Zoe's POV
“Shit!“ I basically yelled at my reflection. On my neck and jaw, were bruises. Conspicuous hickeys lined the places his mouth had touched. I had already missed a class and I am about to miss lunch. The thought of walking through school with them was enough to drive me crazy.
“Ptttts, ptttts Zoe.“ I heard someone call me. I turned to see a student I didn't recognize. She had red hair that reminded me of Andrew.
She flashed me a gummy smile and waved at me. I waved back and returned a limp smile. She walked out of her hiding spot. In her hand was a tube of foundation.
“You might need this.“
I immediately used my left hand to cover the hickeys. Which made her giggle.
“Don't worry, I already saw it.“ She put the tube into my hand wrapping my fingers around it. “I came to help.“
“Why? I don't even know you.“
“I am two grades ahead of you, call me Sandra.“ As she put out her hand for a handshake. Which I took with some trepidation.
I walked back to class. Every step was deliberate. What if they could tell with the way I was walking.
“Skank.“ I heard someone whisper as if I couldn't hear. My heart skipped a beat. Did they know? could they read my mind? That wasn't logical but fear made you believe illogical things.
By the time I reached the entrance of class. I was disappointed to find Nessa and her group still there. I knew what would come next.
“Whore! Over here.“ It was Nessa. Did she not have a life?
I walked briskly to them with head down just in case the hickeys were still visible.
“Where the hell have you been?“ She hissed. “Did you expect me to get lunch on my own.“
I shook my head still refusing to look her in the face. What if she could see it on my face?
She seemed to have not because she tossed a sheet of paper at me. I picked it up and scanned it content which was what I was to get for them.
I scurried away to get their orders.
The rest of the day went well. We finish up and the bell rang for closing. I got my bag and practically jogged out of the school. I seriously didn't want to see Louis. Or any one for that matter.
I reached the school gate and finally released the breath I was holding. I made it.
“Hey!“ someone called.
Calm down, told myself before I turned around. It was my senior, Sandra. She was waving at me, in public?! I turned around to check if she was really talking to me.
“Zoe,” she said when she got closer. She was definitely talking to me.
“Hi…” I greeted back.
She smiled again and took my hand which I pulled away. I saw surprise and hurt written all over her face and instantly regretted it.
“Sorry, I just… not used… to,” stammered out a lame apologies.
“No it's my fault, I shouldn't have done that without your permission.“
There was an awkward silence before I spoke up.
“Why did you…”
She interrupted me. “Help you in the bathroom and call you now?“
“I'll tell you everything but first let's go for a walk.“
We walked together. None of us spoke for a while. Why was she suddenly so interested in talking to me. Was she even a real student? If she was I had never noticed. That would odd because I would have noticed because of her red hair.
“Let's talk over there.“ She snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked to see that she was pointing at a park.
She took my hand again and without waiting for any refusal from me and pulled me into its gates.
Once we were in, she stopped in her tracks and looked around.
“Let's sit there,” she pointed again. This time she let my hand go and sat on the bench under the tree. I followed suit and sat beside her.
There were no awkward silences this time as she spoke in a clear voice.
“I hate all of them!“ It seemed she was talking more to herself than she was talking to me.
“They are all snobbish assholes, they think they are better than everyone else!“
She was loud. Loud enough that people around actually stopped to stare. Whether or not she noticed or just didn't care, I didn't stop her.
“They are fucking students like everyone else they should get over themselves.“ She went on. She reminded me of Regina. The girl who wouldn't even speak to me would wake me from my slumber at three in the morning. The time she would be coming back from her friends and clubs. Reeking of weed and alcohol and would rant about shit that didn't matter to me. Usually about a guy that fucked and screwed her over.
Again, I am here with a girl. I had just met and was now wasting time. I still hadn't found a new job. When would her driver come to pick her up? What if she had called them and told them not to come. I would be stuck here but still, she did help me. Which was why I was here in the first place. I couldn't leave just yet.
“Who are you talking about?“ I asked quietly.
She looked at me and tried to catch her breath after all her ranting. “Um… the elite's club.“
This wasn't the first time hearing about the club. The club tormented all scholarship students because they were not in the same social class. The same club that had been putting through hell. A club that Louis and his sister belonged in. But what was her beef with them?
“Why do you hate them? you are not a scholarship student.“ I almost rolled my eyes.
She must have detected my raising annoyance. “I know what they put those students through, Zoe.“ She touched my shoulder gently. She was talking directly about me. The rest of 'those students' had already transferred. I was the only one left.
“But they are not the only ones.“
What was she yapping about now?
“They put us through shit too.“ Who in the hell were the 'us'?
“You may not know this but not every rich student is a part of the club.“
I was curious as to what she meant but I kept my indifference. Every student looked very well to do in my own opinion. They had drivers, butlers, expensive snacks, nice clothes for functions and so much more.
“And once you are not a member you strive to be favoured by the members to increase your hierarchy.“
“The fuck?!“ I got up. I couldn't even look at her. She wanted clout. From those spoilt brats. Life was so fucking unfair. All I wanted was a good home, necessities that could make my life easier and peace. Nothing extravagant just simple things. But the ones that get it are too fucking greedy.
“Calm down, please.“ She pleaded, pulling me back to sit beside her again and hear her pathetic sob story about not having popular. She was honestly giving me a headache. I pulled myself free and processed towards the gate. I wasn't even interested in hearing why she helped me.
I heard running behind me. Trying to catch up.
“Please listen, Zoe!“ She yelled loud enough for me to stop in my tracks. She held my arm and got close enough for me to hear her whisper in a bated breath.
“I am a scholarship student too.“