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Chapter 2: The First Time Alex Gets Into Trouble

Alex called at exactly seven, and Kimberly sensed he had spent the evening pacing. She suspected he even ate a light dinner to keep his stomach settled. She made him quickly refresh her memory as to who he was, which he did awkwardly, even saying, “You told me to call at seven.”

“That’s right. I did.” She sat back on her couch, snacking on some microwave popcorn she’d cooked up for the occasion. She crunched the kernels into the phone.

“I enjoyed meeting you,” he said, and Kimberly crunched. He squirmed to get a conversation rolling, but she answered tersely, sighed as if bored between mouthfuls.

She interrupted him, “Are you walking around? I hear footsteps.”


“Well, sit down, you’re making me nervous.” A long quiet passed. “Are you sitting?”



Kimberly went through a quick list of questions: What do you do for a living? How old are you? Where do you live? What are your hobbies? To all her questions, Alex responded with answers both informative and that included humorous side stories, which besides making Kimberly laugh, pleased her because he seemed focused on entertaining her. Finally, she asked why he called, and Alex hesitated, then answered that he hoped he could see her again.

She told him he could see her the next Friday night.

Alex took her to a play the university theatre department was putting on then, after, to a café. He was old-fashioned, treated for everything, held doors open for her, and sat after her. These were minimum requirements for Kimberly—she’d left dates without a word of explanation without these simple courtesies—but Alex also interested her by being more than simply attentive to her. He gave an insightful analysis of the play they saw which showed he had strong opinions that he expressed with conviction, though he was more eager to hear from her and didn’t pontificate. At the end of the date, Kimberly turned and faced Alex, who had walked her to the front door of her apartment building, told him she had a good time, but twisted away and inside without so much as a pat on his shoulder. She sensed his dejection, but he called the next day and asked to see her again.

The following weekend, Alex took her to a seafood restaurant located near a lake. After dinner, they walked around as the sun set and the lamplights along the path circling the water lit the night. Alex made a gentlemanly attempt to clasp her hand, but Kimberly slipped her hand away. A sigh escaped him over the sounds of their footfalls and the gentle chirps and croaks of the life in the weeds between them and the water. They were getting along excellently, Kimberly thought, and the near touch of his fingers excited her, but she loved the thought of his fearing she would only be his friend even more.

Alex made another attempt at the end of the date, leaning in with his body and his face—his lips ready to point for a kiss—but when Kimberly stepped back and stiffened, Alex yielded to her immediately. She did like that he’d tried again. She loved the way he fought through his desire to protest and, instead, thanked her for her company and wished her a goodnight.

He called on her again and asked if he could make dinner for her. She agreed and, the day of, received a bouquet of flowers signed, ‘Very much looking forward to this evening, Alex’. Kimberly enjoyed her flowers. She sniffed them throughout the day, and when one of her neighbors asked about them, Kimberly told her that she was seeing a new boy who showed promise.

Alex met her at the entrance to his building a minute after she buzzed that she’d arrived rather than buzz her in. He noticed the bottle of wine she carried. “You didn’t need to bring anything but your beautiful self,” Alex said, as he held the first door for her, then hurried to open the second.

“I’m particular about my wine.”

“Well, I bought red and white. I couldn’t remember which was good with pasta.”

Kimberly flashed him a playfully-contemptuous look. “Exactly why I didn’t leave the wine to you.” She laughed.

“I usually drink beer,” Alex admitted. He pushed the elevator button and stood behind her while they waited. She knew he wished he could greet her by putting his arm around her. He was wearing black dress pants and a freshly-ironed blue shirt, dressed as if they were going to a nice restaurant instead of having dinner in. Kimberly had dressed casually in a light blue skirt and a white T-shirt, but she was glad Alex had worn nice clothes. It would be that much more fun when she ordered him to take them off.

“Did you receive anything interesting today?” Alex asked.

“I did. I got some flowers. That was very sweet.” She turned to him, and Alex faintly blushed and stared at his shiny black shoes. He looked so proud. She didn’t think he even noticed she didn’t say ‘thank you’.

