"Respect?is?love in plain clothes." ~ Frankie Byrne
Let's just say my plan never worked out but my life was much better even though Zayn followed my ass to University of Columbia in New York. He convinced our parents that he had to be there protecting me from all the temptations of college life. Believe me I scoffed too, since when did he ever care about me never did. My new life was quite comfortable, it was my second year in College and I never bumbed into Zayn since he lived in a frat house and I lived in the dorm rooms with my room mate Angelica. She is quite nice and sweet we had a lot in common although she was a nerd and a party animal while I was just a nerd basically just a nerd. I don't wear glasses anymore but I have to say in college I had a bit of more fashion sense thanks to Angie and I was more outgoing. Zayn only ever came to my dorm room to drop off something or just to face time mom and dad showing them that we were really close but we weren't. He hardly ever checked up on me but I didn't mind. Not many people even knew we were twins except Harry, Niall,Louis and Liam. Yes they followed him to New York too shocking. I wanted to be different, to get away from everything that tied me back to my twin brother so a year ago on my first day of college as soon as my mom headed back home and I was settled. I immediately dyed my hair blonde, if I had stayed a brunette people would definitely know that we were related even though my hair was blonde my hazel caramel eyes still tied me back to Zayn but one of the odds no one would really look that deep to actually try and find out.
I was currently straightening my hair in my dorm room since Angie had went back to see her parents for the weekend in California. I never really visited my parents well like I said I would never go back to Florida, Orlando just bad memories. I looked in the mirror satisfied with my hair then wore a pair of ripped jeans and a NYC college hoody suddenly someone barged in with no warning...
"What the hell Zay-" I yelled.
"Mom and Dad are on their way right now, they wanted us to spend our birthday with them so please drop whatever you were doing until they are gone so we can continue with our lives." Zayn said sounding very frustrated sitting on the Angie's bed that was on the other side of the room.
"Okay whatever." I replied there was no way of arguing with Zayn at a time like this, he was right. We should just put on a show until they are gone. I had totally forgotten that it was my birthday so many memories but now I just hate my birthday. I remember how we would always have a costume party every year and I would always dress like Snow white and Zayn would always dress like batman or superman. It was cute, we used to be so close until high school he chnaged , he was suddenly too cool for me even now he still is. In elementary school I was a loser but the best part was Zayn was a loser too with me we practically did everything together but everything has changed sometimes I wonder if he remembers all the stupid things we would do but they weren't stupid because we did them together.
He was on his phone the whole time and well I didn't mind because I just don't care anymore he abandoned me ages ago so I should do the same.
"Mom and dad are outside." He said moving to the door not even waiting for me to reply.
I rushed behind him to the elevator , Did I miss my parents?kind?of.?There was awkward silence in the elevator until an elderly lady entered. She stared at us for a while without turning away.
"Are you twins ?" She asked with a sweet cranky voice.
"No." Zayn cut her off be she could continue but I simply gave her a apologetic smile.
"I just came to visit my nephew, Ashton..." She continued making a conversation.
Suddenly Zayn put his phone in his pocket and blankly said "Okay we don't give fuck."
When we got out of the lift I was so relieved because it was suffocating to be in the same room with Zayn. When I noticed my mom with her long black hair and my dad with his black greyish hair, I jumped because its only this moment that I realised I missed them. Zayn instantly rolled his eyes which I have gotten used to he does that when his embarrassed by my actions.
"There's my little girl Zaneh." My dad cooed as I hugged him, I hugged my mom as well instantly missing her warmth when I pulled away. Zayn tried looking excited bit I knew him better than anyone to know that he was annoyed and couldn't wait to get out of here and heard to his Frat party. I'm sure his friends were planing to throw him a party.
We had lunch with our parents, it consisted of Zayn and I played brother and sister most of the time making up stories about how we always hang out. "Blonde hair huh ?" My mom smiled.
"Well I just wanted to try something different." I genuinely said sipping on my orange juice.
"You look beautiful darling." My father complimented.
"Thank you daddy." I smiled.
"Yes she does." Zayn shrugged looking at me. That was surprising well I didn't know if he really meant it or it was just for show. "Well it seems you kids are doing well." My father paused looking at my mother "So your mother and I decided to buy Zayn the Audi R7 and it wouldn't be right if we didn't buy Zaneh the same car just to be fair."
"Wait what ?" I gasped and Zayn did the same.
"Dad tell me you are kidding ?" Zayn laughed but our parents kept on a serious face.
"Well you both deserve a treat for being none problematic like in high school." My mom said fumbling the keys from her bag. That's when my heart dropped into acid, I can only imagine Zayn felt the same way. "Zayn thank you for being good to your sister unlike the way you treated her in high school." He nodded giving me a glance not to say anything and I didn't why would I.
No word spoken there for after except hugs and more thank you's were exchanged.?