Damien Anderson is an actor. A very popular one at that. At the age of 21, with a 2 year-old daughter to take care of by...
Chapter 1 Lily
"Dude. That," he says, pointing towards the set, "was freaking awesome!"
"Yes. You told me that at least nineteen times in the last five minutes." I reply, completely exasperated from the scene we just recorded. We had to restart about seventy times because Miss. 'Diva' Melanie had started to complain about everything.
And I mean everything.
'I don't have enough lipstick.' 'This lighting hurts my head.' 'We can't start yet! I haven't even done my vocal practice yet!'
Her name isn't actually 'Diva', but that's what she is.
Melanie Rodriguez was supposedly my girlfriend according to the tabloids and rumour magazines. And her. But truthfully, I can't stand her. I can't tell her that but I made sure that she doesn't go around telling everyone that she's 'going out with Damien Anderson,' because she's not.
Damien Anderson, son of Amelia and Marlin Anderson, CEO of Anderson Corporations. In other words me. I'm just a normal guy who was successful in following his dreams to becoming a Hollywood actor.
"Hey, Damien. Lily is waiting in the dressing room for you. She's a little emotional since she hasn't seen you since last night." The words of my best friend and the director of this movie, Mark Donovan, immediately had me beaming in happiness. The smile on my face could split my face in half.
I basically ran to my dressing room, nearly bumping into the workers on set. "Sorry...excuse me. Pardon me. I'm in a rush." When I finally made it to the room, I opened the door only to be knocked down on to my back by the tiny brunette.
"Daddy! I miss you." Hearing those words from my 2 year old daughter, made me forget all my frustration towards the Diva.
"Daddy missed his princess too. I promise I'll make it up to you." I say, hugging her tightly to my chest.
"I get ice cweam?" She sticks out her bottom lip, widens her hazel eyes and knocks her head to one side. I'm going to murder whoever taught her to do that. She'll get anything she wants with that face. I know it, and so does she.
"Of course. Let me just change out of this hideous outfit, then we'll leave, alrighty?"
"Alwhity." She replies in her adorable voice, before waddling to the sofa, back to her blonde doll.
Pulling up in front of Delishice, Lily, in her seat at the back, starts jumping up and down. "We getted ice cweam. Yummy yummy ice cweam!"
"Yes, Princess. We are getting ice cream." I correct her, as I carry her out of the car and gently place her on the ground. I grab he jeans and she practically drags me towards the entrance.
What do I do with this girl?
What would I do without her?