“Open the gates,” I ordered Moore.
The man placed his hand on mine. “Milady, are you sure this is what you want?”
“Want” had very little to do with anything I did these days. “Open it,” I repeated, drawing in a deep breath and stealing my spine.
I’d given Tanner an hour’s head start before I’d sent the missive. It requested the opportunity to parley with the head of the Norman army. I could only imagine what would greet me on the other side of that gate.
The best I could hope for was an opportunity to make a deal with their leader. The worst, a death more terrible than anything I could imagine. And that was saying a lot. I had one hell of an imagination and the Normans one hell of a reputation.
The grinding of heavy chains screeched irritatingly in my ear. Wooden boards creaked and cracked as they descended toward the earth. Reminding myself to breathe, I clutched my mother’s rosary in my palm for comfort and said a silent prayer to the woman I’d never met.
When the dust had cleared, a sea of foreign men stood in front of me. Remembering my duty, I lifted my chin. I was Elsbet of Bailliot. I was not afraid. I couldn’t afford to be.
The chains and wood sounded again as they were hoisted back into place. Silence screamed into the night as I waited for my enemy to make the first move.
It didn’t take long before a blond warrior stepped forward. He was clearly the leader of this army and bigger than any I’d ever seen. But it wasn’t just his size that told me this Norman was in charge. It was his confidence. It naturally radiated off of the man like rays from the sun.
As he approached, I noted the vast width of his shoulders. They were surely twice that of an average man’s. His body, thickly muscled throughout, loudly proclaimed to all his impressive strength.
Swallowing hard, I reminded myself to not look down or away. Like stray dogs that were sizing one another up, the first few moments in this exchange were critical. It was important not to look weak. Even more important, to not look threatening. A threat to this man would be like openly challenging him to a fight. And that was exactly what I was trying to avoid.
I could feel the very ground beneath my feet quake as the giant moved closer. Or was that me? I wasn’t sure. All I could see were his cold, blue eyes taking my measure. Starting at the top of my head, they caressed my neck, breasts, and waist like a man greeting his long-lost lover, not his enemy. When his gaze hit my feet, it slowly ran in reverse back to mine.
Flanked by large men on either side of him, the Norman reached out his hand and introduced himself. “Milady Elsbet, I am Rolph de Dronis.”
Not able to drag my attention away from the man’s piercing blue eyes, I nodded my head and lent him my hand in turn. “Thank you for meeting with me, milord.”
A grin teased Rolph’s full lips as he bent forward and placed a kiss just below my wrist. “I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised by the invite. I’ve never had one quite like it.” His confident gaze dropped back down to my body and openly appraised me once again. “As far as peace negotiations go, this is by far the most pleasant I’ve ever had.”
My brow hiked at his cheek. “Are you certain that peace is what I come offering?” I couldn’t help myself. The man’s arrogance begged to be challenged.
His smile widened. “Is it not, milady? Have I misunderstood and you’ve come to challenge me to a fight instead?”
The notion of my sparring with this giant actually made me smile. “Perhaps another time,” I spoke, my golden eyes now openly appraising him. “You are correct. I do come offering peace-but,” I dangled, “at a price.”
“Ah, that is the way with beautiful women,” Rolph lamented to his companions, “they always ‘come’ with a price.”
I let the men guffaw at their bawdy joke before continuing on. “Let us walk in private, milord, and talk of peace.”
Rolph thought the matter over as his men traded wary glances. This time it was my turn to laugh.
“Surely, you’re not afraid of a woman, sir?” My dig, however prettily delivered, did not go unnoticed.
Rolph’s humor turned feral. “Every smart man knows the most dangerous things in life, milady, come wrapped in attractive packages.”
I don’t know what had come over me, but I was suddenly in a playful mood. Running my hands over my silk-clad curves to show I wasn’t concealing any weapons, I said, “I’m unarmed, milord. You’ve nothing to fear from me.”
Rolph’s eyes ignited at the sight of my hands gliding over my ample curves. “Not all weapons are fashioned from steel,” he quipped. Changing tact then, he asked, “How do you know that you’re safe with me? I could simply agree to this parlay, do a number of depraved things to you,” his blue eyes channeled his dark thoughts, “then leverage you to open the gates of Bailliot.”
I smiled, having already anticipated such an outcome. “I told my guard he’s not allowed to lift the gates until I give the proper signal. Failure to follow my orders in this matter carries the penalty of death.”
“Perhaps he loves his mistress and would ignore her decree in order to save her life,” Rolph smartly reasoned.
The smile fell from my lips. “You misunderstand, Lord de Dronis. Twas not his death I was referring to. The man has five daughters. And he knows exactly what happens if he should open that gate to your men without my say so. We have thirty minutes to come to an agreement before my people have been instructed to fight to the death.”
