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Chapter Five

Melina gaped at her captor in shock as she blinked just to be certain she was awake and not having some horrible nightmare. He was actually threatening her. Had set himself up as judge, jury and executioner and thought she would go along with it. She would laugh if he didn’t look so damned serious about it.

“You’re joking.” She couldn’t stem the horror that she knew reflected in her voice. “Nope.” He crossed his arms over his chest arrogantly, staring back at her with

cold, mocking eyes. “No joke, sugarplum. You play, you pay. If the courts can’t do

anything with you, then I can sure as hell try. Consider it punishment for the little crimes you’ve escaped in the past years. All rolled into one.” His smile wasn’t comforting.

Melina drew a hard, deep breath. Patience was a virtue, she reminded herself. Only cool, calm heads solved extreme problems. She had faced the wrath of her parents, been disowned and turned down for the last three jobs she interviewed for. She could handle this. She hadn’t killed anyone yet. She really didn’t have to start with this ignorant cowboy.

“What in the hell makes you think I’m going to go along with this?” she asked him incredulously. “Do I have ‘stupid’ written across my forehead? ‘Wimp’? ‘Go ahead and step on me because I’m too stupid to live and I enjoy abuse’?” She threw her hands up in frustration as she faced him in disbelief.

He looked at her closely. “Hmm. Not that one could see. But I’ll reserve judgment.

You never know what may show up after a good hot shower.”

She was going to lose her mind. Right there, in a strange bedroom, facing the sexiest most aggravating, arrogant man she had ever laid her eyes on. She was going to commit murder. Namely, on him.

“Look, Mr. Jardin.” She tried for a smile that held none of the fury she was beginning to feel build up within her. “I’m sure you think what you’re doing is right. I’m certain you’re even convinced you have the right person to punish. But you’re not and you don’t, and I’ll be damned if I’ll pay for anymore of Maria’s sins.”

He smirked at her. Melina bit her tongue as her eyes narrowed on his smug expression and her fists clenched at her side as she fought not to jump across the bed and claw his eyes out.

“Sweetheart, I’m sure you wish you had a sister who could get you out of this,” he said complacently. “But since we both know you don’t, you can stop with the innocent act because I’m not buying it.”

Melina drew in a deep breath. If she could get her hands on Maria she would strangle her now, she thought. As though the past twenty-two years and all the times she had willingly tried to save her sister wasn’t enough. Now, Mr. Hardass, who thought he could reform the wrong damned woman, had kidnapped her. It was too much. Even for her.

“That’s fine,” she gritted out. “Because I’m not trying to sell a damned thing. I assumed you were a reasonably intelligent person…”

“Just like you assumed you could let your buddies kill me and Jack when we helped you deliver that crate of drugs?” he asked snidely. “Or how you assumed your parents could ruin the names of two good men when charges were brought against you? How about the assumption that your parents’ money can get you out of anything? This is the end of the line, little girl. You might as well buckle down and save the lies for someone willing to believe them.”

Melina could feel the fury brewing in her chest. Vivid and hot, it flared in front of her eyes like a matador’s cape.

“Or save the truth for someone with enough brains to see what’s right in front of his face,” she snapped back heatedly. “Get real, Mr. Jardin. Do I look like a drug addict to you?” She waved her hands to her side, indicating her body.

She expected him to look; she just didn’t like the flare of arousal that lit his gaze when he did so. Nor did she like the way her nipples beaded as his gaze paused on them, or the heat that flared in her pussy when his eyes then moved to her thighs.

She could feel her skin sensitizing, her vagina dampening, and she didn’t like the sensations in the least. It was bad enough she had done nothing but fantasize about him for the past two years, she didn’t need to become aroused after he kidnapped her as well.

“Look, I know you’re angry over what Maria did to you and your friend. But this is a mistake…”

“The mistake is yours.” His sharp voice caused her to flinch in surprise. “Don’t think for a minute you can lie to me again. Now get your ass in the shower and get ready to face the day or you can get on your knees and see if you can’t convince me another way.”

On her knees? Convince him? She blinked in outraged surprise at the suggestion. And she was ignoring the crazy flash of desire and hunger that seared her body at just the thought of accepting his cock into her mouth. The brief touch of it on her lips was enough of a temptation, thank you very much. She did not need to find herself lusting after this man anymore than she already did. As a matter of fact, she needed to be as far away from him as possible.

“You’re crazy. I’m going home. Now.”

She turned on her heel, heading quickly for the bedroom door. She’d had enough of this. Accepting Maria’s punishment because she decided it was okay was a far cry from accepting because this man decided she would. She didn’t think so. It didn’t matter how big or how good-looking he was. It didn’t matter that he deserved his pound of flesh. She wasn’t about to let him take it out of her hide.