Alex guided her with his hand, not touching, but at the small of her back onto the elevator, out onto the third floor, and into his room where Kimberly smelled baking meatballs. His apartment had clearly been recently scoured for her arrival, but she could tell from the look of it that Alex kept things well organized even when he wasn’t entertaining. And, of course, she liked the thought of him cleaning in a desperate attempt to impress her. She allowed herself to picture him on his hands and knees in the bathroom with an S.O.S pad in one hand and a bottle of soft scrub in the other. Soon enough, she would watch him clean her own bathroom if things continued as she expected they would.

“What are we having?” Kimberly started to look for an opener for her wine.

Alex immediately produced an opener, and two glasses, opened the bottle, and poured. “Spaghetti and meatballs, my dear.” Alex held out one of the two glasses to her.

Kimberly didn’t take it. She frowned and folded her arms across her chest. “I guess I’d better tell you,” she said, “I hate being called ‘my dear’.”

“Oh. What should I call you?”

“Call me by my name.”

“Spaghetti and meatballs, Kimberly, my specialty.” Alex smiled and handed over the glass.

Kimberly did the toast. “To new friends.”

Alex’s smile faintly faltered, but he repeated her toast, let her glass touch his, and sipped. He offered her the living room to wait in, but Kimberly stayed in the kitchen and leaned against the counter. Alex scurried about the cramped space in front of her, coordinating the cooking of the noodles, sauce, meatballs, and bread while cutting fresh vegetables—tomatoes, green peppers, and onions—for two salads.

Kimberly glanced around and was surprised to find, under another paper, a sheet with her handwriting. She pulled it out and a giggle popped out of her mouth. “Alex, what did you do?” She held the sheet out. Alex reddened when he saw what she had. “You finished my name?” On the note with her phone number, next to where she’d written ‘Kim’, Alex had added ‘berly’.

Alex met her look. “I think Kimberly is a beautiful name.”

Kimberly hid her grin behind a swallow of wine. Alex returned his attention to the meal and soon began moving things over to the table. After setting down the salads, Alex pulled out one of the chairs and beckoned Kimberly to it.

He set down plates of spaghetti and meatballs, one for her and one for him, sat across from her, and started to pick up his silverware, but Kimberly was looking around the table. “Did I forget something?” Alex asked.

“Parmesan cheese.”

“Oh.” Alex jumped up, opened the fridge, and spun back to the table with the cheese. He set it down in front of her and sat.

“I’ll tell you when to stop.” She had her hands in her lap. Alex had to stand back up to reach the cheese. He began dusting her serving with it.

“And…stop,” Kimberly said.

Alex sat back down and watched as Kimberly looped spaghetti around her fork, stabbed a chunk of meatball, and ate. His eyebrows lifted. “Well?” he said after she swallowed.

“Alex, you’re a good cook—and an excellent server.”

“Thank you, Kimberly.” Alex prepared a forkful of food but left it hanging above his plate. “I actually have something I need to mention, then we can relax and enjoy the evening.”


“Well, I’m enjoying your company completely as is, but I feel it would be lying if I didn’t let you know that I have, in the back of my mind, the hope that you’ll be my girlfriend. So there that is. In case the flowers weren’t enough of a hint, I just wanted to be sure that was clear from my end.”

She looked into his eyes and gave a faint smile that made Alex blush and lower his eyes. “I’d already guessed it.”

“You had?” Alex asked in mock surprise.

“I guessed it when you came up to me in the coffee shop.”

“Incredibly perceptive of you,” Alex said, grinning.

“I’ve thought about that, too. And I think you might get to be my boyfriend. You’re off to a good start.” Kimberly took a bite, chewed it slowly, swallowed, and sipped from her wine. Alex perched over the table, waiting for her to say more. He still hadn’t taken a bite of his dinner. “In the past, a lot of boys haven’t been able to handle me,” Kimberly said. “They end up calling me a lot of Bs.”


“Arrogant bitch, demanding bitch, selfish bitch…”

Alex scowled and shook his head. “It makes me angry anyone would call you that.”

“Well, I can be demanding.”

“You’re strong-willed. Confident in your opinions. Those are good things. A lot of guys can’t handle that, but that’s their loss,” Alex said, adding shyly, “and hopefully my gain.”

“I’m very glad to hear you say that.”

After dinner, Alex served her a dish of sherbet to eat while he cleared the dishes and put them in the sink. He suggested a movie, and let her pick from a few he’d rented. He’d gone to the trouble of gathering an eclectic mix, so that she could see the kind of movie she wanted—a detail Kimberly noticed, and one that pleased her. She chose a romantic comedy.

