Day 8 A blast
It's a beautiful morning of this day, she wakes up too early and getting ready to go at the Place of North Simpkins to distribute all the foods they had bought yesterday. She helps to pack the foods for the North Simpkins people, she looks for Sergeant Herrera but he was not around, she heard that he was with the commander and being busy of some important things.
They headed to the Place North Simpkins people along at the back of this camp. After long way of walking they reached the Place and they distribute it one by one to the people of North Simpkins she feels happy that even in a small thing she had to help those people who are affected by the war. She thinks that there is a reason why she was here, being a volunteer on this place. They look too happy with everything that they received, especially those children they had a big smile. After an hour they need to go back at the camp and she promised to the children that for the next day she will teach them to read and write. She waves goodbye to the children.
At the Arland Soldiers Camp
She sees Sergeant Herrera, along the way to the camp, she approached the Sergeant and greeted him. But the Sergeant was looking at her and says nothing and going back on what he is doing. She was totally disappointed and being feel sad and guilt, maybe because of what's happening in the market yesterday. She was left behind in the middle of the camp while watching them doing things so busy.
The Sergeant looks at her from afar, thinking about her and being so concerned with Chyrill he wants to approach her, but because of things happening right now he has no time to keep arguing or making good things with her.
He was surprised when Chyrill suddenly appeared in front of him.
"Hi, Sergeant can I borrow your little time for me. Chyrill smiled at him.
" Ohh...there you go again, What are you doing here? You supposed to be in your room. "
" Oh yes, I know that, I am not supposed to be here and no need to ask questions".
"So you know the rules?
She nodded and smiled.
"Do I need to lift you again to go back in your room?"
"No. I want to ask a favor."
"Here you go again Ms. Chyrill, Why you are so naughty?
" I need to go at the Market, I will buy some stuff for kids. Will you able to do that? Well, I want to clear that it is not for me...But for the kids. Please Sergeant. Her eyes pleading to the Sergeant.
Sergeant Herrera just shocked his head and finally he was able to grant the request.
At the Market Place
When they were at the Market, they buy some stuffs needed by the children. She notices the crowd nearby, she moves forward along the crowded area to look what is in there? Suddenly, she heard a loud explosion and the people in the market screaming and running. Immediately the soldier searches the area and let all the people away from the place.
There are lying prostrate and bloody bodies. She was rattling and cried about what she has seen, What happened next was that she did not know that everything was chaotic and exchanges of gunfire were heard between the soldiers and terrorist.
"Where is Chyrill? Sergeant shouted to their man.
Soldiers look around to find her, and finally he was spotted by the Sergeant.
" I see her, three o'clock cover me.
He slowly goes in her place where she was mingled to the crowded area. She was looking too scared and she was starting to cry, she looks around and don't have an idea on what will to do. She just sat down in fear and covered her ears because of the gunshots she heard. She was startled by someone holding her hands and when she looked up, she saw Sergeant Herrera. She suddenly cried on Sergeant shoulder.
Sergeant Herrera takes her away to the place she covers with him and along with the other soldiers, but at the moment they are near to a safe area the terrorist attack again and give a gunshot to her but quickly Sergeant Herrera covered her.
The Sergeant got a shot in his back, but he was ordered to give a shot to the Sans Serif terrorist and neither of their men, they pulled Sergeant Herrera and one soldier covered her away from that bloody place in the market.
Immediately a military trucks coming to respond to the situation and rescued the wounded civilians and given an attack to the terrorist. A continues gunfire coming from the Arland Soldiers and terrorist until the Sans Serif terrorist has to run away because of the massive explosion that give the Arland Soldiers.
She takes the military car together with Sergeant who is full of blood and loss his consciousness. He was quickly brought to the medic to cure him.
She followed at the medic room, she wanted to say with the Sergeant because she feels it was her fault and she was saved by him, she wanted to be sure that Sergeant Herrera was okay, but she was not allowed to enter the room.
The whole night she was alone in the lobby of the medic room of Arland soldiers, doctors and nurses are come and go every time she asked about the condition of Sergeant Herrera no one answered her about what is his condition.
One of the officers comes over and ask her to go back into her room and she was assured that everything will be okay and Sergeant Herrera was out of danger she then smiles and tears coming from her eyes because she was happy to hear that the Sergeant is okay, she feels that she was totally saved from her fault.