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Chapter 2

Two weeks. He’d managed to survive two weeks. All because of Noah. Wren folded his legs on the big wooden armchair in the library, shuffling the cards he’d bought himself the first time his cellmate had decided he could actually keep his mouth shut long enough to stand in line with the other prisoners from their block. Aside from the cards, he’d gotten snacks and a few extra pairs of socks, because the cell was always cold. Layering his clothes meant having to wear the same thing for more than one day, which was gross.

At least he got to shower most days, but that was tricky. Noah would pay attention to talk during rec time and let him know if it was safe. They’d go together and Wren couldn’t look at anyone. Or talk. He had to finish before Noah did, be dressed and out a few seconds ahead, so the man could make sure he wasn’t followed.

If Noah was busy, Wren had to stay in his cell and...wait. He spent a lot of time waiting, reading books he borrowed from the library. This was the first time he’d been able to hang out this long, though. Noah was making a phone call and he’d given Wren permission to spend his free time here, after a few words with the inmate who worked in the library.

With practiced motions, Wren dealt himself a hand of solitaire. His Aunt Steph had taught him to play cards when he’d gone to live with her at four years old—shortly after his parents died in a fire at a party they’d attended at a neighbor’s house. For a long time he wouldn’t say a word, but his interest in the cards she constantly fidgeted with had given her the idea of using them to communicate.

He’d picked up games fast so she’d started having him play online for real money. The winnings earned him his own laptop, desktop computer, and cell phone by the time he turned ten. They were able to move into a nicer house she’d saved up for, and even while he was in school, he’d been able to stay in touch to help her keep winning. He learned other ways to make money. Betting on sports. Horses.

At sixteen, he dropped out so he could use his skills full time. His aunt was thrilled at first, but a bad bet put her into a depression, about the same time as she was diagnosed with throat cancer. Along with her treatment, she began therapy, then Gamblers Anonymous.

She tried to get him to attend as well, but he didn’t need it. He wasn’t addicted, gambling was his job. Besides, how else was he going to make enough money to take care of her?

Still, she told him either to quit or move out. So he moved out. Got his own place with his earnings, replaced everything she refused to let him take. He’d been seventeen. And for five years, he’d been doing fine.

Until he’d made bigger bets. Took loans to cover them—from the wrong people. And those people gave him the option to work for them or have some very unpleasant visits. Running money through different accounts for them, erasing records, cracking random codes, seemed a good alternative. But he wouldn’t keep doing it forever. He’d used the access they’d given him to collect all the information he’d need to earn his freedom.

Another month and he could’ve put his plan into motion. Paid off his loans with the pennies he’d fleeced, building up over time into millions, and put himself in a position where no one would risk coming after him.

He hadn’t planned for his own activities to bring the cops to his front door. Or for that information to go to waste. Something had gone wrong, but he couldn’t figure out what. The stuff he’d had should’ve landed so many people behind bars. Including the head of the DeFede family.

Now he had nothing. Not even his aunt, who’d written to tell him she’d pray for him, but she couldn’t forgive him for what he’d done.

But he had Noah.

A shadow fell over him. He stilled, looking up at the skinny, toothless guy with pock-marked skin and patches of gray hair on his bald head, grinning down at him. “Name’s Donny.”

“Wren.” Wren held out his hand and they shook. He followed Donny’s gaze to the cards and grinned back at him. “You wanna play?”

Pulling out the chair across from him, Donny nodded. “Gin? I win, you tell me your story. Word is, no one knows much about you.”

Good. Wren didn’t plan to tell the man anything. Because he didn’t plan to lose. He pushed his glasses up with his thumb. “Fine, but I win and you owe me three postage stamps.”


Postage stamps were worth a lot in prison for some reason. So were cigarettes and...ramen noodles. He didn’t quite get it. Or know how to make trades for anything, but he knew how to make bets count. And those stamps were important.

An hour later—and dozens of unanswered questions because no way was he giving Donny what he wanted for free—he was the proud new owner of three stamps. Donny handed over the stamps, snatching Wren’s wrist when he took them. His grip tightened and nausea pitched through Wren’s stomach at the pain in his wrist. He tried to jerk away, but the man was too strong.