Alex’s couch was short with only two cushions. He sat close to her after setting up the movie; just a sliver of space was between them.

The previews had ended when Alex set his shiny black shoes up on the coffee table in front of the couch. On the TV screen, as the opening credits flashed, a cute blonde in a white skirt and tank top was striking tennis balls, playing against a machine on the other side of the net that spit balls at her, but Kimberly was only staring at those shoes propped on the coffee table. There was over a foot of space between the bottom of the screen and the tops of his shoes, but Kimberly found them distracting. “Alex,” Kimberly said, “put your feet down.”

She felt him turn toward her, but her eyes remained set on his shoes. The stiff soles scraped against the table’s lathed edge. When they still didn’t return to the floor, she turned toward Alex.

He grinned as if he thought she had been kidding, but she kept her unsmiling face pointed at his so that he would know she was not. With a last scrape against the wood, his feet dropped off the table and returned to the floor.

Kimberly turned back to the TV, but she wasn’t really watching. “Why didn’t you put your feet down when I said?”

“I did put them down.”

“Did you do it right when I said?”

“No, but…”

“Why didn’t you put your feet down when I said?”

“I don’t know.”

Kimberly picked the remote up off the coffee table and paused the movie. “Do you enjoy being with me, Alex?”

“I do. I’m having a great time with you.”

“I’m not like most of the girls you’ve probably known, I’m…”

“I know, I can tell that.” Alex rambled, clearly sounding nervous—nearly frightened. “I like that you’re unique, and…”

“Do not interrupt me,” Kimberly said, in her calm, authoritative tone that she could tell was making Alex squirm and powerless to resist her. “I’m very much a woman, which means that I expect to be listened to with respect. I expect to be obeyed.”

“I respect you. Of course, I respect you.”

She turned toward him and smiled. Alex broke into a laughing grin; he seemed so thrilled to see her relaxed smile again, and have the tension eased. Then his face emptied of color when Kimberly said, her face still relaxed in a broad, kind smile, “I want to punish you for not listening to me right away. Will you take it?”

“But why?”

“Because I want to.”

“But I did put my feet down.”

“You already said that, and I responded to it.”

Alex looked to the TV as if he could will it back on to rescue him, but the remote was in Kimberly’s hand.

“At dinner you said you liked that I’m demanding. You said I’m strong-willed, but that it would be hopefully your gain.”

“But why does that mean I have to take a punishment?”

“Because I said so. You didn’t obey me right away, and so you have to be taught a lesson. Now, will you take it or not?” She pretended she was growing impatient, though truthfully, she was having a great time using her words to make him miserable. The word ‘obey’ out of her mouth softened him into putty. She suspected it was having the opposite effect in one particular place.

A part of him attempted to resist, but it was no match for the part of him that desired to submit, and he said, “I’ll take it.”

“Good,” Kimberly said and clapped her hands together, sitting up. “Now, stand up and push the table out of the way.”

Alex did, and stood before her. Kimberly crossed her legs and set her hands on her knee. “Now, Alex, you look very nice all dressed up, but I need you to take off your shirt and pants and your shoes and socks.”

He paused. It passed over his face, the realization that this was his final chance to stand up to her while he was still dressed, but he was captured by her calm and commanding presence.

“C’mon, I’m sure you were hoping you’d get to take those pants off tonight in front of me. Maybe not under these circumstances, but still.”

He began at the top button of his shirt and kept his head lowered as his fidgeting fingers went from one button to the next, then he slipped his shirt off. He folded it and set it on the coffee table behind him. With the same slow, methodical movements, he removed his undershirt, shoes, socks, and pants.

He has a fine body, Kimberly thought, and she was so pleased at the dignity with which he undressed and now stood. Still, she couldn’t resist teasing him. “You wear little boy underwear, that’s so cute,” she said of Alex’s tidy-whiteys. She noticed as he looked up that his eyes were filled with tears. One dripped down, and Alex’s hand immediately fluttered up to catch it and wipe it away. Kimberly admonished him. “Never hide your tears from me. I love making men cry.”

“But, Kimberly, why are you doing this?” Another tear fell, and he let it roll down.

“I’m having fun. You are too, aren’t you? You’ve been following all my instructions, you must be enjoying it.”

