Episode 3
Alora p.o.v
"Am not surprised I knew something like this will happen.
cause this is what most Arrongant rich men does.
I pray I didn't see him again cause if I do, he will regret ever knowing me.
I went out of the restaurant to take a cab. a car drove roughly to my side.
are you blind i yelled.
two hefty men came out of the car and bundle me like a bag rice to there car.
let me go I yelled. kicking them,
but this fools are far stronger than me.
they put me inside there car and drove off.
where are you taking me to I yelled.
"relax young lady and stop stressing yourself,
you can keep your stress till we get there, the strongest among this idiots that kidnap me Said.
"just keep quiet, who sent you guys to kidnap me I asked and they just smile.
you guys think it's funny right.
you better tell me who sent you before I........
"before you do what?
they asked still smiling, young lady you will know who sent us when you get there they said again.
thank goodness am with my weapon I said to myself.
we drove and drove until I lost count of time..
I didn't Know where they're talking me to, hope they're not going to kill me I thought.
anyway I should be strong,
I shouldn't let them knew am scared.
I was still deep in my thought that I didn't knew we are there.
the guys came down and drag me from the car.
you guys should take it easy on me.
you guys didn't have respect for woman I said again.
"which planet are you from the tough looking among them asked.
"why did you ask I asked him.
"cause you're not scared.
you don't know if we are going to kill you he said.
"look I believe if am going down one of you is going with me I replied.
I take time to admire the building,
it's very beautiful,
I haven't seen a building as beautiful as this before.
Authoress P.o.v
"Xander close his laptop and get into his car and the driver drove off.
he was surprised to see his bedroom door opened.
what's happening here, who's inside my room he said.
he enter his room and was surprised to see his brother Andrew sleeping on his bed.
Andrew Xander shouted angrily.
"why are you shouting as if you saw a ghost Andrew replied him stretching his back.
"what are you doing in my house and my room to be precise Xander asked.
"your house? is this your house Andrew asked looking around the room.
oh am sorry I don't even know when I got here Andrew said.
"Andrew am not in the mood to play what are you doing in my room and I thought you have a show Xander asked.
"yeah I cancelled it.
and am sure it's none of your business cause you don't love me Andrew said cleaning imaginary tears.
Xander scoff.
"who told you I don't love you Xander asked.
"your actions, why did you shout when you saw me in your room.
your house and your room is not if beautiful as mine, am just managing it.
you supposed to thank or pay me for sleeping in your room Andrew said.
"why should I pay you Xander asked.
"cause am a superstar Andrew replied.
"you're a superstar to your fans not me Xander replied.
"Hmm this room is always smelling sperm Andrew said.
"Andrew you need to get going Xander said.
"but why am not leaving any time soon.
cause I will travel for a concert next week,
I will spent a month there, so I want to use this week with you, so I won't missed you Andrew said.
suit yourself Xander said angrily and walked into the bathroom.
"I love you too Andrew replied blowing him a kiss.
crazy fellow Xander replied.
"I heard that, am coming into the bathroom to check the size of your dick.
I knew mine will be bigger and longer, cause your dick will be short due to how you used it on every women you came across Andrew said.
"l knew this brother of mine is up to something. Andrew thought.
"boss the lady is inside the dark room one of Xander guards said.
that's nice bring her to me Xander said and sit on a chair like a king.
they brought Alora out shortly after.
see who we have here Xander said with a grin.
wow I never knew this is the idiot that ask you fools to kidnap me Alora said.
how dare you call me a fool.
watch your tongue Xander said.
"what if I don't watch my tongue Alora asked.
"I will cut it for you Xander replied.
Alora burst into laughter.
"are you crazy?
why are you laughing Xander asked.
"why did you kidnap me?
oh I have forgotten you're a fool and a coward Alora said.
Xander growl angrily.
Alora move closer to him and kick his ball auch Xander groan in pain and Andrew burst out laughing in his hidden place.
"tie her she has gone mad Xander shouted and the guard move closer to her.
but Alora Is far smarter than them.
she brought out her chilling pepper from her pocket and spray it in the guards eye's and they keep shouting in pain.
she move closer to Xander and he stand up immediately.
Alora move closer to him and he move back till his back hit the wall.
how dare you kidnap me she said throwing punches to his face par par,
Leave me alone, Xander keep shouting in pain.
Andrew can't hold the laughter anymore.
he came out of his hidden place and started rolling on the floor laughing.
Alora turned back to look who's laughing.
she was surprised to see her favorite musician.
"Oppa she shouted happily.
"how are you doing my super hero, Andrew said Still laughing.
Another guards came in and carry Alora away.
Xander was breathing heavily on the floor.
"wow I can't believe a lady beat my brother up like this Andrew said and brought out his phone to video Xander.
you dare not Xander shouted in pain.
Xander entered the room they tie Alora and Alora scoffed.
"continue scoffing. I have a gift for you Xander said and brought out his phone.
Xander played something in the phone and show it to Alora.
Alora open her eyes in shocked.
"what!!!!!! she shouted.
how did you get this she stuttered and Xander smirk.
what did you think Xander showed her?