Her hand had just wrapped around the doorknob, her fingers tightening on it, when a broad palm smacked the wood above her head and a hard male body pressed her tightly against the wall.

A hard, hot, muscular body. One that surrounded her, his heat pouring off his flesh in waves and wrapping around her. A male presence that smelled of long sultry nights and forbidden desires. Melina swallowed, feeling the aura of danger that suddenly emanated from him.

“You don’t want to piss me off, little girl,” he warned her softly. “Especially not right now. That bullet you let your friends put in my leg hasn’t been forgotten. Neither is the fact that they would have preferred it being my heart. Now shut the hell up, get your ass in the shower and get dressed. This is a ranch. Everyone does his or her part here, and you’re here to pitch in. Whether you want to or not.”

He moved then, one hand insinuating itself between the door and her body as he unwrapped her fingers from the knob and pushed her lightly toward the bathroom. She wasn’t about to do a damned thing that he ordered her to do.

Melina turned, staring back at him furiously, shaking with the need to smack the knowing smirk off his face as she retreated.

“You’re wrong,” she informed him angrily, though she could tell he had no intention of believing her. “Won’t you even check it out? I have a brother. Joe Angeles. At least contact him. He’ll tell you who I am.”

She didn’t like the amusement that glinted in his eyes. “He wouldn’t tell me anything new, little girl.”

“I’m not a little girl.” She felt like stamping her feet in fury. “And I’m not Maria. I have to go home. I have to take care of my cat. Who’s going to take care of my cat?” That sudden, horrifying thought slipped into her mind. She had forgotten all about Mason. Her baby. What would happen to him?

He would be all alone. He would be frightened without her. Lonely. He had been the only creature in the world who had stayed by her side all these years, and now she wasn’t there to care for him?

“Don’t worry about that mangy animal,” Luc suddenly snarled. “He’s in the barn with the other—”

“In the barn?” She practically screamed out in surprise and fury. “You put my cat in the barn? My baby is in the barn?”

She stared at him, unable to believe the words that came from him. Who would be cruel enough to put sweet little Mason in a barn? He couldn’t do this. Her fingers curled, flexed, as she ached to attack him.

There went his arms over his chest again. “So?”

“So. You can’t put Mason in the barn.” She propped her hands on her hips, fighting mad now. She would not allow him to abuse her cat. “You go get him now.”

He frowned at the harsh demand in her voice.

“If I were you, I would worry about my own problems, not that black mouse chaser,” he snorted.

Outrage flew through her. She felt fury vibrating violently through her body. “Mason does not chase mice,” she informed him coldly. “And Mason does not sleep

in barns. He sleeps in my room, on my bed, next to me. I want my cat. Now.”

He tilted his head, watching her with a sudden, inquisitive expression. “How bad do you want that cat back, Catarina?” he asked her softly.

She wanted to slap his smug face. At least he was calling her by part of her given name. Even if it was one she shared with Maria. He was going to blackmail her. She could see it in his eyes, in his expression. The son of a bitch was going to use her baby against her. She wanted to tell him to go straight to hell.

Instead, she gritted her teeth, counted to ten and said, “What do you want?”

Melina was aware there had to be something wrong with loving a black little ball of fluff that rarely gave her the time of day. Unless she cried. Then, he was all over her, comforting her, letting her hold him, even if it was with an air of supreme boredom. He had gotten her through the past two years when there had been no one else. She wasn’t about to leave him in a dirty, dusty barn.

Luc stepped back to her, pulling her against his harder, taller body as she stared up at him in shock. She hated the awareness that flared in the pit of her stomach as his hard cock pressed into her. Hated the hunger she could feel welling within her.

Her lips parted as he stared down at her, his gaze flickering with heat as they settled on her lips. Melina trembled. She could feel her pussy heating, dampening, and cursed her response to him.

She braced her hands against his shoulders, resisting—not just Luc, but herself as well. He had the most kissable lips she had ever seen on a man. That fuller, lower curve fascinated her, made her want to eat him up. But he had set the boundaries with this kidnapping. There wasn’t a chance in hell she was going to lay down and let him walk all over her. She was tired of being anyone’s doormat.

“I thought you were my kidnapper, not my rapist,” she snapped when she managed to find her voice. “Let me go, Luc. I won’t whore for my cat. But I’ll be damned if I’ll cooperate in any way without him.”

His brows snapped into a frown as his arms tightened around her. Eyes narrowing, he gazed down at her thoughtfully for long seconds before slowly releasing her.

“Take your shower and get dressed. We’ll discuss terms downstairs after you’ve managed to cool off and act decently. I might allow you the cat, if you can control yourself and follow the rules.” With that said, he left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

She was going to kill him, she assured herself. Then, she was going to kill Maria.

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