“I feel really embarrassed.” His hands shook at his hips. In the pouch of his underwear, Kimberly could see the outline of what looked like a beautiful and half-engorged cock. A noticeable spot on his underwear looked so wet it seemed it might begin to drip as his tears had.

“Alex, finding toilet paper on your shoe makes you embarrassed. You feel humiliated. Now tell me what you think your punishment is going to be.”

His mouth tightened in a ludicrous, last minute show of defiance that nearly made Kimberly laugh, but she stifled it; and, instead, she crossed her arms and looked at him sternly, insisting he answer her.

Alex’s eyes rolled. Another tear dripped, and his hand began to lift, but then remained at his side, letting the tear roll. “I think you’re going to spank me, but…”

“Do not say ‘but.’ Say it again.”

“I think you’re going to spank me.”

“Say it again without whining.”

“I think you’re going to spank me.”

“Yes, Alex. I’m going to spank you.” She reached toward his waist.

Alex leaned away from her. “I don’t want you to.”

“Yes, you do. You want me to.”

From his face, it seemed he didn’t, but he took the few small steps toward her reach. Kimberly gripped the waistband of his underwear and tugged until he was standing at her side. She held the elastic firmly, let him think for a while about the fact that his underwear was about to come down, then she pulled it to his knees.

His excitement sprang up from between his legs, and Alex groaned and turned his head. Kimberly looked at the nicely-sized erection as if she were surprised and horrified to have found it there. Alex fell for this ruse completely and began babbling a mixture of apologies and excuses. “I’m sorry. It’s just cause of the rush of air, and I don’t know why that’s happening. It’s just ‘cause I think you’re beautiful, and…”

“Alex, don’t worry,” she said. “I am very happy to see that, let me tell you. Because I’m beginning to like you, but I wouldn’t see much of a future for us if you didn’t enjoy this, and I can see, despite your tears, that you do. Now crawl over my lap, but do not let that touch my legs.”

Using the armrest of the couch, Alex bent his body over her lap. His thighs and his stomach touched her legs. Kimberly wondered if it occurred to him that this was their first physical contact. She doubted it did. His body laid out over her lap felt tense. He seemed very worried about the pain of his coming punishment. Without an implement, she wouldn’t actually be able to hurt him very badly, although she was a pretty mean hand-spanker. “Now, Alex, this will hurt, but you mustn’t cry out. You may only moan, do you understand?”


Kimberly sighed, feigning irritation. “Alex, I distinctly recall telling you to use my name.”

“Yes, Kimberly.”

Kimberly let out a quiet laugh as Alex shivered in his stretched-out position. “Look at this cute bottom,” she said. “It’s never been spanked before, has it?”

“No, Kimberly,” Alex answered through fresh tears.

Kimberly grabbed the back of his hair and pulled till his face was perpendicular to the floor. Leaning near his ear, she said, “You will remember this moment for the rest of your life.” She let go of his hair, letting him hide again down at her feet, and pressing her left hand against the small of his back, she raised her right hand high in the air. Alex whimpered with his mouth sealed. She brought her hand down flat against his round cheeks. A loud spank resounded, and Alex moaned in surprise. Hand spanks really didn’t hurt enough to please Kimberly, but there was nothing like the sound of a good one connecting. And the one she landed on Alex was one of her best. Right away she could see a pink handprint begin to glow against the white, but she didn’t waste much time admiring it. She brought her hand down for another, and another, each time enjoying the sound of her hand clapping against the soft, taut skin of his bottom.

She nearly forgot about Alex. After the first spank, he got so quiet, trying to take the pain stoically. By the time a pink glaze covered his cheeks, though, his moans began. Her hand was stinging, so she knew his butt stung about five times worse, but she wasn’t happy with his grunt-like moans. She sensed too much defiance in them, and so she kept spanking away. She mixed up her efforts with a rapid-fire volley of lighter spanks, then followed them with spaced-apart hard ones. His bottom wouldn’t get red the way she would have liked with just her hand, but a glowing pink covered it, and she thought Alex felt enough stinging to know she meant business. His moans had lost their defiant sound. He was accepting her striking hand and her authority with soft, submissive moans for mercy. She gave him another quick volley, then two final spanks as hard she could.

