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The sound of birds happily chirping outside me window woke me up. Any other normal person. Would love to be woken up in such a manner every morning. But not me. I didn’t want to be woken up by birds. In fact, I didn’t want to be woken up at all.

I laid in bed for a few more minutes with my eyes shut as I thought of her. The way her bouncy red curls moved when she walked. She was always in a hurry. The little line that appeared between her eyebrows when she was in deep thoughts. Her big emerald eyes that always beamed with excitement.

Anger flashed through my mind as I thought of the man who ran her over getting away with it. His lawyer had argued that he was not to be blamed. She apparently came out of nowhere and he couldn’t stop in time. I know very well that that’s bullshit.

Stacie was always careful. At 28 years of age she still looked left and right before crossing any road. I often made fun of her and her answer was always the same. "One can never be too careful."

A loud thud shook me out of my thoughts. I was reluctant to get out of bed and investigate. After a few minutes, I dragged myself out of bed and stood in the tiny bathroom gazing at my reflection. I looked like shit. My brown hair was in need for a good wash. A stubble that has been growing for the past week made me look worse than I felt. The dark circles around my eyes were proof that I had not been getting much sleep.

I looked into my cabinet and groaned in frustration. All out of toothpaste again. I did not want to have to go into town and bump into people that I no wishes to speak to. I really had to go into town, I had been brushing my teeth with no toothpaste for the past few days. Stacie would have been ashamed of me. Well, at least I was brushing my teeth. That should count for something.

I pulled on a pair of dirty jeans and an equally dirty shirt and grabbed my van keys. On the coffee table next to my keys was a fallen lamp. I looked around for the culprit.

"I know you’re here, Mittens. Show yourself." A soft purr emerging from the sofa told me that he was hiding somewhere there. Mittens belonged to Stacie.

Ever since her passing, I had been looking for a person or place to take him to but a part of me still held on to him.

My thoughts were disturbed by the sudden rings of my phone.

"Danny here." I answered. There was no answer.

"Hello?" Still no response.

This had been happening ever since Stacie died. I had been hoping that it’s someone who could possibly have information that could confirm what I already knew.

Stacie didn’t just die. She was murdered.


I made a mental note to start making a grocery list before going to the grocery store. Standing in the aisle looking like a lost five-year-old is not good for a grown man’s image. I had never been good at this shopping stuff. I glanced around and grabbed a carton of milk, cereal, bananas, shaving blades, and coffee.

I waited in line behind a large woman with a screaming toddler. Patience was not my strongest point. I contemplated leaving everything and walking out but the thought of brushing my teeth with no toothpaste one more time made me cringe and I decided against leaving. It was finally my turn to pay and I proceeded to a young woman who was chewing gum in a really annoying manner. She must have been new because I did not recognize her. The drive from the grocery store to my place was a short one. I was not sure whether it was really short or I was just really used to it. I had been going there for the past 6 years. Well Stacie had been going. I just played chauffeur so that I could check out the music store next door.

Pulling up in my driveway, something caught my eye. Right at my door is a brown box. No labels, no stamps. I looked around for a sign of the person who had delivered it and there was no one. I stared at the box anxiously for a while before carefully lifting it up. It wasn’t heavy neither was it light. Inside my living room, I placed the box on my coffee table and quickly looked around for a tool to open it up. In the kitchen, a steak knife sat on the table almost as if wanting to volunteer. My heart was pounding in my chest and a bead of sweat rolled down my temple, I stared at it for a while. My hand trembled every time I lifted it to touch the box. After hesitating for a while, I opened the box. Inside was an article about Stacie’s accident. I had seen that one. With the headline “famous journalist killed in a car accident”. Nothing new there. I had read all the articles that had been writing surrounded her death.

A white envelope caught my attention underneath the article. In it were 4 pictures of Stacie. I could tell that the pictures were taken without her knowledge. In all four pictures, she had on the same green coat. Her favorite coat. In two of the photos, she sat in a café as if waiting for someone. The name of the Café was not really visible. Just the last letters showing.. ma’s café. It could be anything. Emma’s, mama’s, Gema’s. The list was endless.

