Her religious fear has come true. To be stuck in hell for eternity. She believed in heaven as much as she believed in He...
Hell Bound
Her religious fear has come true. To be stuck in hell for eternity. She believed in heaven as much as she believed in Hell. The girl knew there was something after death, she just didn't know if she would go to heaven or hell. Apparently her judgement was early. She didn't remember dying..just simply falling asleep and waking up here.
The screams of the damned and tortured rang in her ears. Light beads of sweat dripped down her forehead, it felt as if she was in a sauna but turned up a little more. It smelled like burnt flesh and the ground felt like needles piercing her feet. Essence let out a small whimper as she was shoved lightly, being the center on attention was always uncomfortable for her.
She was in the presence of demons and a king? She did what was probably expected of her, she bowed lowering her head. Their faces would haunt her dreams if she got out of this. Essence doubted she would. The girl hadn't been in hell long and she wanted to let out her own haunting screams of agony. Her mouth was dry and her unruly curly hair that failed to grow past her shoulders clung to her wet skin.
Essence wore a thin black tank top, she was glad she actually wore a bra to sleep, and leggings. She wanted to rip them off because it was only making her hotter then what she already was. Her peril was interrupted when she heard a raspy deep voice chuckle.
"Gather around boys and girls..we have fresh meat." And like that she knew it could only be one person. Lucifer.
As ordered a circle of hundred and thousands on demons men and women crowded around like hungry beasts. They pushed and shoved and clawed but not even one of them would be able to touch her. She belong to Lucifer, her soul at least. Her soul was his. It was his because it was the purest of pure, untainted by the evils and maltreatment of the world. One of God's many children was being handed over without a second guess. "Here before our very eyes is the one..the only.." This was a different voice, more soothing and calm than the one held by Lucifer. It seemed familiar to her. "Essence..the women who holds the soul of last Veni on earth." The voice continued.
The voice was heard and a finger was felt rolling under her chin, her head reluctantly lifted and her eyes met crimson auburn ones. It was like fire had been trapped inside them. She'd never seen something so horrible and destructive yet magnificently breathtaking before in her life. The unstable crowd hooped and hollered hearing this news when yet the girl couldn't even grasp if this was a dream or not. "Trust me you aren't dreaming sweet one." The male before her purred. A chill ran down her spine as he removed his finger that effortlessly held up her head.
The discomfort of the heat made her squirm slightly in her clothes, they rubbed and pinched her flushed caramel skin. A chuckled came from the demon. "Let me help you with that." He whispered before she felt a small refreshing gust of wind, Essence didn't get a chance to react when her clothes fell to shreds around her. This all fueled the fire of the crowded animals watching.
As the signals in her brain fired jumping across the synapses she whimpered and quickly covered her body best she could with all she had left; her hands. Hands trembling, limbs aching Essence was pulled to her feet. Humiliated and embarrassed she attempted to hide behind the male who held her arm hostage. "It's you're lucky day, you get to go home. I'll see you there sweet one." He chuckled before spinning her in front of him. "Keep the bed warm."
Just like that Essence sat up in her bed gasping, clutching her sheets in her hands. Her brown eyes flew around the dimly lit room for any sign of those demons from deep beneath the earth's crust. Nothing was untouched or out of place, it was a dream..wasn't it? Her breathing slowed as she threw the wet covers from her body and she began to move toward her bathroom.
Essence looked down noticed her leggings and tank top were drenched in sweat, carefully removing them she dropped the set of clothing in the basket as she flipped on the light. As she arrived at the mirror she noticed her skin was still red from how flushed and upset she'd been from the dream. Turning on the sink she leaned down to place cold water on her face.
As she dried her face the hairs on the back of her neck stood before she felt a presence, slowly looking toward the mirror. Her eyes fell on the demon from her 'dream'. Those cold auburn eyes seemed to flicker in the light. His teeth was as white as a fresh snow, his lips were a soft pink tone, his skin was pale no blemishes to be seen anywhere and his eyes was almost as dark as the shirt he was wearing.
Essence stiffened as she saw the male step closer to her in the mirror but she didn't move until she felt warm breath on the back of her neck. Swallowing the lump that was forming in her throat and blinking back the tears she turned fully to see the man only inches away from her.
The smell of mint and charcoal filled her nose and she was paralyzed; afraid to raise her eyes to meet this males. "W-what do you want from me?" Essence finally questioned her voice trembling as she felt tears burning in her eyes. His answer came as smooth as butter melting in the warm oven. "Your soul, I'm going to break it. In time you'll see."
The same finger from her dream lifted her head once more. "I can see why he thinks you're so special, so sad he gave you up so easily." He continued softly which a smirk of mischief on his face. "An easier job for me." Essence let the tears go she had been holding back and also the breath. "It wasn't a dream w-was it?" She asked again. His other hand raised to tuck a strand of curly hair behind her ear. "No sweet one it was not." He grinned.