Right away, she ordered Alex to his feet, so that she could see how much he’d cried. He tried to take a long time rising, wanting to calm himself while his face was still hidden near the floor, but she prodded him with stern insistence, and pulled at his arm. He stood in front of her, his red face streaked with slimy tears. His chest heaved as he struggled to breathe through only his nose and keep his mouth closed obediently.

“Are you sorry you didn’t put your feet down right away?”

“Yes, Kimberly.” As he opened his mouth to speak, his breath blubbered out through his mouth. “I’m s-s-sorry,” he stuttered. He looked behind him at his clothes. “C-can I get dressed, please?”

“No, you may not.” She pinched his underwear entwined around his ankles with her foot and yanked them away. She made him slide the coffee table back, then she stood up and took his arm. “After a punishment, you have to serve time for me.” She led him—he followed her lead as compliantly as a puppy—to the wall. She reached up with her finger. “Put your nose here.” Alex obeyed immediately. “Now,” Kimberly said, “usually after a punishment, you serve your time thinking of what you did wrong; but, since this is your first, I want you to spend it thinking about whether or not you want to be my boyfriend when being my boyfriend means obeying me.”

“Yes, Kimberly,” Alex said, his voice had lost its thick tear-trace and returned to nearly normal.

Kimberly sat back down on the couch. She put her feet up on the coffee table, making plenty of noise so that Alex would know they were there. “Keep very still, so I know you’re thinking about it.”

“Yes, Kimberly.”

From across the room, his cheeks lit up even pinker than she had thought. She turned the movie off and the TV on, so that Alex would think she was enjoying watching a show; but, really, she was taking in the sight of him leaned obediently into the wall. A fine body, indeed, she thought. His muscular legs and back had good definition, and his butt looked adorable with her handprints all over it. She wondered how long it would be till she could put some real marks on him. Not long, she thought. He was quick to cry, but he took the spanking quite well for his first. He would take some good punishments for her in no time.

She untied her shoes and slipped them off, leaving them on top of the coffee table. Turning off the TV, she walked around and slowly moved over next to him. She peered in at his face that was pressed near the wall. “Well, do you still want to be my boyfriend?”

“Yes, Kimberly.” He kept his nose on the wall.

“Yes, Kimberly, what?”

“Yes, Kimberly, I would like to be your boyfriend…please.”

“Face me,” she said.

Alex lifted his nose from the wall and shuffled his feet till he faced her. He bowed his head and lowered his eyes.

“Kneel and kiss my feet.”

He looked up. She smiled at him. He looked down again and stared at her feet. She’d caught him looking at her feet enough since the first day when he saw her at the coffee shop to know that he adored them, but enjoying looking at them and kneeling and kissing them were two different things. Even though he’d just been over her lap and spanked, even though he was standing in front of her naked, she wasn’t sure he would be able to obey her order. He looked up again. She met his eyes and held them. She remained patient but insistent. She had given him an order, and it was up to him to obey it or not. She loved watching him fight. His eyes rolled slightly, and then she saw it: the exact moment when he became hers. He fell to one knee then the other, bent over and placed long, reverent kisses on the tops of both of her feet.

He knelt back up and looked at her. Rather than looking degraded, he appeared proud. Kimberly patted his head. “C’mon, let’s watch that movie.” She motioned for him to rise.

“May I get dressed?”

“Are you cold?”

“Not really.”

“You can wear your underwear.” Kimberly sat on the couch and pulled her feet up under her. She watched Alex step into his underwear and pull them on. She smiled and patted the couch next to her. The fly of his bulge—lifted up and shiny wet—appeared to be leading him along, and Kimberly giggled. She pushed play on the movie, unfolded her legs, and set her socked feet up on the table where Alex’s had been. She looked over, and Alex gave her a slight nod and a shy smile that said he understood.

The movie was pretty cute. Kimberly relaxed into the side of the couch, stretched her legs across, set her feet on Alex’s thighs and told him she needed a foot massage, then got absorbed by it. The lead girl in the movie started out as a phenomenal tennis player, but she became unnerved and began losing matches when she fell for her rival’s trainer. Kimberly liked the girl who was witty and self-reliant, and it annoyed her that the male-ish producers of the movie wrote it in that she would develop this girlish crush and allow it to distract her from getting what she wanted, but having her new man in his underwear sitting on freshly spanked buns and massaging her feet kept her from being too irritated to enjoy the story. Alex gave a good foot massage. She did have to tell him to get her toes which she liked to have lightly pulled and squeezed, but he gave her arches deep soothing passes with his knuckles just as she would have instructed. After a while, she told him to take off her socks. “Carefully,” she said, “I don’t want to find them balled up on the floor inside out.”

