- Eva, lower yourself, I command.
I place my right eye in the assault rifle and close the other. I grit my teeth. My concentration is at its peak.
My colleague bends down while drawing the man to her lips, but not as much as I would like. For the moment I have her, always in my line of sight.
- Damn more! I spat into his earpiece.
I hold myself back with my elbows against the floor. My position could be very compromising if I was seen. I'm on all fours, buttocks in the air, my upper body is flat against the floor.
Eva bends down a little more and it's the man I finally have in my field of vision. A sadistic smile spreads over my lips.
I'm probably more than a hundred meters from the target but I'm sure of my shot. No hesitation, I have no more time. I pull the trigger, the bullet sneaks perfectly on my target. It first explodes the window of the restaurant before lodging in the cortex of my victim. In the head.
The blow is so powerful that the weapon pushes me back a little.
Eva pretends to be shocked when the man collapses in front of her, blood spurting from his head. Screams come from the surroundings. I hear people shocked by the scene, they start running away and screaming, it's total panic.
- We fall back, I announced to the walky-talkie. You have five minutes.
I rip my pants off and shove them into my bag. I put on a long skirt and fix the gun in my stockings. I unbutton my gym shirt and reveal a simple black top. I'm not worried, I'm in a rather isolated place.
I then launch into a hellish sprint to join the black truck waiting for us. Changing me delayed me somewhat. I only have three minutes left. If I don't get to him in time the team will go without me and I'll have to manage as best I can. In view of the general panic, it would be better if I broke up as soon as possible...
I slip into this panicked crowd and slow down. It would be a shame to have me spotted because of some strange behavior.
Two more minutes.
I walk quickly, my heart seems to take off from my chest.
Suddenly an arm grabs me and I turn around sternly.
- Sorry ma'am. We have to search everyone.
He is a man in his forties, dressed in black. I see his big black belt where his gun is stored. My gaze goes up to his chest where it is inscribed: Sergeant Connor.
So he's a cop or something, I resign myself to not being smart.
He starts searching me. His hands sculpt my arms and descend towards my pelvis. My breath catches when his hands venture lower. If he lowers them a little more, he will fall on my weapon. I'm willing to bet that if I get caught, I won't get any fun.
I'm panicked but try hard not to show it. Luckily for me I have more than one trick up my sleeve.
I then start laughing and squirming. The policeman stops his gesture.
- That tickles!
The man looks at me, very surprised at my change of mood. He finally sighs then puts his hands behind my ass to continue his run, I clap his hands and frown.
- You think I did not notice that since earlier you take advantage to be able to touch me? Take off the perverse dirty paws.
He gauges me with his gaze, I see another cop next to me and I scream.
"This man is violating my privacy!"
I manage to free myself while his colleague comes running. The mass of people is so large that I manage to free myself from their legs without difficulty. I see them turning in all directions, looking for me. It's too late, I'm already too far.
One minute. I have one minute left.
I launch into a rush for my final sprint. I reach a rather isolated and dark parking lot, which seems to have been abandoned for a while, and I finally see the black van.
Five seconds, my legs are running and I can't stop them. So much the better.
The truck starts and I still have twenty meters to go. Yet I believe in it until the end. Nothing is ever over when you haven't decided to give up.
I rush to the back of the car as it drives at breakneck speed and clings to me. They open the door for me, I use my last strength to throw myself inside.
I slump to the ground, out of breath. My legs are screaming at me that they need a rest.
I check around, everyone is there, no one seems surprised or even impressed by my condition. Only Tyler seems like it, but I don't care. He wears whiting-fried eyes on me.
I hasten to get up and any trace of physical weakness disappears. I have no right to show that I suffer. I'm the one leading the team, I have to be irreproachable.
I throw my wig against a sofa and go to join my comrades. They are all concentrated on computers, taking care of tampering with the images from the cameras where we could be seen, Eva and me, but also the van.
I pat Eva on the back, concentrating on the PC. She straightens up immediately and grits her teeth.
- Next time, you stop the talk and you kiss him live. I don't like to waste my time I announce.
- I would have seemed suspicious otherwise, she replies coldly.
- Yeah but I had to run, and I do not like it. I hope this will not happen again.
She sighs and turns her gaze to the screen.
I take off my skirt, it's out of the question that I get out of the truck with the same outfit. I retrieve the weapon stuffed in my stockings and put it back on the ground. As I crouch, I freeze.
If only for a moment I had forgotten his presence. I look back: Couille-molle.
He stares at my body and more particularly my buttocks with wide eyes. I don't know if it's the thong, the stockings or even my buttocks that fascinates him so much, but I must admit that it's strange. His eyes are wide open sign of the most total surprise.
