Slowly the outside world invaded my senses and oh my! what an invasion. I was floating, my limbs soft and languid, utterly spent. I was lying on bed beside him, my head on his chest, and hesmelt divine, fresh, laundered linen and some expensive body wash, and the best, mostseductive scent on the planet…. I didn’t want to move, I wanted to breathe this relaxing scent for eternity. Inuzzled him, wishing I didn’t have the barrier of his t-shirt. And as rhyme and reason returned to the rest of my body, I stretched my hand out on to his chest. He was firm… strong. His hand swooped up and grabbed mine, but he softened the blow by pulling it into his mouth and sweetlykissing my knuckles.
He rolled over so he was gazing down at me.
He stroked his nose against mine, and then pulled out of me and sat up.
“I think that’s all the very basics covered. How was that?”
He looked thoroughly pleased with himself and sounded very matter-of-fact at the same time, like he had just marked another tick box in a checklist. I wasstill reeling from the tough sex we had last night.
All I remembered was dragging our lazy and sore selves to the shower and finally lying down, tired as fuck.
That morning, he looked so handsome and my clit couldn't stop twitching.
I needed him there and then.
However, the pyjamas I wore were hindering me from doing the necessary. He would have thought I wassome sort of a sex maniac.
The twitch down there couldn't stop me from caressing his beard.
My other hand was seriously fumbling with his waistline and I found my way inside his pants.
I began stroking his manhood, slowly by slowly. He groaned softly.
He reciprocated by finding his way into my honeypot with his fingers.
There was awe in his voice. He moved his fingers, in and out in quick succession.
I groaned, no surely not, and then his fingers were gone… and was left wanting.
I wanted more of him! I wanted him deep inside me.
He read my mind and he couldn't disappoint.
He reached beside him for the condom and lifted me gently, pushing me face down onto thebed. I heard the sound of his zipper and the rip of the foil. He dragged my pyjamas off and thenguided me into a kneeling position, gently caressing my very sore clit. “I’m going to take you now. You can come,” he murmured.
*What? Like I had a choice*
And he was inside me, quickly filling me, I moaned loudly. He moved, pounding into me, a fast, intense pace against my sore honeypot.
The feeling was beyond exquisite, raw and debasing and mind-blowing. My senses were ravaged,disconnected, solely concentrating on whathe was doing to me. How he was making me feel, that familiar pull deep in my belly, tightening, quickening. NO…and my traitorous body exploded in an intense, body-shattering orgasm.
“Oh, Babs!” he cried out loudly as he found his release, holding me in place as he pouredhimself in to me. He collapsed, panting hard beside me, and he pulled me on top of him andburied his face in my hair, holding me close.
“Oh, baby,” he breathed.“ Welcome to my world.”
We lay there, panting together, waiting for our breathing to slow. He gently stroked my hair. My head was on his chest again, but this time, Ibdidn’t have the strength to lift my hand andfeel him.
Boy…I survived...That wasn’t so bad. I was more stoic than I thought.
My inner goddess was prostrate…well at least she was quiet. Jasper nuzzled my hair again, inhaling deeply.
“Well done, baby,” he whispered with joy in his voice. His words curled around me like a soft fluffy towel from a beach hotel, and I was so pleased that he was happy.
He picked at the strap on my camisole.
“Is this what you sleep in?” he asked gently.
“Yes,” I breathed sleepily.
“You should be in silks and satins, you beautiful girl. I’ll take you shopping .”
My inner self was jumping up in joy.Shopping, with a millionaire?
What was his intentions anyway?
I thought I was just supposed to give him company and after three days I get my pay and go?
Oh Lord! You better wake me up from this dream!
I had packed enough clothes for the three days but a little shopping wouldn't do any harm at all.
He kissed my forehead again.
We lay for a few more minutes, hours, who knows,and I think I dozed off.
I felt, apart from being exhausted, radiant. The realization was humbling, unexpected. I didn’t
“Let's take a bath then go downstairs for breakfast. From there we'll go shopping then come back here. I need to talk to you."Jasper said, running his soft fingers through my soft hair.
"Mmmmh!"I murmured.
Did he want to arouse me once more?
Jasper insisted that I take more dresses despite my arguing.
He cited that he wanted me to look presentable that evening because he was taking mesomewhere.
I had agreed to keep him company and I saw no big deal in him spending on me.
Back in the hotel room, I tried on all the clothes and they fitted on perfectly well.
"You look gorgeous in that one..."
He said after fitting in a blue bodycon on.
"It will match perfectly with these black heels!"
After lunch,we went to the pool side to relax. A bottle of champagne beside us, kissing randomly at every possible opportunity.
"There's something I've been intending to ask you...."
I knew it was time for a serious talk.
I nodded, his eyes searching mine for reaction.
"Why ar...."
Damn! His cell phone vibrated from his pocket.
"Lemmie pick this. It's business!"
He excused himself and after walking to a safe distance, he picked the call.
"Wake up sleeping beauty!"
He startled me from my nap.
"I go to answer a call for a minute and upon coming back you are snoring?"
He teasingly told me, helping me lift my head and laying it carefully on his lap.
Whatever we had to discuss was momentarily forgotten as we immersed ourselves fully in pleasure.
We needed each other.
"Let's go back inside.... We have unfinished business!"
He said, grinning from ear to ear.
Once in the room, he led me to the couch and right there, we fucked like our lives depended on it.
When we were both satisfied, he scooped me up and carried me curled against his chest to thebed.
"Let's have a nap before going for the dinner party!"
He suggested and my head dropped against his chest.
I was exhausted. I didn’t remember ever being this tired. Pulling back the duvet, he laid me down, and even more surprisingly, climbed in beside me and held me close.
“Sleep now, gorgeous girl,” he whispered, as he kissed my hair.
And before I could make a facetious comment, I fell deeply asleep!