Jordan POV.
"Jordan, can you please drive the girls?" Mom asks me, I love my mother to the moon and back, but right now, I would prefer to be left the fuck alone, is that too much to ask for.
"No mom, ask Kei to do it," I say doing a wave with my hand, I just spent a whole week wiping Ashlynn's nose, I could use some free time.
"Keiran is busy, Jacob got work with me, now drive the girls," Mom order me using her alpha voice on me, I didn't like her alpha voice, especially when she use it on me, I whined, but nodded my head, I will drive them then.
"Girls! Jordan is going to drive you, get ready!" she yells out loud making my ears ache, she didn't need to yell so close to me. I groaned again, I moved going toward my car, turning the car on, putting some of my music on, music always helps, but not today, I was too pissed to enjoy anything.
"Hey, kitty!" Ashlynn says too happy, sitting next to me, while Kiara took her sweet time, coming to sit in the backseat.
"Hey Jordy!" she says with a big smile, although I love Kiara too, but her happiness is too much for my annoyed self.
"Sit down, put your seatbelt on," I order both girls, starting to drive, ignoring the girls, ignoring their chats, and turning the music sound even louder.
"Jordy, can we get some ice cream?" Ashlynn asks, just got better, after her bad flu, she doesn't need another sickness, I wasn't in the mood to play nurse yet again.
"No, you were sick," I answer her, but my little sister decided to be extra annoying today.
"Pleaaaase! Pleaaaaasseeeee, Jordy!" She begs me, but I wasn't about to give in, she's not getting any ice cream.
"I said no," I say in a firm voice making my sister whine, but I ignored her, she can whine all she wants, she's not getting any ice cream.
"How long would it take you two?" I ask them, parking in front of the mall, Kiara is getting a dress for Jacob's birthday, it's the day they'll be able to mate in it, it's a big day for them both.
"You're not coming?" Kiara asks me with tears filling her eyes, I don't like seeing her in tears, but me going there with them, it would end up badly.
"I have some work to do girls, go and enjoy, I'm sure you'll chose a pretty dress," I say trying to make it up for them, but the sad look didn't part their faces.
"But you got to come too, you promised," Kiara says, a lone tear falling down her face.
"Yeah, Jordy! You're the best person to chose clothes with!" Ashlynn says, but that got me angry.
"Girls, just fricking go, I don't want to see the dresses, you two can chose on your own," I say in an irritated voice.
"You don't have to be so mean about it, let's go Kiara," Ashlynn was quick to answer me, although I could see the look on her face, the hurt and broken one, I pulled on Ashlynn's hand, I can't let her go not while this hurt.
"Message me any potential dresses you have," I say this time with a tight smile, making the girls smile again, they won't have me with them, but I can answer their messages.
"Okay, bye kitty," Kiara says with a big pout on her face, she left the car, waiting for Ashlynn to join her.
"You okay? You haven't been yourself," Ashlynn asks, her question was only filled with concern, but my mood was too low to take her concern well.
"I'm good Ashlynn, go," I say between gritted teeth.
"No, what's wrong with you, talk to me brother," my sister asks.
"Nothing Ashlynn, nothing is wrong, I just spent a whole week wiping your nose, I get my chance to get some alone time," I say getting angry now, tears filled Ashlynn's face, before I could pull her back into the car, she had managed to leave, holding Kiara's hand and running toward the mall, ignoring my calls.
Angry, I hit my steering wheel a few times, screaming my frustration, I have to find another way to deal with my sister, a simple sorry won't help here, and to be honest, I don't want to make it up for her, I don't want to talk to her, I want to be left alone.
I drove off to find a parking spot, anywhere in the town would be good, I started to drive but an idiot decided to cut me through from the right side, I hoonked at the idiot, but he had a death wish, putting his hand out of the window, giving me the middle finger, the rude jer. I opened my window and yelled at the jer, honking at him, until he moved away from my way, but that only got me even more pissed. I found a place to park my car, placing it there, getting out of my car, slamming my door close, I walked toward the forest now, my eyes shifting to their wolf form over and over again, I'm blond with sea green eyes, but when in wolf form, my wolf is more grayish than blond my eyes are emerlad green.
I shifted to my wolf form, enjoying being on all four, this new form gave me from freedom to take my anger out, I started to run, attacking anything that moves, that includes rabits, squirls, and anything else, but those weren't enough, the little blood they provided wasn't enough blood shed for the anger inside me. I saw some packmates doing patrols, running around, they all bowed their heads toward me, we are all friends, usually we train together, fight together, we have a brotherly bond.
When one of the wolves decided to come and mess with me, he did the wrong choice, when he tried to attack me, although it's a game for us usually, today was different, when I fell on the ground, I didn't see it as a friendly game, I didn't see it as brotherly fire, instead I was angry, I pushed the wolf off me, I jumped on him, I went for his neck, I went to the kill. Other wolves joined our game, the one that wasn't a real game, everyone was just trying to push me off him, to save their brothers but to no use, I almost had him, until I felt a much stronger wolf pushing me off, the alpha, Keiran.