I never thought when I undressed in front of my colleagues, after all, we all do it without a second thought, we are women with the same physical attributes, but it was without counting that now a man is in the game.
I'm not bothered by it. I grab my dress and hit Tyler with it.
"May I know what you're looking at?"
His eyelashes blink, he gazes into mine before coughing and waving his shirt for air.
“Holy shit, he swears.
- A problem ?
He tries to turn his head and I find myself provoking her. I get up slowly, he can clearly watch my ass. No one seems to surprise our game. So much the better, I apply myself to torturing this man. If I can't do it with my fists, I might as well use my assets.
I've never been the most beautiful of women, I'm sure I'm not one of her most dreaded bombshells by men. But when I wanted to get involved in this world where death awaits us around the corner, I understood that my physique would be one of my greatest assets and that I had to work on it. My many sports sessions have sculpted me a fine and muscular body, without going into excess, very efficient.
My flat stomach and bouncing ass could make more than one jealous. My rather round eyes are my charm, my luscious lips and this black makeup around my eyes are in charge of making me sexy and desirable. Many men fell into my charm game before I blew their heads off.
I force myself to put on my dress seductively.
— Oh.. Nothing... I thought there was a spider next to you but... I must be wrong.
His head deviated from my body immediately. I can't help smiling. What a stupid excuse!
- When will I finally go on the field? He asks, still confused by my number.
I quickly put my dress back on and smooth my hair with my hands. My face regains its coldness and I lean against the wall.
- Not now.
He frowns and crosses his arms.
- For what ? he yells.
- You are not ready. It's not with these arms of molluscs that you will achieve anything.
His teeth clench, he stares at me.
“It's not like you're fixing it. You strive to humiliate me during training. You don't even try to help me.
I bang my fist on the chair where he is sitting. I see a few girls jump up.
“Look, the only reason I'm endorsing you is because my boss demands it. We are a female team. I don't see why I would send a man I don't trust onto the field. We are not the totally spies shit. Nothing here is a game. You're too playful, not attentive enough, you'll die in no time, and although I must admit to being tempted by this idea...
I look up.
“I wouldn't send you, let alone now.
His face wrinkles and he holds my gaze. I hate when he does that.
- So teach me to be you.
I can't help but chuckle. Being me... Surely there was nothing worse than being me. I have known the worst horrors in my life, as if one of my mistakes has never been forgiven by god, as if the sky has decided that I will be that person out of millions to suffer more than the average. Being me is all I hate.
Faced with my silence, he corrects his sentence.
- Teach me to be as competent as you.
He just does what he wants. He wants more than anything to join this gang completely and I don't know why. His ultimate goal is to take down his ex-police team? He doesn't need us in any way.
- I will not let you go until you accept, he threatens me.
My gaze lifts and becomes stern. I approach him with a lion's step. I stare at him with all the hate I can have for him, and other people like him.
I grab a gun, a nine-meter glock, and point it at his brain. I have to admit that I love doing this. I like to intimidate him, I like to observe the fear he has of me when he has a gun pointed at his head. He keeps his mouth shut, and I appreciate it.
"Would that be a threat?"
His eyes blink, he shakes his head from side to side.
“Believe me, you would hate to be me.
I pull the trigger and he tenses up. I grab his collar and pull it up that way. I drag him to the front of the truck. The girls look at me, surprised at this show of force. I'm not used to pointing a gun at my staff so often.
I whisper something inaudible to the driver's ears, he nods.
"Nobody stuck with us?" I asked my colleagues.
- No, no one, answers one.
The truck soon stops. I come out with Tyler. My gun is aimed behind his neck, a vest protects the weapon. You might just think I have my arm behind my boyfriend's neck. Tyler trembles under my PTO.
- Walk straight, I order him.
“If you took your gun away from here, maybe I could.
- Do not tempt me. Now put on a happy expression.
He swears and puts his arm behind my back. He puts a smile on his face although tense.
Two young people pass by our side and smile, immediately I see stars populating their pupils. They seem to admire us for the happiness we make appear.
Tyler seems less uptight, but I know that's only in appearance. If it seems suspicious and someone suspects our game, I explode it.
His hand loosens my back and he grabs my right hand. I can't help but shudder. His hands are rough and hot.
I am quickly destabilized. I feel my heart gasp, it was the last gesture "he" had before everything collapsed before my eyes.
I have no right to crack. I release his hand and keep walking. I have the impression that the situation amuses my sidekick. He takes the opportunity to put his hand behind my back and down there until he can touch my buttocks. I clap his hand.
