After the second deep kiss, Natalia pulled away and looked up at Hayden with a smile. She hoped he wouldn't trample on her fragile heart.
"Are you sure you want something more than a casual relationship? Typically I'm with men who have no idea who I am, and it's a one-time thing." Natalia slid her hands over his t-shirt that covered his well-muscled chest and abdomen as she looked up at him.
"Honestly, I've always been the same way. I only slept with women casually because I never wanted anything more with them. You're different, Natalia. You make me feel alive, and the thought of you being with another man fills me with rage. I couldn't stand only being casual with you. I want a lot more than that." Hayden ran his hand over her cheek softly, and she leaned into his touch.
"I will show you where the shower is, and I'll get one when you're done. I'm trusting you, Hayden. Please don't make me fall in love with you and end up tearing me apart. I can't go through that again." He saw a tear fall from her eye and used his thumb to wipe it away.
"As long as you're with me, you won't shed a tear." He leaned down and gave her a soft, gentle kiss that eased her fear. She took his hand and led him to her bedroom, showing him where he could shower. Natalia had planned on having him use the extra bathroom, but that was before she agreed to try out a relationship. She had never allowed anyone in her apartment other than Patrice. She went to their place or a hotel when she was with men.
Natalia left the bedroom when she heard him turn the water on and went to her office to check her emails. She was busy answering them and lost track of time until she saw him watching her from the doorway with a smile.
"You look serious when you're working. I was enjoying watching you." She felt her heart skip a beat looking at Hayden with his thick black hair wet and wavy. He was wearing athletic pants and another fit black t-shirt.
"I'm just answering emails. I'm going to get a shower before finishing the rest. Do you need anything?" She walked over to him and saw a slow grin spread across his face.
"Only one thing I can think of." He pulled her into his arms and kissed her surprised mouth. She kissed him back and realized she was still wearing her sweaty running clothes, so she started to pull away.
"I need to shower." She said against his lips. He smiled and kissed her again.
"I'll give you a reprieve for now, but when you're done, those lips are mine." Natalia laughed as she walked toward her bedroom. She got a pair of lounging pants and a t-shirt out, laying them on her bed before going to the bathroom. She saw his gym bag lying in a corner and his cologne sitting on the sink. The excitement she felt from seeing evidence of Hayden in her bathroom made her smile. Natalia hoped she was making the right decision because he made her feel good just being around him.
While she was in the shower, Hayden began making a list of food to have delivered from the grocery store. He received a text from Shania asking him to have dinner with her. He didn't know what her problem was, but he was tired of it. They had only had sex a few times, yet she acted like they were committed to each other.
Being with Shania was the biggest mistake he'd ever made. He texted her and told her that he meant what he said if she didn't stop, he would get a restraining order. Especially now that he was starting something with Natalia, he didn't want anything messing that up. He received another text saying this wasn't over. He shook his head and decided to talk to his attorney on Monday about a restraining order for him and Natalia. Shania wasn't stable, and he didn't trust her.
As he finished placing his grocery order, Natalia walked out of the bedroom in dark blue silk lounging pants and a white t-shirt. He saw her blush as he stared at her. She didn't look like a big-time CEO right now. She looked like a young, innocent woman. He thought she had never looked more beautiful. Neither said anything as they walked across the living room, meeting in the middle.
Hayden wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her soft blonde hair. Natalia put her arms around his waist, lying her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes as they stood there holding each other. She felt safe in his warm embrace like never before.
"I ordered the groceries so I can cook you dinner tonight. What do you want to do in the meantime?" Hayden ran his fingers through her hair, enjoying the silkiness.
"I know I said I need to work, but how about we talk and get to know each other?" Natalia held him tighter, liking how his hard muscles felt against her. She leaned up and kissed his cheek.
Hayden felt her soft lips on his face, and his heart almost stopped. He was falling hard for her already after knowing her for less than forty-eight hours. What was it about her that made him feel as though he had found something that was lost?
He led her over to the large grey sectional. Hayden pushed her slightly, so she was lying on her back on the red throw pillows. He sat, put her feet on his lap, and began rubbing her bare feet.
"What do you want to know?" He asked. Natalia tried to hold back her moan as his large warm hands slowly massaged her feet. She had never felt anything so comforting. She almost forgot what he asked until she saw him looking at her in question.
"Uh, do you have any family?" She thought of the first thing that came to her mind.
