Few days later, Rossy was in the room, writing on a book, when her phone came ringing.
Seeing it was from the hospital, she picked up on the first ring.
"Hello doctor", she said into the phone, but what she heard froze her.
"Miss Rossy, you have to come to the hospital right away", she heard the feminine voice, and she sprang up to her feet, as fear gripped her.
What could be the problem?, is her mom's health condition getting worse?
Her mom had been diagnosed with chronic kidney diseases since two years, and had been in the hospital for two months now.
The doctors said she needed surgery, but there was no fund.
She didn't want her mom dead, she's the only family she ever had, and she can't afford to lose her.
She quickly dressed up, and left for the hospital.
She got there, and rushed straight to the ICU, and there her mom was, laying on the bed, with her eyes closed.
A drop of tears escaped her eyes, as she stared at her mom helplessly.
"The doctor wants to see you miss Rossy", she heard a voice from behind her, and she nodded.
She walked inside the doctor's office, and took a seat opposite him.
"Good morning doc", she greeted.
"Good morning Rossy.
Uhm, Rossy, we've really tried our best for these whole months she's been here, and its not safe anymore, with this continuous taking of drugs.
I think she should undergo surgery at this point", the doctor said, and tears fell freely from her eyes.
How on earth was she going to raise five hundred thousand dollars?, she doesn't even have a job, how the hell was she going to do it?
She stood up and left the office, pondering on what to do.
She went back home after hours, and met Lisa pacing inside the room. She slumped on the bed, as soon as she got inside.
"Rossy where have you been? I've been worried sick about you, I even tried calling you several times, but you didn't pick up, talk to me, what happened?" Lisa asked worriedly, as she sat beside her on the bed.
"Lisa I wanna be left alone please", she said, and closed her eyes, letting her tears find their way out of her beautiful eyes.
Tristan's mansion
Tristan sat at the bar section of his living room, as he stared deeply at the picture before him.
There was a picture of Rossy, laying beautifully on the counter, a smirk plastered on his face, as the thought of what he's gonna do to her, hits him hard.
He took a sip from the glass of wine in his hand, as he brought out his phone and dialed a number.
"I need you here, one minute", he said coldly into the phone, and ended the call.
Seconds later, the door opened, and one of his guards, Leo, walked in.
"Yes boss", Leo bowed.
"Get me every necessary information about her before nightfall", he said coldly, staring into space, and Leo picked the picture.
"Yes boss", Leo said, and turned to go, but stopped by his words.
"Before nightfall", he said again, and Leo nodded before walking out.
"Now watch me deal with you, young lady", he said in his mind, as his cute lips curved into a dangerous smirk.
He dropped the glass cup, and walked over to a corner of the very large living room, where he kept his piano, and took a seat.
He started playing the piano, as he closed his eyes, enjoying the rhythm of it.
He was dropping a new song soon, and he needed to be prepared.
He played the piano for hours, as he kept writing on a book.
He glanced at the time, and it was already 7pm, wow, he's been playing for three hours.
He was about standing up, when his phone came ringing.
He picked it up on the first ring.
"Bring her in", he said on the phone, after a few seconds of picking up.
The door opened seconds later, and Leo came in, with a lady, whose head was covered down to her face, with a black blindfold, her hands were tied to her back.
He signaled him to remove the blindfold, and he did, revealing the lady's face, its Lisa, Rossy's sister.
"Untie her", he ordered, and Leo untied her, before removing what he used to cover her mouth.
Lisa arched her eyes, as she behold the least expected person before her, the world best idol, Tristan Williams!. But why did he asked to bring her here.
"Sit!", he said coldly, as he took a seat on one of the couches, and she took a seat immediately.
She heard alot about him, how ruthless he is, she wouldn't wanna be dealt with.
"I'll just go straight to the point.
I'll ask you a question, and I need you to tell me nothing, but everything I deserve to know, and if I find out that you lied to me, I'll make you regret ever messing with me", he stated coldly, and she nodded nervously.
"Good. Rossy Luis is your friend, and of course I'm sure you know virtually everything about her, so I need you to tell me everything you know", he said coldly, and gulped down the whole content in the glass cup.
She furrowed her eyebrows, as her heart raced faster than it was, why does he wanna know about Rossy?, does he wanna hurt her?
"You wouldn't want me repeating myself, so I'll advise you start talking now", he broke into her thoughts, and she gulped down nothing nervously.
"Her name is Rossy Luis, the only child of her parents, her father is late, and her mom, she's been diagnosed of chronic kidney diseases for the past two years, and has been in the hospital for two months now.
The doctors said she needs to undergo surgery, before she'll be fine again", she said nervously, and he smirked.
"What's the name of the the hospital?", he asked, and she gulped down.
"Da...Dante's hospital", she replied, and he smirked again.
"And the name of the patient?", he asked again.
"Evelyn Luis", she replied, and he nodded.
"Good girl, now this is it, I don't want any third party, not even Rossy, to hear about what we just discussed. And as it is, you have never met me before, we don't know each other.
If you do otherwise, and I mistakenly hear what transpired between us from another person, then trust me, I'll make your life so miserable, that you'll curse the day you were born, read my lips, I'll make your life miserable", he said coldly, looking deep into her eyes, and just what he wanted, she was terrified.
"Ye..yes sir", she stuttered nervously, and he smirked satisfactorily.
"Good", he stood up and put a call through to someone, and in a few seconds, Leo walked in.
"Yes boss", Leo bowed.
"Escort her back, and don't forget to give her some money", he said, and Leo nodded, before leading Lisa out.
He smiled dangerously, as the thought of what he's gonna do hits him hard.
"Let the game begin, dear Rossy", he said, and chuckled, before walking back to the bar.
Back in Rossy's apartment.
Rossy was pacing inside the room, glancing at the wall clock at every seconds, she was worried about Lisa, why hasn't she gotten back for hours now?, she said she was going to get something from the next street, and for two hours now, she hasn't gotten back.
She was so worried, she didn't want what happened to Amelia, repeating itself again, they were the only family she have, after her mom, they were the best sisters she never had, though they were just friends, but they were like sisters to her, and if anything happens to her again, she won't be able to take it again.
She was still pacing, when the door opened, and Lisa walked in, looking dull.
"Lisa are you ok? Where have you been? I've been worried sick about you", she said in one breath, and Lisa faked a smile, as she dropped the polythene bag she was holding, on the floor, and took a seat on the bed.
"I'm sorry for getting you worried, I couldn't find what I went to get, so I had to check else where", Lisa lied, and she nodded.
"I'm happy you're back now", she said to Lisa, who was gazing absentmindedly into space.
"I need to use the bathroom", Lisa said, as she stood up, but stopped, as two bundles of dollars, fell from her clothes.
She immediately bent down and packed them, before raising her gaze to Rossy, who was gazing at her, obviously dazed.
"Lisa, where'd you get that money from?", she asked, and Lisa's mouth dropped opened.