"You look like you're about to pass out." I turned over at the sound of Wyatt's voice, sighing before looking away again.
I am.?I said to myself in my head as the memory of Jay's words invaded my poor mind.?Fucking disgusting.?I thought again ?? probably with a visible shiver since Wyatt's brow rose up in an unasked question. I shook my head, leaving the living room for the hallway. I then walked up the stairs and made it to my room. I felt like I was about to throw up, and I didn't need Wyatt and his purple mess of hair to quicken that.
Hey. You just left?
3:33 PM.
What happened.
3:34 PM.
I sighed as I read David's text. Yes, I'd basically made a run for it after Jay was out of sight ?? I didn't even take the bus, and I hadn't even told David goodbye.
Nothing really.
4:05 PM.
Sent, knowing that David would figure out it was a lie, but he was too patient and nice to bother me about it. That's one of the reasons I was glad we were friends. His attitude towards things like this overweighted his rowdiness and general God-given talent to annoy the hell out of me and anyone within a three-mile radius.
Changing into a more comfortable pair of clothes, I went about cleaning up my room. Before setting up my computer on my study desk to get some work done. I had some online quizzes that were due on the weekend, and hurry, teachers just had to figure out how to complicate things by using the internet against us. Why couldn't I just submit my math assignment notebook instead of taking a picture of each page and uploading it to my student portal? Oh, and God forbid I use the wrong one.
As I cursed my teachers for complicating things that didn't need to be complicated, I settled down to do bits and pieces of my assignment as I chatted with David over on Facebook where I had a chat bar opened on the right corner of my screen. He was sending me memes and complaining about our physics assignment as he did his.
Hey, what do you think of Tim?
4:22 PM.
I stared at the question, wondering why he'd suddenly asked me that. I put my hand on my keyboard keys, making to create a quick reply to his question.
Nothing much? It's not like I know him well enough or anything.
4:23 PM.
I answered, watching as David's speech bubble with three dots popped up.
Oh, okay, just checking.
4:24 PM.
Checking what??I wondered with a frown, but I didn't question David. We went back to our previous conversation, and I said goodbye to him before logging off my computer when I was done with my work. I sighed, looking around my now clean room. It was probably going to be a mess again tomorrow, but seeing it clean even for a few hours made me happy inside. I got up from my seat before heading downstairs. Like I guessed, everyone was down in the living room busying themselves with watching TV or using their phone as they waited for Dinner.
My mum and her boyfriend had gone out, meaning Wyatt had the responsibility of fixing up dinner, but of course, he was on his phone instead. Pedro and Ricardo were laying on the floor, while Martha, Juana, Charles, and Rosa had colonized the sofas and were either watching TV or scrolling through their social media.
"When's dinner?" I asked, walking to the center of the living room, and catching everyone's attention by blocking the view of the TV.
"Idiota." I rolled my eyes at Juana's word, turning to Wyatt whose lips were now an 'oh' shape probably from the realization that I'd indirectly been asking him what he was going to prepare.
"Damn, I forgot. I'll make some pasta or something," he said, getting up. He was wearing snug jeans with a loose grey t-shirt that was too big for him. I rolled my eyes at him, following him out the living room and into the kitchen.
"I'll help," I muttered as I watched him pull out a pot from the cupboard above. He thanked me, before turning over and asking me to get some things for him, which I did.
"Hey, you never answered my question about what happened ?? you look ?? terrified?" Wyatt said, turning from the pot of now stewing pasta to me. I looked away from his gaze, taking a sit on the high stool by the counter before letting out a sigh.
"It doesn't matter. It's not like it's important," I muttered, letting my eyes watch the pot. "How about you. How was your day? You had classes today, right?" I asked at a go, not really caring for his answers, but I really needed to stir the conversation towards a less disturbing topic.
"Yeah, I did," he muttered with a small smile as he began to put things that he didn't need any more away. "Same old, same old."
"Hmm," I muttered, corking my head to the side as I watched him take the lid off the pot and stir its contents. Wyatt was that kind of loner most people didn't even know existed except for his flashy hair and clothes. He went for classes and came back right after, and to put it simply - his life was just very uninteresting.
"You're just dodging my question from before, aren't you?" he laughed, making my eyes widen in confusion before I started to laugh too. Wyatt may not be social, but he did know how to read people.
"When do you think my ma and your dad will be back from wherever they went?" I asked, watching as he shrugged after a moment of thinking. He ran his free hand through his purple hair, turning his eyes to the clock by the kitchen door before looking over at me.
"I don't know," he eventually said, making me roll my eyes as he started chuckling. I frowned a few minutes afterward when my mind suddenly tuned in to the scene with Jay earlier today. Why the hell was my mind fucking with me?
Eww.?I'm sure I physically shuddered yet again because Wyatt was now giving me a confused look. I shook my head, waving him off before looking away. He shrugged, turning back to the pasta.
I'd rather suffer in silence and wait for the thoughts to leave on their own than discuss them with Wyatt.