beat me to it by simply answering his questions, leaving for no arguments “We are leaving now, come Aura”
I clasped Chaz’s hands, halting his motion, keeping my voice neutral “I am willing to accept your proposal as a thank you note but my friends will be there too.”
The boy widened his eyes and nodded his head. “I want the dessert to serve on our table at every pack meeting”.
He tilted his head, giving it a brief thought then eventually agreed, “I can make that possible. No one will spare a glance if a small serving of a dessert goes missing. And I will treat you with some delicious pies tonight.”
“For us,” I said.
A frown line creased between his brows. He measured us both with his fixed gaze “For both of you?” His words directed at Chaz “He is a highborn he could easily...”
“Chaz sits at our table and no, there are three of us” I confirmed.
He lifted his brows as if how much he was willing to offer.
“Yes or no? We need to go, we are getting late.” I asked with a straight face though inside I was holding to his positive response.
A roguish smile tugged at the corner of his lips. With a friendly nod, he agreed, “I am looking forward to our next meeting, Aura.”
Before anyone could see us, Chaz and I walked away, mostly dragging Chaz away with me as he was huffing and puffing the entire way back to my home.