“I don’t believe you, Matteo! She doesn’t look your type at all! How can you move on so fast?” cried the woman called Cadence, her face red with anger.
“Excuse me? I am his type, and we are planning to get married next month. Do you have a problem with that?” Amelia came to the rescue while it was Matteo’s turn to gape at her. The woman snickered with disbelief and gave her a once-over.
“Do you want me to buy that crap? I don’t see a ring on your finger.”
“I’ll wear it after Matteo talks to my parents,” she lied, refusing to glance at an amused Matteo.
“Whatever! Be ready to face my dad, Matteo,” she threatened, climbing into her car and driving away in a state of fury.
Amelia watched her go with a victorious grin on her face, not realizing what she had called upon herself. Feeling Matteo’s jaw-dropped gaze upon her, she finally turned to look at him. Her face flushed with embarrassment realizing what she had done.
“What?” she asked, as he continued to stare at her. His lips curled up into a tiny, impish smile. At that point, Amelia knew she was in trouble. “Shouldn’t you be thanking me for saving your ass?”
“Well, thanks, but you realize what this implies, don’t you?” Amelia licked her lips nervously and shook her head. What would it imply? She saved him from a clingy female! Wasn’t that what it was all about?
“I saved you from her, maybe!” Matteo shook his head slowly and walked towards his office room with Amelia hot on his heels, dying of curiosity. “Then? Is she your ex-girlfriend?”
“Nope! I don’t date!” Amelia’s eyes widened with confusion while Matteo held the door open for her to enter.
“But she mentioned something about moving on.”
“She’s my ex-fiancée. I broke up with her last week, but she didn’t think I was serious.” It was Amelia’s turn to gape at him with shock. Despite breaking up with his fiancée, he didn’t look heartbroken at all.
“Oh, then why did you introduce me as your girlfriend?” His statements were so contradictory. They had Amelia totally confused.
“I caught her cheating! I can never marry her.” He sat down at his desk and gazed back at her with a brooding look on his face. It was impossible to gauge what was going on in his mind.
“Oh, that must be so devastating to see the one you love cheating on you,” she said, feeling his pain, although she had to admit he hid it very well.
“I don’t love Cadence. Her dad is the owner of this garage. He offered me a 50% concession for this place if I married his daughter. I still have two installments left before he transfers the documents to my name.” Amelia sat gaping at him in a gut-wrenching state of shock, realizing what she had done. With two installments left, Matteo was in deep trouble with Cadence’s dad.
“Oh, I didn’t know! But you’re at fault more than I am. Why did you introduce me as your girlfriend?”
“Just to dissuade her. She knows I don’t do girlfriends. But now we have to carry on this act till I pay off the full amount to him.” He got up to leave while Amelia tried to grasp what he just told her.
“But that would take months, Matteo. I’m going back home tomorrow.” He turned at the door to give her a devilish grin.
“Nope, not happening, Emilia. I’ll bring you back. You can’t leave me to deal with this alone.” He opened the door and left, leaving her wide-eyed and shocked. Did he really say that? What had she gotten herself into? She sorted his office absent-mindedly to please him and make him forget all his conditions. Once she paid the car expenses, she would disappear from New York. How would he seek her out if she didn’t give him her number or address? Maybe he was bluffing just to rile her up!
She could see Matteo working in the garage, fixing expensive car parts like they were as easy as joining Lego sets. She had to admit that he was very good at his job. He stood up to instruct his men, watching them work with his hands on his hips. In everything he did, he looked utterly hot and sinfully seductive. He strode out of the garage and leaned against a car, casually taking out a cigarette and lighting it.
From the office room window, Amelia watched the swirling smoke escape his lips. As if aware of her gaze on him, he looked directly into her eyes. Despite the distance, a warm flush of embarrassment spread all over her at being caught checking him out. She closed the window and switched on the air conditioning. It was better to be locked up than waste time admiring the creepy guy!