A moment of appreciative silence followed. “I accept your offer. Let us walk and I’ll give you the chance to speak your peace.”
“Rolph, it could be a trap,” the man to his right cautioned.
“It could be,” I agreed. “But it could also be the end of a siege without a single life lost. The decision is in yours, milord.”
Sliding his muscled arm into the crook of mine, Rolph ushered me forward. “Lead the way, milady.”
An intense shiver crept down my back and my legs began to feel unsteady. Chastising myself, I forced my feet to move and carry me through the crowd of soldiers which parted without hesitation.
When we reached the wood line, I craned my neck up at the man who was supposed to be my enemy but was acting more like a potential suitor. “It’s a beautiful night,” I noted, for it truly was. “Tis unfortunate it has to be marred with the ugliness of war.”
Rolph watched me as I spoke. His eyes, twin ice chips, seemed to burrow down into the very marrow of my bones. “But we aren’t talking of war, milady. You lured me here with the promise of peace. Did you nye?”
Touché. “You’re as smart a foe as you are formidable, lord de Dronis.” My childhood had also taught me men liked to be praised. Twas a weapon in my arsenal that cost nothing, but often yielded much. “I’d like to discuss the terms of such a peace, if I may be so bold.”
Rolph’s teeth flashed white in the moon’s light. “Elsbet, you may be as bold as you wish. In fact, I encourage it.”
He was charming. I had to give him that. And handsome. Dangerously so. “Tis my desire to end this feud between us.”
“Tis my desire as well,” Rolph agreed, his tone overly accommodating.
Thinking we would discuss terms under the light of the moon, I was shocked when the Norman propelled me beyond the edge of the wood line and into the forest. Heart quickening, I looked up into his eyes. For the briefest moment, I allowed my fear to show. I’d never been alone with a man before. And this was not just a man. He was my enemy. And I was a woman, totally alone, in his camp.
Quickly, I swallowed my fear and tamped it down deep. It could only hurt me, not help. As fast as the emotion had passed across my face, Rolph had still managed to glimpse it. And I could tell it excited him. His blue eyes dilated and he pressed closer to me, my arm still interlocked with his.
“Are you frightened of me, Bet?” he asked, his voice husky and low.
“Bet?” I returned, questioning the pet name he’d spontaneously given me. I was starting to think I’d overplayed my hand earlier. Given him the wrong idea about my intentions. Playing the whore, though not out of the question given my circumstances, had not been my goal tonight.
“Yes. I like the way the name feels on my tongue. So much less formal. Intimate. Like we’re old friends. Or, perhaps, very good new ones.” His chiseled features betrayed nothing but strength and desire as he spoke.
Growing warm all over, I tugged free of his arm and moved deeper into the wood. Doubling down on confidence I didn’t possess, I peeked at him coquettishly from between two wide tree trunks. “Unfortunately, milord, I’m not in the market for new friends.”
“Are you sure about that, Bet? I’m a very good friend to have.”
The devil himself couldn’t have been more inviting at that moment. Bold. Handsome beyond measure. Unimaginably strong. Rolph de Dronis was a god among men. And just like a God, he held my fate in his hands.
Carrion was the only man I’d ever had any physical experience with, and he’d never held any appeal to me. His kisses had been dry and his touch abhorrent. But this lord, he just might be my undoing. Invading army or not.
Hugging one of the trees for support, I locked gazes with my adversary. “I’d like to declare my allegiance to your king. Pledge my fealty to him. Become his obedient vassal.” Though only a ploy to stall for time, I wouldn’t complain if this tactic should work.
But, as I’d suspected, the Norman wasn’t impressed with my offer. He tossed his blond head back and barked a laugh into the dark night.
Collecting himself, Rolph’s voice was full of humor when he next spoke. “You’d like to declare your allegiance to my king a few hours before I take your castle and all that reside in it? I don’t think so, milady.”
My cheeks pinkened. He was right, of course, but it stung my pride to be called out so blatantly. “Are you laughing at me, sir?”
Rolph smirked at my feigned upset. “You do understand that when you chose to side with King Harold, his death sealed your fate, and mine, as it were. When I agreed to take Bailliot for William, my price was the castle itself. I’ll be its new lord and master the moment I enter her gates. Allegiance from its current occupants or not.”
“But I wasn’t disloyal to William,” I quickly defended. “I seek peace, milord. Twas my fiancé who made enemies with your king and refused to yield to his rule.”
Rolph’s steps ate up the distance between us. He notched my chin up to meet his hot gaze. “You are spoken for?”
His touch felt like the most pleasant fire I’d ever had the misfortune to be burned by. “Not anymore,” I returned cryptically.
His brow hiked in question. “And what happened to…,”
“Carrion,” I provided.
“Carrion,” he ground out the name as though it was the most offensive one he’d ever uttered.
