Olivia's pov:
"Woah Nikita is really doing a lot for everyone here especially for Erica! A party? Damn" Sam and I were roaming around the hotel for some time.
He too was super confused, "I know! It's all kinda sudden, don't you think? How is she going to pull this off within an hour?"
I couldn't get over the fact of how attractive Sam looked today that I completely ignored his question!
Should I say something? A compliment maybe? I never have said such a thing to anyone before and I never actually felt the need to! But for Sam, it's different.
I really wanted to go to the party with him but I was too much of a coward to say anything! So we just continued walking while I was having an internal battle with my brain whether to ask Sam for the party or not. But why did I want him to go with me? I hated parties! This is so confusing!
I started to bite my thumb's nail. I always do that whenever I'm nervous or excited. And right now, I think I'm both!
I finally decided to get it over with and in a spring of a moment I vomited all the words that were accumulated in my mouth for a long time!
"Why don't we attend the party as well? Please!"
I don't know why on earth I said "please". Come on now, why was I such a klutz!
I could tell Sam was caught off guard by my sudden invitation. I wanted to go in a corner and cry as I think I really embarrassed myself.
He started scratching his head. And all I could notice was fluffy black shiny hair. What was wrong with me? I need therapy.
"Uh, well if you insist"
My mouth kinda dropped to the floor. Did he just say ok??
Instead of responding like a normal person would, I just stood there staring at him like a creep for reasons unknown.
Sam looked at me like I am some crazy person and started waving his hand in front of my face to snap me out of the weird place my mind was in.
I finally managed to bring myself to reality and nodded my head awkwardly. Could I make myself look anymore stupid than I already was? Knowing myself I probably would.
"See you at the party then?"
I instantly replied "Sure!" and not made him wait another 2 minutes for a simple reply.
He walked away to go back home to change while I did the same by going to my room.
After around 2 hours ~
Olivia's pov:
I walked out of the elevator like the princess I'm not! Like seriously who did I think I was?
Anyways, I wore a cream coloured turtle neck with some blue jeans and heels. As you know by now, I didn't pack anything for this party that came out of the blue. My suitcase was just filled with random stuff that I threw in the last minute before my flight here.
When I saw the room where the party was going to be held, I was so mindblown! Nikita really outdid herself with this.
The room was filled with balloons and dozens of decoration. The speakers that were located on all four corners of the room, blasted music that could be heard outside the auditorium. There was a dedicated dance floor and a whole buffet was set up on tables with white cloth covering them.
I was a lot more interested in the food more than anything! Don't judge me, I was an extreme foodie!
I stood at a corner in the room away from the crowd of drunk dancers. I was way too uncomfortable to even be close to them. I never drank in my life and I couldn't even imagine wanting to do that but to each their own.
I scanned the crowd of YouTubers who weren't drunk like the others. All of them wore fancy high end clothes to the party ranging from suits to dresses. I lowered my head and got a glimpse of my clothes again and I was feeling like a fish out of water but it was fine. Its just a party. Even though I was insecure, I still kept some pride and confidence in myself.
As I lifted my face up again, what my eyes captured was the most beautiful sight ever. It was Sam, whipping in through the throng and looking around. I bet he noticed how lavish the settings were, obviously it was Nikita's party. She was kinda known for throwing crazy parties and this one in particular was for Erica, the CEO of YouTube, so she left no stones unturned to impress her.
I focused on Sam again, he looked handsome. His shinning black hair were perfectly sitting on his head, the front hair were rolled back and the side hair up to combine with the roll. The gray suit he was wearing was complimenting his clear skin. His sleeves were rolled upto his elbows, revealing the Rolex tied around his wrist. Among all the perfection, his hawk eyes were the most breath taking thing at that moment.
I gulped the saliva that was dripping from my mouth. I had this weird feeling in me like butterflies in my stomach. I had no clue what was going on with me and I was afraid that I would mess anything up like my previous encounters with him.
So I quickly collected myself and marched with confidence towards Sam. And I thought everything would go on normally from then but I guess I was wrong!!
As soon as he laid his eyes on me, my face started heating up. My mouth was sealed shut and I couldn't utter a single word. I couldn't believe what was going on with me. I felt like kicking myself super hard for behaving so weirdly!