- Do not think you all allowed, I replied dryly.
He looks up and mimics my tone of voice. Damn, he didn't know how angry he was making me.
Luckily, we arrived just in front of the expected sign. I cash this lack of respect coming from him and taste my revenge which does not take long.
I arrive in front of a counter, a woman stares at me and I have to undo my cold face so as not to frighten her. She looks young, she is brunette with blue eyes, her cheeks are rosy, she looks breathtakingly sweet. All this leads me to compare her to a pretty Russian doll.
- You want?
— I would like to book the shooting range, a whole hour.
- You are ?
—Ella Wellington.
The woman's eyes seem to diverge, she taps for a while on her computer.
“Ella, so that's your name, Ella Wellington,” Tyler whispers to me.
I do not know. That's my real name yes, but in active society, aside from this club, I'm more used to being called Emma Thompson. It is a necessary double identity.
"There are still a few people in the room," the woman hesitates. At the moment I can't...
- Listen to my pretty, I interrupted, I want it now.
"But... I don't..."
Tyler also advances towards the young girl, his gray eyes seem to pierce her in the heart, they have an instantaneous effect on her. She parted her lips and her hands were shaking.
- When she says now is now, better not upset my girlfriend.
I stiffened up and just cashed in again. I don't think he understood, I even dance. He doesn't have to interfere, and especially not by pretending to be my girlfriend.
The young woman nods, terrified. She ends up leading us into the room. She apologizes to the customers and we finally have peace.
I spent long days younger, during my nineteen years here, now I am 23. It is this place that marks my change of life. Before, I would have been afraid to hold a gun in my hands, now I'm rather afraid when I don't have one.
I slip to the young woman to turn off the cameras and she obeys me. She doesn't know me, but I bet she's heard of me before. I am one of the VIP people on the entry list.
She slips away and finally leaves me alone with Tyler.
I enjoy contemplating the weapons displayed in the most complete silence. I try them out, checking which one might serve me best. I finally decide that the gun I'm holding around Tyler's neck is more than perfect.
I take my gun away from his neck. He barely has time to breathe when I hit him in the face with it. He collapses on the ground and I rush on him. I drop the gun. I prefer to finish it by hand. He's not knocked out, at least he has the courage to moan and order me to let him go. My fist comes against his chest, all my strength dedicated to him.
"That's to abuse my kindness."
I riddle him with blows, my fists burn me.
— Ella ... Calm down, he begs me
It's enough for him to say my first name to blast my last remaining nerves. He hides his crotch lest I attack this organ. The rage itches my eyes and it is rather the upper part of his body that I want to damage. Attacking his sexual organ would be too simple.
"You'll never hold my hand like that again, asshole."
He suffers, it's the only thing he can do. He tries to push me away by raising his head, but I slam it against the ground. He yells.
"Damn, I get it... Stop it... Ella..."
He begs me and I like it. I am very violent and this with anyone, once I started, you can be sure that I always finish my task.
His hand grabs my arm, and the feeling makes me jump. My eyes meet his. Her eyes are red while her pupils are still glowing. He has his teeth clenched and pinches his bloody nose.
I stop in my tracks. An electric current from his hand runs through me. I have never had this kind of failure. When I fight, it's until the death of the other, but then I feel... embarrassed.
I get up from his pelvis and look away. I clear my throat and dance on my own two feet, nervously. I even find myself helping him up.
He doesn't say anything anymore, for once I really messed him up. He doesn't even want to look at me anymore, he hugs his arms against his chest, it hurts so much. I blame myself, I blame myself for having gone so far. He deserved a little correction that's all.
However, I decide not to let my emotions overwhelm me.
“Anyway, we didn't come here for that. You want me to teach you what excellence is? I will show you.
He doesn't listen to me, maybe too stubborn to hate me.
I pick up my gun and fire at the cardboard figures we're supposed to be aiming at over fifty yards away.
There are two targets, I have ten bullets.
I aim for the first target, and shove five bullets into his head. Chaune seems to go through the hole from the previous shot. None pass by, I just enlarge the same holes a little more. My shots are on target and precise, I don't throw at random. I do the same at the level of the heart for the other target.
That's what I call perfection. In reality, it doesn't require a lot of effort from me, it's more a kind of demonstration, a useless show to demonstrate who sets the rules here.
I look at Tyler, who has his mouth hanging open. He struggles to stay on his two legs but quickly understands that complaining won't change anything with me.
"Fuck... I better never be in his line of fire," he whispers to himself.
"You are beginning to understand. I never miss one of my shots. Your turn now.