"I can't believe you right now, how can you ask me to work as a maid for that, that, egocentric bastard." Michelle yells out in disbelief, staring at her friend in anger.
"What else do you want me to say. Okay then I guess you should go to jail for two months." Sophie says casually.
"What, so you want me to stay in prison for two months. I thought you were my best friend." Michelle exclaims.
"Oh God, where the heck do you come from. I said you should be his maid, you get angry and now I'm telling you to go to prison for a month, and you still get angry. What in God's name do you want me to say." Sophie exclaims exasperated, throwing her hands up in the air. She had always knew her best friend is a nut case, she just didn't know how much of a case she is.
"I want you to help me with a solution, how do I get out of this, Sophie. You've got to help me, I can't be that pompous arrogant egocentric son of a bitch maid and neither can I go to prison. Come on soph, you've got to help me, your one and only best friend." Michelle pleaded, her hands join together, giving her friend the puppy eye.
"First of all, we both know puppy eyes do not work on me. Second of all, you didn't need my help in slapping the billionaire, so why do you need my help now." Sophie says shrugging her shoulders, getting up from her sit.
"If you were in the company that day, I would have asked for your help in beating him up but you were not there." Michelle says, Sophie looks at her shocked. She can not believe her friend right now.
"Oh geez, I'm off to bed. I really need to get some sleep, I had a hectic night at my work place." Sophie groaned walking away.
"What the... Sophie don't you dare leave me alone, you have to help me come up with a solution." Michelle yells after her best friend but Sophie was to tired to answer her.
"Goodnight, Michelle." Sophie yells loudly already in her room.
"It's afternoon Sophie, it's freaking 12 o clock, at the dot." Michelle yells back. "Arghhhhhhh." She yells out aggravated.
Michelle stood right outside her house, waiting for the damn car that would come take her to the arrogant son of a b!tch house. Yeah, she is going to be working as a maid for the damn idiot, does she has a choice? There's no way she is going to prison for a month.
The car finally came, and without saying a word to the driver she gets in.
After an hour and 36 minutes of driving, she finally got to her destination. As the big black gigantic gate opens, Michelle felt she was actually going into prison but the only difference is, in this prison she only has to stay for a week, instead of two month. And well, she's going to have more freedom here than in the damn prison.
"I see you chose to be my maid, I was actually thinking of putting a call to the chief of police." Xander Collins says, getting up from the couch he is sitting on, he gave a smug look, hands in pocket.
"Well, I guess I do not want to eat stale bread and watery tea for two months, there's no need to rub it in." Michelle says dryly, looking around the house. She felt like she actually just walked into heaven.
"Rub it in, I do not need to rub it in. You working here as my maid, in a maid uniform is enough." Xander says with a smirk, Michelle glares at him.
"I would advice you not to glare at me. But you can actually if you want to, go to jail." Xander says smugly. Michelle had this undying feeling to punch him on the face, but she didn't, why? Cause she doesn't want to, go to jail.
"Anyway, Paul show Michelle her room, and please give her the bag, back. She's here to work as a maid, so give her the bag." Xander's says causally strolling in front of them. Michelle glares at Xander back of head, taking the bag from the butler. Geez, she was already feeling like a princess, she should have know better.
"Here is your room, Michelle. If you need anything, please call on me and don't take the boss attitude to heart, he was born rude." The butler jokes, Michelle giggled.
Once the butler close the door, Michelle falls on the bed tiredly, "wow, I could just sleep in this bed for years." She sighs happily, getting comfortable on the bed, she didn't know when she actually fell asleep.
Michelle was having a wonderful night, sleeping on the soft bed, but then the devil in person just had to wake her up.
"Michelle! Michelle! Michelle!, Michelle wake up right this minute." A loud thundering noise says from the four speaker, Xander had installed in her room.
Michelle groans on the bed, refusing to get up from the sweet comfy bed. This is one in a million bed, and she would never wants to get up from it.
"If you don't get up from that bed right this minute, Michelle. You're gonna wake up tommorow morning in jail." The word jail, got Michelle up and she immediately sits up on the bed.
"Arghh, it's 1am in the morning, what the heck do you want." Michelle yells loudly, annoyed.
"First of all that's not how to speak to your boss, secondly I want you to make me a coffee, then bring it to my room. Is the the one next to yours." The resonating voice of Xander comes from the speaker, Michelle frowns.
"First of all did you put a speaker in my room and I hope there's no camera, now secondly. Who the heck wake up at 1am in the morning to drink coffee." She yells, exasperated.
"Watch your tune maid. And to answer your question, there's no camera in your room, just speakers. Now, go get me my coffee. You have only ten minutes, to get me my coffee or you'll see your a$$ behind bars." Michelle breaths out angrily, stands up from her bed to go make the damn coffee.
She walked all the way downstairs and then remembered she didn't even know where the kitchen is, but luckily for her she found the kitchen. She proceeds to make the coffee. Michelle stares at the salt, a smirk forming on her lips. Who said there is anything wrong in putting salt in coffee.
She takes the salt, she scoops a spoon of salt then pours it in the coffee, "I do not think a spoon of salt is enough, it wouldn't hurt to add another spoon." And that's what she did, she added another spoon of salt then went on to place the cup of tea on a tray. "Time to go serve the arrogant billionaire." She says out loud with a smirk.