“He’s a coward who decided to desert my people and run away when things became difficult,” I angrily revealed.
Rolph searched my face trying to pluck the secrets from the very depths of my head. “He was not only a coward, but a fool,” he intoned, his thumb skimming my cheek. “And if my men find him, milady, I’ll show him exactly what I do to cowards and fools.”
His words should have upset me, but they didn’t. They had the opposite effect. Biting my lip, I tried to look away and hide my arousal. Ever observant, Rolph picked up on it and smiled knowingly.
“Terms,” I deflected, trying to break the tension that stood so thickly between us. “If not fealty that I can offer your king, then what would please him?”
Rolph’s thumb moved from my cheek to my lips. Leaning down, he whispered low into my ear, “Your complete and utter submission.” Hand gliding down my face, his fingers lightly wrapped around my throat and squeezed the delicate flesh there.
His hot words and hotter touch nearly melted me into a puddle at his feet. Moisture pooled between my legs and I had the craziest desire for him to stroke me there. Explore my body with his rough fingers as I did myself late at night.
“Is that how the Normans treat their friends, milord?” I rasped, pushing hard against his chest, desperately needing space between us. “By destroying them?”
Rolph leaned back. “So, you wish to be friends now?”
“I believe that all good friendships start with trust. Do you wish me to trust you, Rolph?” I evaded.
“Say it again,” he growled. His hands dropped to my waist. Pinning me against the tree, he thrust his hardness against my sex to emphasize his desire. “But this time, say it slower, and with the promise that you’ll give me your complete and utter submission.”
The man was an oak. I could feel my advantage slipping away. Fear for my people surged to the forefront of my thoughts. We were in danger of losing everything. I had to think fast. Act more boldly.
“I will submit,” I enticed, licking my lips as Rolph traced the course of my tongue with his eyes. I could feel his thick, demanding cock against my belly and it was driving me to distraction. “I will submit,” I repeated breathily, “my castle to you. All my soldiers will put down their weapons and stop fighting. If you promise me a few things in return.”
Rolph’s fingers skimmed over my hips and his large palms cupped my backside. Grinding his sizeable length against me, I shuddered and placed my hands on his waist to steady myself.
Rubbing his nose along the column of my neck, he inhaled my scent. “What do you want, Bet?”
“I want my people to be safe,” I answered, my breath coming faster and more ragged from the passion he was stirring inside me. “If I let you in, no man, or woman, shall be harmed.”
“The men shall become my prisoners to do with as I see fit,” Rolph quickly bartered, “but your women and children will be spared. What else?” He ran his wet, hot tongue from my ear down to the skin just above my bodice.
“I want a chance to speak with William and pledge my allegiance.” I bit back a moan as his tongue slid between the divide of my heaving breasts and roughly scraped the tips of my hard nipples. “I have a small estate north of here. I request to retain it and take my people there if they’re no longer welcome at Bailliot.”
“I will get you your audience with William, but I cannot promise he’ll let you maintain ownership of your title or lands. Anything else?” Rolph prompted, his fingers stealing beneath my gown and teasing my thighs apart.
This time I did moan. Low and deep. “When you catch that sniveling, thieving, bastard Carrion, I request to be the one to tell him he’s going to die before you end his miserable life!”
Stilling, Rolph’s eyes sharpened to suspicious slits. “Your former fiancé? Why?”
“Because,” I hissed, amber orbs blazing, “I desire to see the fear in his eyes before he dies!”
Movement from the perimeter of the woods garnered my attention then. The two men who’d accompanied Rolph at the beginning of our meeting were outlined by the moon’s light.
In his native tongue, the larger of the two soldiers called out to his lord, “She hasn’t cut your cock off in there, has she?”
Rolph grinned wickedly. “I’m still intact, Uber,” he replied in kind.
My panicked gaze caught and held his. “Do we have a deal?”
Fingers climbing higher, Rolph moved them briefly across my mound then gently swiped them through the moisture between my folds. His thumb edged upward. It circled the swollen nub of flesh that was now the center of my body and brain.
My face flushed red from the sudden invasion and his discovery of my excitement. Clutching his arms, I unconsciously rocked against his hand.
Rolph watched me as he slowly worked me over, his pupils dilating from his own excitement. His own need. Clutching him tighter, I whimpered at his expert handling. Just as I was about to reach the pinnacle of his efforts, his soldier called out to his master once more.
“Milord, the thirty minutes is almost up.”
Freeing his hand from my gown, Rolph brought the slick digits to his lips. As he licked them clean, I watched enthralled. “We have a deal,” he agreed. “But just like you, Bet, I don’t like being double-crossed. Don’t think to go back on your word. You will let me inside your walls tonight,” he warned, “or else you’ll learn the full truth of what it means to be conquered!