Do you know that feeling you get when you want to lash out at someone so bad but at the end of the day you can't because you love them so much?
I guess you don't!
So right now we're at my house arguing. When I say we, I mean Kenzie and I.
Arguing about a party.
Silly right?
Is not silly when you're trying to get it into your best friend's skull that you don't want to attend a lame boy's party who just stares at you all day and can't even approach you.
Who's party?
I know right.
Why do I have to attend his party?
Not like my mom and dad will have a problem with me going, no problem at all, but I just don't want to go.
"Look Daky, you're not going to argue with me, I promise I'll do your makeup just let's go!" Kenzie whines
Is this girl really my best friend ?
"Sometimes you act as if you don't know me, you know I hate makeup, I don't like looking like a Barbie doll" I tell her
I honestly don't have a problem with a little mascara and lip gloss or lip balm like I did this morning to school, but aside that, I hate makeup, even though I have a whole makeup artistry in my bed room. All thanks to
Amber Caterina McCan aka my mother.
I turn my head and look at my best friend Mackenzie Brookes and I bet the look she's giving me screams
'Don't argue with me and look for an outfit because you were invited'
It's true though. I was invited by Jason, uh uh, don't get too excited, he invited me through my best friend Mackenzie and that's why she's squeezing the life out of me to go to this sick of a party. Upon that too, today is a Thursday, who throws a party on a Thursday?
Just when Kenzie was about to scream, I beat her to it
"Fine!" I scream
I go take a shower while Kenzie looks for and outfit for the party.
I hope she doesn't take anything that'll show off my cleavage.
I said I don't hide my body but that doesn't mean I strip in my clothes.
I think of what the party is going to be like while I scrub my dark chocolate body.
I shampoo my hair with the thought of straightening it later.
I'm not like those girls who take forever to curl their her just for a party.
Anyway, there's a lot of things I'm not and am at the same time.
I wrap my hair and body in separate towels.
I step out of the bathroom and walk to my closet.
I close the door behind me and put the towel wrapping my body aside.
Even though Kenzie and I have seen each other naked, I still cover my body at some point and she understands. Is not like she has a say.
I choose a black lace matching bra and underwear and slip it on.
I open the doors and see what Kenzie has for me, you wouldn't believe it.
"No Kenzie this is too much, I'd end up feeling uncomfortable in the end" I say, already feeling that way just by looking at the outfit she has in hand. A short black leather two piece outfit.
"But it was in your closet " she says
Oh mothers!
Oh my mother!
"My mum buys stuff without me knowing, you can have that, I can see you uh like it, besides, it'll fit you perfectly, I'll go look for something else " I say and walk onto my closet
I enter and search for a simple yet charming outfit. I take a knee length shorts and match it with a fringe top.
I quickly slip it on and match it with a pair of black Vans in my shoe section and walk out.
"Wow, you look hot " Kenzie and I say at the same time, then we both chuckle.
I apply a little mascara and apply a nude lipstick.
I grab my phone and Kenzie and I take a few pictures and post them on Snap chat.
I grabbed my Louis Vuitton clutch and place my phone and other few necessities like a piece of gum,a packet of tissue and a little bottle of sanitizer and other stuff.
I sprayed a little perfume before we headed downstairs.
Hmm... Food
I love the smell of it
"Hey mom, what's cooking?" I ask my mom as I enter the kitchen
"Nothing much, just a chicken and shrimp Alfredo pasta" she shrugged
That's not a 'just'
By the way, where's dad?
"And if you're wondering where your father is which you are, he has gone to the grocery store to buy a few stuff since we're running out" she answers my unspoken question
My mom!
"Can we have a bite of that please?" I ask, already setting up the dining table.
"I thought you guys were going for a party" she asks
"Doesn't mean we can't eat, besides, you know how I like it, fashionably late"
"Oh okay... Thanks for setting up the dining table... You look beautiful by the way" she says
My mum isn't the type that'll cry that 'my baby girl is growing' and get all emotional or anything.
Sometimes I wonder if I got my insensitivity from her. Oh well
"Here you go" mom says, handing to us our plates of food
"Thanks mom" Kenzie and I say at the same time.
We don't have a problem calling each other's parents mom or dad.
After dinner, I grab the keys to my red Ferrari F430 and head out.
OK its my dad's, but the man doesn't use it, and I Want To Make A Statement
"Tell dad I love him and you know I love you too" I tell my mom over my shoulder and close the door behind me.
I instantly regret not taking a jacket.
The weather is exceptionally cold today.
I spark the car and we're off. I scan through the playlist and Cheap Thrills by Sia booms through
Kenzie and I sing along as she gives me directions to Jason's house.
When we arrive I am astonished at how his house is.
Not like is not beautiful or anything, but it looks more like a mere house than a home.
And it's not satisfying
We get down from the car and I lock it. I slip the keys into my clutch and head for the front door with Kenzie.
I can see the party is in full swing meaning I'm late.
Just the way I like it.
Let the dancing begin, at least if I've made it a note to attend, I have to have some fun.