Invader's POV
I felt the haze of intoxication dissipate rapidly from my mind, leaving me acutely aware of the urgency of the situation. I knew I had to act quickly, lest I be discovered. With each approaching footstep, my anxiety heightened, and I desperately searched for a way to divert any suspicion away from me. In that critical moment, I made a daring decision. I reached out and firmly pinched her, hoping to elicit some form of reaction that could serve as a distraction. The seconds felt like an eternity as I dashed for cover behind a nearby tree. I heard her moan, loud enough to attract the attention of the passerby. It was a risky move, but it worked. My heart sank for having to resort to such a desperate act, but I knew that it bought myself a way to escape unnoticed.
As I silently retreated from the scene, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and remorse. The gravity of my actions weighed heavily on my conscience, but I also knew in that instant, I had acted out of instinct and desperation to protect myself. And from that moment on, I vowed to be more cautious and considerate of the consequences of my actions. It was a sobering lesson that reminded me of the importance of making responsible choices and the potential repercussions of reckless behavior.
There were many men in this Village that knew Jonas and would recognize his daughter. I couldn't clearly see who the passer was without risking my exposure. He lifted her up and carried her. Seemingly recognizing her. She appeared to still be unconscious. I guessed I would find out about her some other time. I Waited until they were out of sight before emerging from behind the tree. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my arm, and when I looked, there was a piece of skin hanging, and I was bleeding profusely.
Saintilia POV
Much to my astonishment my eyes fluttered open, revealing my confusion. Not sure where I was but I recognized Tina's voice when she spoke. My mind was still hazy as I searched my memory. It was daybreak already. I had no idea how I got home from the night before. How did I get clean? But it turned out I was asleep for three days
During those days of darkness and uncertainty, my mind was trapped in a state of turmoil. I experienced fragmented dreams and hallucinations, reliving the traumatic event over and over again. Yet, somewhere within the depths of my consciousness, a glimmer of hope flickered, and I refused to succumb to despair.
As the days passed, a remarkable transformation began to unfold. My body and mind fought valiantly against the darkness, gradually regaining strength. Jonas was there telling me to return; he was not ready to see me yet. When I protested, I wanted to stay with him. I wanted him to take me to my mother, but he scolded me. That was the first time Jonas raised his voice, I was disappointed. His resentment brought me back to the realm of the living.
As usual I would already be in the kitchen at this time, but this morning was different. I needed to get up to start cooking. I struggled to move my body into a sitting position. I felt heavy as if I were laying under a ton of bricks.
“Ouch!” I couldn't help letting out my cry when I was reminded how badly my body had been abused. My face was still stinging with pain and the last thing I could remember was a man pounding on top of me. My road to recovery was going to be long and arduous.
"Are you awake?"
Finally, I was able to sit but could hardly move. My right arm was wrapped. Fortunately, it was not broken. I wanted to apologize to Tina. My face was still swollen. My distorted lips made it difficult to speak clearly but whispered. This man did a number on me. I managed to look up and saw Tina's expression.
“Yes Aunty. I can explain”
“Explain what? Do you know what you have done?”
I was dumbfounded. Her question was somewhat confusing to me. Her tone indicated that I was to blame for whatever happened to me. I did not understand how this was any of my fault but I was not about to make Tina more upset than she already was, so I remained silent.
I couldn't remember how I got home or even got into bed. My body was cleaned, and I was wearing a different set of clothes. I wanted to ask Tina all the details, but it's evident that She was in a foul mood. And knowing how clueless she was, I was certain that Adeline was very involved in taking care of me. I already knew my aunt’s temper so it's best to wait until she calmed down.
“Do you know how difficult it will be to get you a husband?”
Wow was this woman right in the head. How could she even mention such a foul word when I was just raped and nearly beaten to death. “Is this what's important right now?” I said inaudibly while trying to divorce the pain from my mind.
“Do you think that's not important? Do you know who found you?”
I understood what she meant. My life was really ruined and if I guessed correctly. It turned out that my neighbor Adeline found me unconscious in the yard just a few steps away from the kitchen. My life had been forever changed, but I refused to let the cruelty I experienced define me. And finding a husband will never be my priority.