"My mom and dad live here in the city, but I don't see them much. They travel all over, and their view of my future is very different from mine. I don't have any siblings or close friends." Hayden looked down at her thin, delicate feet in his hands. He didn't know feet could be considered sexy, but he was having many inappropriate thoughts about hers.
"What do you mean when you said your parents have a different view of your future?" Natalia looked up into his face and saw something in his eyes.
"They want me to marry the daughter of their best friend. I have no feelings toward her whatsoever. I'll admit we had sex a few times, but it was nothing more than that. It may sound cold, but I didn't even kiss her. I just used her to get my needs met for a few minutes. However, now she has it in her head that we will eventually be together. I haven't slept with her in months, yet she continues to harass me even though I've threatened her with a restraining order. I should have never given in to her the first time. I think my parents are responsible for her always showing up where I am. For instance, she was there when we had dinner last night and confronted me after you left."
"Is she dangerous?" Natalia felt a pinch in her heart hearing him talking about sex with a woman who thought she had a claim on him.
"I truthfully don't know, but she has gotten worse lately. To be on the safe side, I'm going to have my lawyer draw up a restraining order to keep her from you and me." She frowned at what he said. What type of woman was this?
"Are you sure there was nothing more between the two of you?" Natalia asked cautiously. She didn't want to get into something with him and have him run back to the other woman.
"Look at me, Natalia." She looked up into his eyes. "I promise there was nothing more than casual sex. She has never meant anything to me."
Hayden leaned over and rubbed his hand on her cheek. She believed him but was still worried about this woman trying to come between them. They had only just begun their relationship within the last couple of hours. Maybe she should stop before they go any further. She didn't need a bunch of drama in her life.
"I wonder if us being together is a good idea. Do you think you should sort stuff out with this woman before we start anything?" Hayden felt panic rising in his throat at what she said. He could see her already retreating from him. He couldn't let that happen.
"No, there is nothing to sort out. I told her to stop. Look at my text that she sent while you were in the shower. I promise you there is nothing between us. Remember what I said to you earlier? I don't want you to ever shed a tear because of me, and I won't break your heart. I meant what I said. Look at my phone." He pulled up his texts from Shania to show her. Hayden wanted her to see he had nothing to hide.
Natalia felt uneasy looking through his texts, but he insisted on it. She saw the message from today where the woman asked him to dinner, and he told her to leave him alone, or he would get a restraining order. He scrolled up further, and it was more of the same. She was constantly texting him, and he was telling her to leave him alone. Natalia felt her heart calm down a little. These texts went on for months, so he was telling the truth. She still didn't know if this was the best way to start a relationship.
"Thank you for showing me those, but I'm still unsure if this is a good idea." Hayden pulled her up to sit so they could be face to face.
"Everyone has baggage. I'm sure the reason you're so resistant to relationships is that something happened to you. Don't let this woman ruin what could be the best thing for both of us." He was desperate to convince her that they should be together. He bent down and kissed her lips gently. Natalia hesitated but slowly responded. He was right everyone had a past. When he pulled back, he put his forehead against hers.
"Please give us a chance." He whispered. She pulled away from him so she could look into his eyes.
"You're right. I was hurt in the past. It was my freshman year in college. I fell in love with a senior who charmed me right from the start. After a few months, I decided I was willing to sleep with him. I was still a virgin and thought I was ready because we were in love. Later that day, while I was checking my social media, I found a post of his where he was tracking how many freshmen he could have before graduation. Reading that post devastated me. He had added two that day and many in the time we'd been together. My heart was shattered into a thousand pieces. I decided from that day on I would never give my heart to a man to be broken again. I know it sounds foolish because I was so young. However, that heartache has affected how I am with men. I lost my virginity soon after moving to the city four years ago. That time and every time after, it has been one-night stands with no emotions. I am terrified to give my heart away like that again only to have it broken."
Hayden's heart ached when he saw a few tears escape her eyes. He understood how that experience had made her cautious. It made him even more determined never to let her feel that way again. He took both her hands and looked into her dark blue eyes.
"I'm sorry that idiot hurt you. Let me show you how a relationship is supposed to be. It's new for me too, but I won't let you get hurt. Please don't push me away."
Natalia felt her heart softening when he held her in his arms, gently stroking her hair. Was she ready to take this leap of faith? She hugged him back and knew she wanted to try, but she would remain cautious.
"Okay. I'll give us a try."