Alex peeled them around her heels then pulled them off from her toes, laying them flat on the armrest. He kneaded her bare feet with his fingers, and Kimberly returned to the movie. At a funny part, she laughed and looked over at Alex. He looked up at the TV, but he had missed the funny part. “Alex,” Kimberly said, “you’re not even watching the movie, you’re watching my feet.”

“I’m watching it.”

“What funny thing just happened?”

Alex looked down. “I don’t know. I’m sorry. You just have really cute feet.”

Kimberly pulled one out of his lap, put it up near his face, and lightly slapped his cheek with it. “Cute?” she said.

Alex grinned. “Sorry. I meant beautiful.”

“That’s better.” Kimberly set her foot back in his lap, and Alex returned to massaging them. “Did you want to kiss them some more?”

Alex slowly nodded. “Yes,” he whispered.

“Yes what?”

“Yes, please.”

She stretched her foot up, and Alex bent to meet it with his lips. Dropping it from him each time he moved to kiss it, she made him bob his head awkwardly in the air and giggled at him. Finally, she left it there, and Alex gave the top several kisses while he had the chance. She paused the movie and slid down the side of the couch. Alex turned toward her. She pressed the bottom of her foot to his lips, and Alex gave it a long open-mouthed kiss, moaning lightly. “Oh, Alex, I love watching you kiss my feet.”

He answered by moaning and kissing his way down from her toes to her heel. She lifted her other foot up, and Alex held them for her against his face as he moved from one to the other of them, kissing and moaning. Kimberly squeezed her thighs together and felt a flutter there between her legs. She lifted her skirt and pressed her fingertips against her blue panties. In a short time, Alex—who had his eyes mostly closed as he kissed—noticed her lifted skirt and playing fingers and kept his eyes open to watch.

“Use your tongue. I want to watch you lick.” Kimberly gasped as she pressed with her fingers.

His tongue flicked out, crossed the tops of her toes, slid between two, then tickled down her arch. “Alex, I’m getting aroused. When a woman gets aroused, her man’s job is to satisfy her.” She hooked a heel behind his head. Alex nodded, moving toward her as she pulled with her foot. She positioned him between her knees and told him to move to the floor and remove her underwear. Alex knelt next to the couch and, reaching under her skirt, slid her panties down her thighs and past her knees. Kimberly pulled her legs up and her feet through the loops, then she reached out and grabbed Alex’s hair. “You’re going to use your mouth on me.”

“Yes, Kimberly.”

She pulled in and clasped him with her legs. With a hand on top of his head, she adjusted his face, aligning it how she wanted. She pressed her other hand against her breasts and squeezed her nipples between her fingers. She moaned and undulated her hips. His mouth felt soft and warm against her, and Alex had some idea of what he was doing. He had a technique down. She would certainly want it tweaked in time. He was a little too dainty, nibbling around the edges with his lips for too long. He wasn’t tasting strumpets at a tea party; he was eating a woman’s pussy. It was not a time for daintiness. She pulled him hard by the hair to let him know how she wanted it, but the long evening had gotten her wet enough that she climaxed powerfully in a short time. Alex pleased her by remaining where he was, lightly kissing her, long after she finished, waiting until she guided him away with her hand.

Alex tried to crawl toward her after being released, she guessed for a kiss, but Kimberly pushed him down by the top of his head. “No, no. I don’t want to taste myself.” Alex slid back up onto the couch and sat at her feet. He licked his lips and bowed his head. “We can finish the movie some other time.” Kimberly stood. “Am I staying for breakfast?”

“Yes. I mean, I’d like you to.” Alex popped up from the couch, still hard for her and leaking into his underwear. She looked down at him until she was sure he knew where her eyes were pointed, then she grinned. “I’ve gotten suddenly very sleepy,” she said, reaching up and touching his cheek. “Tonight’s going to be just about me.”

“Sure, that’s fine. I understand.”

She drew close to him. Pulling back his waistband, she peeked in at his Cute Thing that would go untouched, and smiled.

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