In another two hours, she had the place tidied up and admired her handiwork. She was sure Matteo would be too pleased with her efforts now and release her. It was almost 4 o’clock, and it was strange that Matteo hadn’t come in once to check up on her. How long would the car take? Should she take an update now?
Using his washroom, she freshened up and stepped outside. However, her eyes popped out at seeing Rebecca and Lizzy giggling away with Matteo. He had bought them drinks while she was slogging inside his office, cleaning up his shit!
“Oh, there you are, Amy! Look at the car! I could kiss the hands that fixed it! It looks as good as new!” exclaimed Rebecca while Matteo chuckled.
“I didn’t fix it! You can kiss Freddie’s hands! He’ll be thrilled!” Rebecca rolled her eyes but grabbed Matteo's hand instead.
“I’ll kiss the owner’s hands. After all, you supervised the work, right?” Amelia froze, glaring at the two of them flirting with one another.
“I’m tired, Becca. If you’re done with your flirting, can we please go from here?” It immediately made Rebecca sober up and give her a death glare. Matteo extricated his hand and went over to talk to Freddie.
“We were waiting for you to wake up, Princess. Else we would have left a long time back. Who do you think will pay up?” she seethed while Lizzy held her back from picking up a fight in front of strangers.
“Who the f*ck told you I was sleeping? I was cleaning up Matteo’s office so that he gives us a concession on the car,” Amelia stated calmly although she wanted to punch the attitude out of her friend.
“Why? Don’t you have your bank card?” asked Rebecca, which infuriated her further.
“Yes, but sadly, I don’t have unlimited funds. With the two of you not helping, how do you expect me to bear everything? The fault was yours mostly for sneaking out with your uncle’s car. You forced me to drive yet you’re showing me attitude. Be thankful that I’m paying up,” gritted out Amelia in a low whisper. She was done with the two of them. The moment she wrapped up this mess, she would ask her dad to book her a ticket to LA. She wouldn’t spend another night in Rebecca’s uncle’s house.
Her outburst quietened Rebecca. Amelia stormed towards Matteo, still in a state of fury. “Have you calculated the expenses, Matteo?” she asked, glaring at the man. He was infuriating! How could he flirt with Rebecca the way he did with her? Matteo turned to flash her a charming smile, but Amelia had seen through him. She forced herself to remain unaffected and glared at him instead.
“Yes, Signorina. Can we go to the office to discuss this?”
Amelia nodded and stomped over to the office, with Matteo and her friends following her. “Please have a seat, all of you.” Charmed by his warm smile, Rebecca sat down as near him as possible while Amelia and Lizzy sat opposite him.
“So how much do I have to pay you?” asked Amelia, her breath stuck in her throat with apprehension.
“The bill amounts to 5k but after concession, I can reduce it to 4k,” said Matteo apologetically, watching the jaw-dropped look on Amelia’s face.
“I have only 2k in my account, Matteo.” Rebecca looked uncomfortable and glared at her as if it was her fault that she couldn’t pay.
“No, problem. Your friends can contribute,” he said, turning to look at Rebecca.
“Don’t expect a thing from me. I’m saving your hotel expenses already. Dad has frozen my account.” Lizzy also had her own sob story, and all eyes turned towards Amelia.
“I have another card in Rebecca’s uncle’s house. I can pay you tomorrow, Matteo,” she offered hopefully.
“Fine, you can take the car tomorrow when you pay the entire amount.”
“No, my uncle’s returning tonight. He’ll be furious if he doesn’t see his favorite car.” They all looked at him nervously. He was the only one who could help them now.
“I can talk to your uncle on your behalf,” offered Matteo with a sigh.
“No, he won’t listen. Please don’t do it, Matteo. I beg you,” said Rebecca with tears in her eyes.
“Fine. You can get Amelia’s bank card while she stays here with me.”
“Thanks, Matteo. Can we take the car?” asked Rebecca with relief.
Amelia watched them bundle out of the office room excitedly. She had a hunch they wouldn’t return soon. She watched her so-called friends helplessly while tears pooled in her eyes. Why did she always have to pay for everything?