The evening wore on and those who lived locally stayed, but those who needed lifts home now wanted a ride home; I hoped Gina wasn't going to be amongst the first.
I made three trips in my car and it was nearing midnight when I returned home; there was only Gary, Sandra and Gina left. Gina made sure the two love birds were dropped off first at the flat they shared.
"Now then Casanova, we're on our own", she said when she'd seen that Gary and Sandra had closed the door to the block of flats they lived in. She leaned over and kissed me, her hands holding my face.
My own hands went around her neck and began stroking her shoulders. She's some kisser and my cock was soon straining to grow in my shorts.
"We'd better go before I shoot my load in my shorts", I said as I fidgeted in my seat, trying to get comfortable.
"Before we go, I want to show you something"; she said as she lifted herself from her seat and pulled up her dress, revealing her lack of underwear and her shaven pussy".
"Why you little minx", I said, stretching out an arm to touch it.
"Not now big boy, later. Drive me home", she said, leaving her dress pulled up, but just low enough to cover her decency should anyone happen to glance in.
"When did you take them off"? I asked.
"I didn't put any on", she answered.
"You mean you've been naked beneath that dress all afternoon and evening", I said, shifting in my seat to accommodate my growing cock.
"Yes", was all she said. My mind was full of pictures of her pussy under that dress as I drove us the two miles to her home. Boy was I glad when we arrived.
I stopped the car, got out, and helped her out before locking, then followed her up the path and into the house; the hall light was already on; I presumed she'd left it on a timer or something.
I closed the self-locking door and walked the few steps to where she stood, put my arms around her, and kissed once again; she responded and her tongue was soon probing my mouth, caressing the inside of my mouth and playing with my tongue. Then she broke off.
"Come on Phil. Time for bed", she said, taking my hand and leading me upstairs and into her bedroom. She switched on a bedside light and stood before me. "Take them off. You've seen mine; it's time now for me to see yours". I removed my trainers and tee shirt, leaving my shorts until last.
"I'll let you remove the shorts", I said, placing my hands on my hips. Without a word she knelt in front of me, hooked her fingers in the waistband of my shorts, and pulled them down; revealing no underwear, only my hardening cock.
"My turn for a surprise", I said. She didn't answer; she'd already engulfed my cock in her mouth, her head going back and forth as she sucked me, her tongue playing with the tip every time it entered her mouth.
Her mouth was filling with saliva, coating my cock and dribbling from the corners of her mouth. As she sucked I could feel myself building to orgasm and tried to take my cock from her mouth; she wouldn't let me, she just carried on sucking until eventually I came.
As I did I let out a low groan and held her head still as I jetted spurt after spurt of cum into her mouth; as I looked down when I'd finished, come was dribbling from the corners of her mouth. She motioned me to lie on the bed, laid over me, and lowered her head to mine.
I opened my mouth and closed my eyes; I opened them quickly when I felt something liquid entering my mouth. She was emptying my cum into my mouth; I tried to move my head but she held it fast.
"Swallow it", she said gently, "swallow it, baby, for me, then I'm yours". I swallowed and was surprised to find I didn't gag at the taste; it tasted leaden and salty but not overly so. She kissed me, transferring what was left in her mouth.
"I'm yours now, you can do to me what you want and all I ask is that you be gentle and patient, it's a long time since I've been with a man", she said.
"I will", I said, "now stand up and let's see what's hiding beneath this dress. She unfastened the bow holding the neck band together and the dress slid to the floor.
She was standing, naked, bar her shoes, her hands resting on her hips.
"You look wonderful and that pussy looks good enough to eat. She was about to remove her shoes but I told her no and to lie on the bed.