My unwavering gratitude toward Adeline will forever engrave in my heart. In the face of tragedy Tina was useless. I needn't be told that I owed my life to Adeline. When I found Jonas, she knew what to do. Adeline was a good woman. I always tried to set her up with Jonas, but he gave up on love after Paulette died. He often told me that Paulette was the only woman who would ever occupy his heart and know his body. He didn't dislike Adeline, though she had many flaws, he acknowledged that she was a caring person. He just couldn't let any other woman touch him. And true to his words, he remained celibate till his death.
Adeline was known for her gossiping. She was not malicious; she just couldn't keep any secrets. That evening, she wanted to borrow some salt, thinking that I was home. She always prepared dinner late in the evening. Apparently, she preferred to go to sleep on a full stomach. When she called for me, according to Tina, because I was not back from the river, Tina was forced to step out to see what Adeline wanted.
Upon learning that I was not back from the river, Adeline expressed her concerns by screaming at Tina for not going to look for me. Wanting to know why I was so late coming back. It was unlike me to stay at the river so long. And she ordered Tina to get off her lazy ass and looked for me. From the way Tina told me the story, I could tell she was not happy with Adeline telling her what to do.
"So, what you're saying is, if it wasn't for Adeline I would be found dead. Right?" I couldn't help making her feel guilty.
Tina's POV
I rolled my eyes with annoyance. This woman always wanted to borrow something. Adeline's generosity made it impossible for me to refuse her. Each time she visited the street market, she never failed to bring back something for us. Her frequent cooking endeavors were marked by kindness, as she always prepared additional portions to share with Saintilia and me.
Just then, Adeline spotted something peculiar on the ground. Unsure but driven by curiosity, she decided to explore. She moved cautiously, trying to be silent in case it was an animal, to prevent any sudden attack. I, lacking such curiosity, hung back, observing her actions from afar. When I saw her reaction, I realized she had discovered Saintilia. Hurrying to her side, I saw the scattered locks of hair covering the ground.
"Oh my God It's TiTi".
With a tone of sorrow, she urged me to fetch the lamp. My pulse raced upon seeing Saintilia, motionless as if lifeless. Adeline's presence was a blessing; without her guidance, I was at a loss. Saintilia might have remained there until morning, her fate uncertain. Truly, only the divine could foresee the outcome.
Frozen in shock, I remained motionless as she repeated her request for the lamp. Immobilized, I watched her dismiss my inaction and hurry into the house, snatching the small, galvanized metal lamp from the table. Her return jolted me back to reality as she firmly grasped my arm. The situation with Saintilia was unclear and concerning. Together, we supported her, each holding an arm, and gently escorted her inside. We settled her on the makeshift sac bed, examining her condition. Exchanging worried glances, we silently acknowledged the unsettling possibility that she had been harmed by someone.
Tears welled in my eyes at the sight of her wounds. It was unclear whether all the blood belonged to her. But we were certain that from the look of it, she had put up a fight. Her dress was torn apart, and her warned out bra was up to her neck exposing her breasts. We proceeded to examine her further and found that she had sustained bruises and bleeding.
I was hurt and angry when I noticed she was covered in blood. How cruel? I thought. What kind of animal would do such a thing? I had a feeling that the person responsible for her condition was no stranger. The question remained: would we ever find out? I couldn't help but think this might not have occurred if Jonas were still with us. So, what's next?
Anger engulfed me, and I struggled to find peace. I resented Jonas for passing away and burdening me with such heavy responsibilities. This life was not what I had prepared for; I was merely keeping a promise. When I thought about my conversation with Jonas, I wondered if he knew he was going to die. The last time I saw him was a few months before his death, when he came to Chateau to see me. Jonas, overwhelmed with emotion, confided in me through tears. It was disconcerting to see a grown man cry so intensely. He shared his deep wish for Saintilia to move away from Boudins, believing her beauty was too great for such a small village. I shared his sentiment but felt powerless to help.
The only person we knew in the city was Jonas's brother, Raymond. However, Jonas had mentioned that Raymond was overseas, making it impossible to reach him. Jonas's unexpected passing left me utterly alone, with no means to leave this place.
"Where was her underwear?" I heard Adeline ask, not necessarily directing her question toward me.