After mustering some courage, I opened my mouth just to say a simple "Hi" but almost immediately he greeted me by saying "Hey!"
And after hearing his voice, that weird feeling came back in a flash and my face was heating up. Can I just be normal for one day please?
Instead of saying anything, I just gave a very tensed smile. I swear the amount of wrinkles that ruled all over my face was not a pretty site! I looked like my grandma!
"You want me to get us some drinks?" Sam made eye contact with me again and I was going nuts. To save myself from embarrassment, I vigorously shook my head to give him the yes.
He smiled so cutely and went towards the bar counter. As soon as he looked away from me, I faced palm myself.
"Get it together Olivia! What's the matter with you?" I repeatedly told myself while taking a few deep breathes.
As I was continuing to talk to myself, I noticed the lights dimmed. A blue spot light was turned on, pointing towards the stage with some mist hovering over the air.
Nikita walked on stage, with her purple glittery dress, huge neon pink earrings and pastel purple heels. She approached the microphone and started talking, "Hello everyone! It's so amazing to finally see y'all here. I know I was a little bit extra with the decor but it's time to just unwind and have a good time. But before we start partying, let's give a round of applause to Ms.Erica Wayne!!"
Just then we saw Erica walking up on stage with her 'iconic' black businesswoman suit and black heels. She walked towards Nikita and gave her a hug. She took the microphone and started speaking, "Well hello everyone! I'm really happy that this night was planned for us. We can finally interact and mingle with each other before our trip together, it will not only make us familiar with each other but also strengthen our youtube family.! Thank you Nikita for doing this in such a short period."
Nikita took the microphone again "Why thank you Ms.Wayne, I know I'm awesome! Now let's get this party starting!"
Everyone started cheering and the music started playing. Everything was going well and we were having an amazing time!
At the spur of the moment, I didn't even realise that Sam had returned with two glasses filled with fruit punch. Virgin for me, of course.
I took the glass and took this opportunity to talk to Sam and other creators.
As time passed by, suddenly some waiters came to the middle of the room with a huge fondant covered cake decorated with the YouTube logo on it. Erica was made to cut the cake with a bow tied knife. After that we went back to having a good time.
Nikita's pov:
While everyone was having their sweet time, I snuck into the back door where one of the staff member was. It was a challenge getting there as apparently being the host of the party, people don't wanna leave you alone for a minute and just wanna talk! I enjoyed the attention but I had important things to do!
"Is it ready?" I asked impatiently.
"Yes ma'am" he replied while giving me a glass filled with a soda spiked with strong alcohol.
I took it and gave him some money to shut him up for good.
"Good, now leave and remember keep your mouth shut."
The smile on my face was so evident that anyone far away could notice it. I was so excited to carry out my plan!
After he went away, I looked at Olivia having a good time talking with the other people there while standing behind the back room's door.
"Oh Olivia, honey, that smile on your face will soon disappear after I give this drink, I'm going to make sure you remember today forever!"
You're probably wondering what's my plan! Well, I'm going to give her this spiked drink and provoke her to speak badly about me. In that way, her reputation will get ruined and I'll gain a lot of subscribers and attention by being the victim. Yes, this is the best idea ever! Cancel culture is amazing when it favours you, right? I'm a complete genius!
I took the drink carefully and started walking across the room towards Olivia, to be honest I was a little afraid but nothing is going to stop me from reaching my goal. I could feel the 'golden plaque' for 1M subscribers floating in front of me, already! I could almost taste my victory!
"Heyy! " I tried to be as normal as possible and not look eager or anxious.
"Oh Nikita? Hey!" Olivia turned around looking surprised.
I gestured with my hands for her to go away from Sam and the others to come to me.
After a lot of convincing she finally came to me towards the juice counter. She really got on my nerves when she didn't come here easily.
"What's up Nikita?"
"Oh I just want to spend some time with you! You look stunning girl!" I gave her a fake compliment, just to make her happy before I completely ruin her life.
"Aw thank you! I just kinda slapped anything I found out of my suitcase."
I didn't want to hear her boring talks so I got straight to the point!
"You must be feeling parched after talking for a long time, drink?" I handed her the glass filled to the brim with the spiked drink.
