"What was that about?" Susan inquired as soon as Jeff exited her office.
"I'm not sure what you're referring to," I replied, feigning ignorance.
"Don't act innocent with me. There was definitely a connection between you and Jeff. I sensed it."
"You must be imagining things." I walked over to her desk and began packing the remaining items into a box, attempting to keep myself occupied and divert my thoughts from Jeffery. However, my flushed cheeks betrayed my embarrassment.
"Is there something going on between the two of you?" Susan probed further.
I lifted my head, attempting to appear shocked by her comment.
"What? I barely know Jeffrey."
"Yet, your interaction seemed friendly while he was here. Care to share the story behind that?" Susan pressed.
"Shouldn't we focus on packing up your baggage?" I deflected.
"We still have time," she insisted, leaning against the side of the desk.
"There's really nothing to tell. I've known Jeff for years. Our paths sometimes cross in social circles."
"Uh huh," Susan responded skeptically, clearly unconvinced.
"You're aware he was my mentor back when I was a freshman in college," I began.
"Yes, I remember. Did something happen during that time?" she prodded.
"No, not at all. He was simply my mentor, and it wouldn't have been appropriate."
"Well, he certainly doesn't hold that role anymore."
"It's irrelevant. For God's sake. He is the head of public relations for his dad's company...." I stated, attempting to provide an explanation.
"And so?" Susan responded, evidently unconvinced.
"You're familiar with who he is, his family background, and his esteemed status. The man is in line to inherit a massive fortune from his family's multi-billion-dollar corporation. They only hangout with the top dogs, they see themselves as celebrities. Meanwhile, I'm just a doctoral student in Business Administration."
"And?" she reiterated, demanding further clarification.
"He doesn't have any interest in someone like me. I don't fit the mold of a person he would find appealing. I exist on an entirely different level compared to him, not even in the same league."
"What kind of nonsensical thinking is that, Beth? You must be high on something, I guess."
"Meaning? I'm just being flatly honest about this," I replied.
"As a matter of fact Beth, I don't possess your beauty, background, upbringing, or anything else, and yet I managed to win over Jeffrey's younger brother. If anyone should doubt their worthiness, it's me."
"Nonsense," I countered, and Susan laughed.
"Exactly. If I can be with Mark, why can't you make it with Jeff?"
"It's different. I can't just wrap my head around it. Jeff is just being himself and as for Mark, I don't know what assertions to make about him."
"You find Jeff appealing, and you don't feel the same way about Mark. That's the difference." She clapped back
"Mark is a remarkable person, but yes, I don't perceive him in that manner. It's not solely because you're in love with him and you two are a perfect match. I never regarded him as anything more than a good acquaintance."
As soon as the words left my mouth, I recognized my mistake.
"But you certainly have a different perception of Jeff. You practically acknowledged it."
"Who wouldn't?" I replied, laughing, knowing that Susan wouldn't see Jeff in the same way I did.
"You understand what I'm trying to convey," I added.
"I comprehend, but do you? Are you aware of what you're saying?"
"It doesn't matter if I'm interested in him; he's not interested in me. He has never regarded me as anything more apart from being his former student."
"He certainly didn't sound like he was simply killing time when he was passionately talking with you, nor with the way he was lustfully staring at you," Susan said as she smiled mischievously
"Shut up. He wasn't looking at me like that," I protested, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks.
"You didn't notice how his gaze lingered on you when you weren't looking. There's definitely something there, and you should explore it without delay."
My initial inclination was to tell her I would consider it. Part of me wanted to, the idea that Jeff might be interested in me was exhilarating. However, the reality of the situation quickly dampened my enthusiasm. We served together on various charity committees and moved in the same social circles. The last thing I wanted was to risk embarrassing myself by asking him out and then having to face him at one of those events.
"It will not happen. I am just on the verge of completing my PhD program, and the last thing I need right now is to get involved with someone. Besides, I'm meeting up with Harry in half an hour from now."
"Oh, what's going on between you two? I thought you had called it quits."
"It was more of a mutual fade-out. I wouldn't say we ghosted each other; life just got busy. He was occupied with opening his new restaurant, and I was keen on rounding up my studies. With him being in Colorado, it didn't seem practical to continue anything."
"He's considering opening more restaurants. We were discussing it the other day," Susan revealed.
"Right, I forgot that he's one of your clients. How's that going?"
"You know I can't go into details," Susan replied.
"Fair enough. Is he planning to open restaurants here or thinking of moving back?" I asked
"Do you want him to? From what I recall, you two were more of a convenience to each other than anything serious. I didn't think it was a deeply committed relationship."
"It wasn't. It couldn't be. I'm not even sure. We never allowed it to progress to that stage. After such a long time without seeing him or even thinking about him, I do not know how things will unfold."
"Haven't even considered him. That's not a promising sign," Susan commented, her face displaying concern.
"Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking."
"So, why agree to meet him?" Susan winked.
"He asked, and I didn't want to be impolite by declining."
"Leading him on with false hope would be even worse if you don't intend to reconcile, Beth."
"He doesn't have those expectations," I replied, but an icy shiver ran down my spine, causing me to wonder if he did after all.
"Are you certain? When a man meets a woman while he's in town, it's typically because he either wants something raunchy or a serious commitment." Susan smirked, waiting for me to react