By the way, let me introduced myself to you people. I am Chloe Aphrodite Sevilla, 19 and a detective wanna be. Though it seems impossible because I am not gifted with sharp mind , but I have a retentive memory that can helped. For now , I am pursuing my Fated man and be like those fairytale princesses in Disney. It just hit me way back then than I also wanted a prince, after that destined love story of Juan Carlos III and Kyla. They are my Sister’s best friends who took five years before they realized that they have feelings for each other. No matter where they go, and whoever they dated, they still came back to each other at the end. And as expected, the two got a Grand Wedding, a very Unique kind of wedding. That makes me want to get married too but to whom?
ON THE NEXT DAY, I wake up early so that I won’t be late for school again, I wore my uniform and went downstairs to the dining room to eat my breakfast. Danny is already there eating while reading a magazine.
“Wow. Multitasking.” I greeted her and she greeted back ,I take my seat and grabbed some hotdog and enough rice. I pour chocolate in my mug and put a little marshmallow to eat before I drink it.
“You’ LL be meeting the man after class. Are you ready?” Danny asked.
I feel excited and beamed a smile to her.
“Yes sister, I am ready.” I said. I ate my breakfast as fast as I could and went to the dinked to out my used plates ,spoons, fork and mug. Then I took my toothbrush to brush my teeth ,again .then I bade goodbye to her.
Good morning. I just finished my breakfast and already prepared my stuff. I said goodbye to my brother Flynn and went outside, I waited for a cab ,almost fifteen minutes before I was able to got one .
“ To El Fiaso. Academy please.” I said to the driver and took my phone to chat Chloe if she is already at school. That girl is the most punctual of all the students. By the Way I’m Nerissa Violet Flagimerr ,20 ,one year older than Aphrodite. I love violet stuff and collecting seashells and foods.
“Maam, were here.” The driver said and I went out of the cab and stood in front of our huge school. I walked inside and saw Chloe at the bleacher on the side ,near the tallest mango tree.
See, told you so, she’s early as ever. I wave at her and she waved back and smiled at me. I walked towards her and we walked together inside our room.