Lisa's POV
Heather and I are having a drink and I think she's a little drunk. It's a good thing am still alright, at least I will make sure we get home in one piece.
-An hour later-
I need to use the restroom.
We're in the club if you're wondering where we are, I already danced with my mask on.
"Heather please hold on for me, I need to use the ladies okay?"
"Sure mom" she said smiling like an idiot.
"Don't do anything stupid" I warned.
"Yes momma jeez"
I left to do my business, I came out a while later only to find Heather gone. Just great, now where the hell did she ward off to
"Heather! Heather!! Where are you?!" I called but no reply. I took her bag and looked around the club but no luck. Where could she be?
I searched all restrooms but nothing.
Perhaps I should go up to the executive lounge, Heather would never go there but I still have to be sure before looking elsewhere.
I slowly climbed up and there she is, being ill treated by a stupid bully. He's really gonna get it from me.
"Hey! Let my friend go you coward!" I screamed making the place quiet and all eyes are on me.
"You stupid bully! Let go off her right now or I'll cut off your useless balls and make you eat them!" I yelled again not caring the eyes watching me.
He left her and started coming towards me clenching his fists, I admit I am a little scared but I didn't show it at all.
"You bitch! Am gonna ruin that little mouth of yours" he said coming close while I moved back.
He raised his hand to hit me (the coward) when we heard a voice.
"What's going on here?!"
He turned and bowed, just like everyone else in the lounge. Seems their boss is here and I think I actually need to run. I crawled to where Heather was and slowly started dragging her away.
We were close to the door, and about to go out....
"Not so fast missy"
Oops! I smell trouble.
I hear footsteps coming behind me, what do I do? Run? But how?
"May I see your face Missy?" His hoarse voice said.
I slowly turned, and behold my worst nightmare.
"Juan Carlos" I said in shock.
His eyes widens in surprise and happiness, "Monalisa... My angel... I can't believe you're here" he said happily.
"What are you doing here?"
"Ii own this club baby, am so glad to see you.... Anselmo!"
"Boss" the other guy who wanted to hurt us came forward with a frightened look.
"Why were you trying to hurt my angel?" He asked Anselmo.
"Boss...am really sorry but.."
"Its nothing" I cut in, "I have to go now Juan Carlos"
Heather was already out the door, I bowed and ran outside ignoring his call.
Why did I have to see him again, that man is so obsessed with me. And after all I did to him, he still likes me.
But I don't like him cos to me he will always be my enemy.
I left Puerto Rico because of him, I hate to remember what he did to me.
Well he didn't succeed with what he wanted to do, I was very lucky and God was on my side.
When I was in high school, I was a very isolated girl which no one wanted to be with all make friends with because they were all scared.
They were all scared of him, Juan Carlos. His father is a feared drug dealer and very influential in Puerto Rico and other countries.
Juan Carlos is his only son and a spoiled brat, he enjoys hurting people a lot. In school everyone fears him because he can do anything and get away with it.
His father can bend the law, no one has ever stood up to Juan Carlos before except the day I came into the school.
I didn't know anything about him but he was so rude and I don't take rubbish so I talk back at him.
He was so amused at my boldness, he became interested in me. He started pestering me and I just couldn't take it.
One day, I was alone in the ladies locker room changing when I heard footsteps behind me.
I turned and he was right behind me smiling lustfully. I immediately covered myself with my Jacket but he laughed.
"Oh my angel, not only are you beautiful. Your body is to die for also" he said with a husky voice.
"Well you're gonna die if you come any close to me" I replied boldly.
He laughed and dragged me, he kissed me forcefully. I struggled but he was too strong for me, he was too aggressive and I was so scared.
I moved my hands down and felt something in my jacket.
I brought it out, it was a pen. I quickly stabbed him on his shoulder, he screamed and let me go.
I ran home and told my parents, they were worried he would harm me so they arranged for me to go to the USA.
Flashback ended••••••••••••••
I didn't finish high school thanks to him, that's why I hate him so much.
I hope I never get to see him again.
Lee's POV
I ended up sleeping in an Hotel with Jack. We didn't want another trouble with mother, she's really hard to get rid of so we just decided to avoid her instead.
Its been days now, and am on my way to L.A. At least this is a good way to be free from Mara.
Am in L.A already and my manager came to pick me up.
As soon as the crowd saw me, I knew I was in trouble but thank God he came on time.
He narrated his ordeal to me on our way to Skylar hotel, I just can't stop laughing.
Asking a crazy woman for the direction to a five star hotel, very funny.
I got to my room and showered, I took a nap then went downstairs to tour the hotel.
At least it has less crazy fans as its mostly filled with stars.
I walked pass the poolside, the bars, and finally somewhere I can get a cup of coffee.
I walked in and all eyes were on me, especially the girls who were waving and winking at me.
I sat down at the counter, "a cup of coffee please"
I noticed a lady with a face cap which covered her face.
I wonder what she's up too.
Lisa's POV
Today is my off, so I plan to explore some places today.
Skylar hotel.
I have special interest in that hotel, I wanna go inside to see what it's like.
I've been wanting to and today is the day.
I dressed in a black top and pants with a black face cap which covered my face well.
This hotel is so grand, I really wish I could be living here. This is Paradise on earth.
Here's a coffee shop, cool!
I entered covering my face again, and sat down at the counter.
I must have a cup of coffee and then I'll run off.
"A cup of coffee please" I said.
Just then a guy sits beside me facing me, he ordered for a cup of coffee also and he's Asian.
I looked away and the attendant placed the coffee on the counter.
Aaah finally.
I made to take it but the Asian also grabbed it which got me very angry.
"Hey let go Asian, this is my coffee" I yelled.
"What? I won't let go, you should do so" he replied.
Who does he think he is? I'll show him, I could have a little fun before leaving.
I turned the cup and the whole coffee soaked his clothes. He jumped up, everyone except me gasped.
"You crazy girl! What's this!" He yelled.
"Enjoy your coffee Asian" I said and ran off.
I saw some hefty men coming after ms, I ran outside and boarded a cab home.
Serves him right for stealing my coffee. I will be back Skylar hotel!
I promise!!!
That man just ruined my tour.
Let me visit somewhere else....
To be continued...
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