He fisted my hair that was tied in a high ponytail and dragged the ribbon down, making my red hair fall on my shoulders. “And now you’re here; I’m never letting you go.” The realization that my life has been monitored since I was seventeen made my head hurt so bad that I felt like it was going to explode. Who wastes so much time of their life this way?
“You wasted your time watching me, and honestly, I feel bad for you. If it hasn’t occurred to your sick head yet, I’m never going to willingly accept you.”
“And that, princess, is the first lesson you need to learn about me. I don’t need your acceptance, as long as your body, your soul, and your fucking life belongs to me.” He trailed the knife from my neck down my chest slowly. I leaned more towards the wall like it was the only thing protecting me from him, maybe it was. “You can keep your acceptance as the only thing you have.”
“Screw you!” I wiggled and tried to kick at him; it felt like a doll trying to come back to life, it was impossible.
“Newsflash, I actually plan to.” My back was turned to him, but I could swear he was smiling. “Eventually.” I screamed hard and unexpectedly when the knife pierced my chest just near my collarbone.
“What- what are you doing?” He turned me over to face him; I felt my blood from where the knife had pierced my skin roll down my body; pain filled up the spot that knife had been.
“Claiming you, Charlotte.” He stared at the wound he had created on my chest with so much desire I didn’t think was humanly possible. “And don’t you dare scream or do anything stupid. I would only like to give you one scar, for now.” That was the last thing he said before he tore my crop top into two, throwing the fabric on the ground.
My bra was out; it was red in color. I stared at him with so much fear in my eyes; my body was shaking; my head was spinning. Was he going to sexually violate me? Was he going to kill me? He didn’t look at me; his entire focus was on my chest. His lips went down to it; I closed my eyes tight.
I felt his tongue in that particular spot he had just punctured, sucking and licking it, like he was trying to ease the pain. His hand slid up my bra; I could hear my own heartbeat. He fumbled my nipples before he left them.
“St… stop please…” I could tell that the thing that blurred my vision was tears.
“But we just almost got to the fun part.” His deep voice rumbled through my entire body like an electric shock. From his voice, he was probably twenty-seven or twenty-nine.
“Just let me go; I promise I won’t tell… I… I won’t say a word.” I pleaded with tears in my eyes.
“Shhhh.” He whispered and took out the hand from my body and placed it on my mouth, hard enough to stop me from talking, soft enough to not hurt. His other hand dropped the knife, and a shock eluded my body when I felt them at the hem of my bum short.
I shook my head profusely, but I couldn’t scream; he’d kill me if I did. God no, I don’t want this; I don’t want any of it.
“Spread your thighs, princess.” His voice was rough, I didn’t. I just kept sobbing; my tears touching the injury he made on my chest made it hurt more.
“Pl… please…” It came out as a mumble instead of actual words.
“Now.” He sounded like he was starting to get pissed off. I gulped and immediately separated my thighs a bit, he didn’t say anything, but I guessed he was pleased. Of course, he’d be pleased. His hands found their way into my shorts and into my panties; his hand came in contact with my feminine core.
A shiver passed through me; it was fear, the idea that he might kill me when he’s done, and no one would know. Goosebumps were on my skin again as he played with the slit of my clitoris before pulling his hand out. I stared at him; he looked at his hand that was inside my panties a second ago, like he couldn’t believe this was real.
“Close your eyes, Charlotte.” He looked from his fingers to my face, and I gulped before obeying, preparing myself for the worst. He was a serial killer and a stalker; what’s the worst that can happen? I heard some rustlings and then it stopped; I heard nothing. When I opened my eyes next, he was gone.
“What did you say again?” I asked, picking up the blood-stained towel on the cabinet and wiping off the blood on the knife before turning backward to face the half-dying man tied to the chair of nails. Every movement he made caused him pain and made the nails shift in his body.
“I’m sorry, we didn’t know you were in this city, we would have—”
I hit the sharp blade on the handle of the chair where his fingers were separated, a screeching scream came from him as he closed his eyes trying to endure the pain. His pinky finger was on the ground, cut out from his hand and making it four fingers left. He was missing his left ear and one pinky finger, both on the ground.
“You’re not sorry for trying to sell innocent little kids who have a future ahead of them?!! You think it's right to use kids for your stupid sex trafficking business!” I walked around the chair, trailing the blade on the wall as I passed. “You’re sorry for forgetting to be caught by me.”
“Who are you to judge us?” Tears were in his eyes now; his face had turned red. “You kill too!! We know you, everyone does, but when we do it, it’s the problem?”
“When they said your gang were fools, I didn’t believe them but now, I do.” A laugh crept up my throat. “You can kill whoever; you can do whatever you want, but kids? Girls whom you know very well cannot protect themselves, that’s where I draw the fucking line.”
“They are what we need in business. You can’t blame us for wanting to eat. What’s the difference between you and I? You torture us like you’re the better person, but in reality, you do worse than what we do.”
“I never said I was a good person. I don’t plan on being either. I’ll own up to my doings any day, anytime. Can you?” I peered into his eyes.
“Is that what you tell yourself whenever you stalk that girl? Charlotte Dawson?” He asked, coughing blood out of his mouth.
“I’d rather wait till I know she is mature enough for me. Why do you think I waited for eight years? I’d be willing to wait for fifty years more until I’m sure she’s mature. Do you still want to pull strings?” I squatted before him.
“The difference between you and I is I’d never pretend to be what I’m not to please her. I’d rather show her exactly what I am and make her fall in love with all the fucked-up parts of me.”
“If you kill me, my people will come for you- and her.”
“People like you are the reason why Mina isn’t alive. And till I take my last breath in this world, I won’t stop till all of you are six feet under.” I immediately plunged the knife into his right eye socket. He screamed, he kicked.
Blood came oozing out from his face. I didn’t remove the knife; I left it in his eyes and walked away from his chair. He couldn’t remove it either because his hands were tied.
“Let Them Come.”
I washed my hand in the sink right beside the door; he was still screaming, but it was obvious the screams couldn’t be heard. He was far away from human ears. “Come and finish him off, clean this place till it’s sparkling too.
The last thing I’d want is to get this fucker's infected blood on my ground.” I ended the call before walking out of the building, leaving him tied up there.
This was my torture warehouse, for anyone who deserved it. It was far deep inside the woods, like a small cabin; away from prying eyes. Every time I dealt with any child or girl trafficker, it reminded me of Mina.
I swore that as long as I breathed, I was going to catch every trafficker and make them pay, in the most dangerous way possible. Ironic maybe, I'm saving children and girls from being sexually trafficked, but that doesn’t make me a good man. I never have been a good man, and I don’t plan on being one now either.