I tossed everything back in the box and sat back. What was it that Stacie was working on that cost her her life? She had been quite cagey and jumpy the days leading to her murder. Never wanted to discuss anything. Some journalist oath I suppose. Never reveal your sources and that sort of thing. I thought of the other two photos in the envelope. In one of them, Stacie was on the phone. Her facial expression was hard to read but she had that little line between her eyebrows. In the last one, she had her back to the camera and was walking away. I scanned the picture for a few more minutes. Somewhere in front of her was a man in a black coat and hat standing to the side. He had on dark shades and his hands were in his pocket. On his jacket was a badge that I did not recognize. Was the person taking the picture aware of the man? Were they together? I sighed. The man could be anyone. He could have been waiting for a friend or wife or a taxi. There was no proof that he was watching her. Right at the bottom of the box was a book. Nothing was written on the cover. Inside, the pages had been cut in the middle. A square right through and in it was a single key. None of this made sense. What was the key for? Who sent this? I got up to put my groceries away when I realized that I did not get any toothpaste.

“shit! “ I murmured

Was it worth a trip back to the grocery store? I decided against it as I switched on the kettle to have a cup of coffee. No sugar either. Now It was worth the trip. It was a cool day and everyone seemed happy. Kids played outside while their moms talked over the fences.

“Forgot something? “ said a voice behind me in the grocery store.

I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was.

“Yes. Toothpaste and sugar” I responded to Anne. She was a petite mid-aged woman who worked at Sam’s grocery store for as long as I could remember.

She chuckled and said,

“You ought to get out of the house more Danny. The sun is good for your brain.”

I smiled and started to walk to the till when she suddenly said,

“There was a man here yesterday asking about you. I forgot to mention it earlier when you came. “

A man? I quickly scanned my brain for anyone who could possibly be looking for me. No one came to mind.

“What did he look like? “ I asked.

“Not too tall, black coat, hat on his head, shades and no manners.”

“What exactly did he ask about me?” I asked Anne who had now moved on to pack candy bars and chocolates.

“Wanted to know where you lived, if and where you work, how often you come to the supermarket, and if you have any family nearby. The whole thing did not sit well with me so I said that I only know your name. Nothing more. Nothing less. “

“Thanks, Anne” I mumbled as I paid for my stuff and left.

Who could possibly be looking for me and why?

As I began to drive home, I felt very uneasy and suddenly nervous about everything that has been happening. I notice a van coming ahead. It drove past me and I briefly glanced at it. The windows were dark but it had a badge on the doors. I look at it suspiciously.

That badge. There was something about it.

Where have I seen it?

I arrived home after a few minutes. My mind still on the badge. I couldn’t shake it off.

The colors red and black were dominant on it and a symbol that I couldn’t quite make out. Something shaped like a bottle or stick.

I was whisked out of my thoughts by Mittens as he had come over from the sunny window where he had been enjoying the sunlight all day. I bent down to pat him when something at the corner of the couch caught my eye. A piece of paper. It looked like it had been torn off a larger page. It was definitely an official document. I could tell from the initial sign-on it... CAA.. as I stood to scan the piece of paper a little closer, that’s when it hit me. I felt chills as I looked around my living room.

I stood still for what felt like eternity and fear took over my whole body. I finally found the courage to take step towards my bedroom. Everything seemed to be a mess. The drawers had been opened and left that way. The mattress had been pulled from the base. I looked around a little more as anxiety filled me. Something crashed in the kitchen and sent me into a panic. I froze and waited to hear another sound. Silence. I grab a baseball bat and made my way to the kitchen. It was just Mittens playing in the pantry. I finally exhaled. I wasn’t aware that I was holding my breath. Looking around the kitchen everything seems to be the way I left it. A lot of thoughts and questions crossed my mind. Am I in danger? Is someone after me? Is this related to Stacie? It has been two years. Why now?

The living room seems to be where the intruder spent more time. Everything was a mess but nothing was broken or taken.

What was the intruder after? The front door had no damage. No forced entry. They must have come through the back door. I stood there in a daze and then it hit me.

The brown box.

It was gone.

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