"Oh, I already drank some punch but I guess another round wouldn't hurt. Thank you so much Nikita!"
She extended her hand and happily took the glass from me. I felt half accomplished by then. Now all I had to do was to wait for to take a sip or two.
Just then I got a text message from the very same hotel staff that I involved in this plan, telling me to come to the back door. I was super annoyed but decided to go there incase there is some problem.
Olivia just stood there scrolling through her pictures and did not drink it yet so I had some time to go and come back.
I excused myself and quickly went to the back door and started screaming, "What the hell do you want?"
The guy told me that I paid him less than what I had promised and demanded the rest of the money. I was super confused to hear this and decided to check the amount that he had in his hand.
After some time of double checking, I found that he was right. I quickly gave him the rest of the money and went back to the auditorium to see if Olivia had consumed the drink.
Olivia wasn't anywhere in site. I got a bit puzzled and started looking for her.
I was starting to get really angry that I had to find her now, but with all that running I decided to take a mini break and drink some soda to quench my thirst.
I took a glass from the spread of drinks on the table near the juice bar and started drinking the cool refreshing soda while simultaneously scanning the room, looking for Olivia
Just then from behind me, Olivia tapped my shoulder and started talking with a smile, "Nikita, I just kept my drink on the table here as I went to check out something, I think it got mixed up with the other drinks on the table." I looked at her feeling all confused.
"I'm sorry! You gave the drink with a lot of care and I lost it." She showed me her innocent eyes indicating how sorry she was.
Before I could even say anything, at that point, I started feeling very lightheaded and dizzy.
What's happening to me?
"Oh my goodness! I drank the spiked drink."
Olivia's pov:
I was talking to Nikita but she didn't look like herself. She looked really messed up. I couldn't quite understand what was going on with her.
She was suddenly laughing hysterically almost like she had a little too much to drink.
Everyone present in the room stopped whatever they were doing and narrowed their eyes at Nikita.
She started loosing her mind and was randomly laughing so loud.
Everyone started laughing as well, like they were seeing a clown in a circus.
And before I knew it, she passed out on the ground.
I just stood there confused and tried to wake Nikita up.
Her passing out, didn't stop the people from laughing but instead it made them laugh even more.
Sam tapped me from behind. I turned around to find myself in close proximity to his perfect face. In the spur of the moment, I controlled my weird self and focused on the current issue. He asked me what happened and I replied almost immediately.
"I think she had way too much alcohol." I said out loud by accident and I saw everyone were laughing even more and murmuring something about Nikita. I guess I would have to apologise to her about this.
Sam and I picked her up and took her to her room. Well it was mostly Sam doing all the work.
She was blacked out so we switched the lights off and left her in her room to sleep through the night.
"DAMN! Why did I say that out loud?" I was super annoyed with myself.
"You don't need to worry about it, everything will be fine! They will talk about it and forget about it tomorrow." Sam said trying to comfort me.
His charming voice was enough to calm my nerves down.
"Ya I guess, but some people are going to make fun of her."
"Well you're right about that so you can apologise to her tomorrow when she wakes up." I listened to Sam and agreed with him.
It was getting pretty late, we were at the party for hours so Sam was heading to the lobby to leave.
"This was just quite a day right?" I was exhausted .
"Well but at least it was fun! I had a great time Olivia!" Sam was so chill that none of what happened seemed to bother him one bit. I on the other hand, was a complete mess!
"It was fun but I just remembered that we didn't get to do the collab video that we had scheduled for today"
"Damn I remember! I totally forgot about it" Sam started scratching his head in awe.
I didn't want to make him worry about it so I just said, "No worries! We can do it tomorrow."
We were near the elevator so after giving a hug, Sam left to go back home and I pressed my floor's button and went back to my room.
Sam's pov:
I had to quickly go to my car and go home as it was quite late. As I was walking towards the exit of the hotel, I noticed a similar face standing near the gate.
I looked closer and noticed that it was Jack!
"What was he doing here?" I thought to myself.
As I was approaching him, I studied his face from head to toe and I noticed that his face did not look great. His eyes were puffy and red and he looked angry and tensed. I wonder what happened?