All this worrying about the mob and I’m gonna be taken out for winning a game of gin.

He cried out as the man twisted until he dropped the stamps.

Donny’s acrid breath in Wren’s face brought bile rising in his throat. “Why are so many people interested in you, you little shit?”

“You lost.” This was so much easier online. No one touched him or hurt him there. He could leave a server if someone was being an asshole. Here, there was no escape. “Please, j-just let me go.”

The big, burly inmate Noah had spoken to came over. Didn’t say a thing, but his presence had Donny releasing Wren. Raising his hands in surrender. He backed up before turning and making himself scarce.

Disapproval in his eyes, the inmate stared down at Wren. He was built like a tank, his skin a rich brown, his face looking like it would brighten right up with a smile, but was damn scary when he was pissed off. The expression he wore was somewhere in-between right now, and Wren wasn’t sure what to say.

Maybe nothing. Noah told him all the time he’d be better off if he didn’t say every single thing that came to his head, but he should thank the big dude or something, shouldn’t he? His aunt had taught him more than how to count cards. His manners had been almost as important as the smoothness of his shuffle.

But when his mouth opened, the man shook his head. “Leonov will be back to fetch you soon. He ain’t gonna be too happy about this. Cool your jets and read a book or some shit.” He let out a heavy sigh. “How that man talked me into babysitting, I’ll never know.”

“Babysitting? Look, man, thank you for saving me, but I don’t need a babysitter. I’m twenty-two and I’ve been living on my own since I was seventeen, while supporting my aunt. She’s not talking to me anymore, but I set up some stocks for her that payout regularly, so she’ll be fine and—”

“Holy fuck, what gave you the impression that I care about any of this?” The man’s gaze went to the door. “Thank God. Price is double next time, my friend. This one’s exhausting.”

With long strides, Noah crossed the library, his eyes darkening as he looked Wren over. His gaze locked on Wren’s wrist, which was blotchy red and swelling already. “What happened?”

Rubbing under his nose, Wren reached out with his uninjured hand and picked up the stamps. “I won these… I thought, you know, since you have so many people who miss you, but can’t visit, you could write to them. I know you talk to them on the phone all the time, but this would be special, right?”

“Damn.” The other inmate clapped Noah on the shoulder. “Okay, I get it. I’ll keep an eye on him when I can. This place is gonna break him, but...he’s sweet.”

Noah nodded slowly, his expression unreadable as he kept his focus on Wren, even while speaking to the other man. “I appreciate it, Renner.” He curved his fingers under Wren’s wrist gently and lifted it. “Who did this?”

Renner’s jaw hardened. “Donny. He’s a fucking weasel and they were playing a harmless game of cards, so I figured it’d be fine. Word’s spreading that the kid’s worth something.”

“I see.” Noah cut Renner a hard look. “It’ll be good money. Tempted?”

“Not at all. You’re the reason my baby has diapers and formula. That my woman was able to pay the damn rent. I won’t forget that.” Renner held Noah’s gaze. “My loyalty’s worth more than their blood money.”

Lips curving slightly, Noah inclined his head. “Say the word and I’ll get her a place in Anniston Falls. Good neighborhood, people to help her out when she needs it.”

“I might take you up on that.” Renner grinned and considered Wren for a moment. “Kyle and Cruise are in the infirmary and they’ll mess with him just to fuck with you. But I’ll see if I can get someone to bring an ice pack and something to wrap that with to your cell. Green owes me one.”

“That would be perfect, thanks.” Noah inhaled slowly, brushing his hand over Wren’s hair before taking the stamps. “This was nice of you, but we’re going to have a very long talk about your gambling.”

Wren began to gather his cards, but the stab of pain when he tried to bend the fingers of his right hand almost dropped him to his knees. He whispered his thanks when Renner picked them up and handed them over, then followed Noah out of the library. Thinking back on his cellmate’s last words, he frowned and shook his head. “There’s no reason to talk about my gambling. I’m good at it and I almost always win.”

“Because you cheat.”

“Not always. And I didn’t need to with Donny, he’s just really bad at gin, but I figured he was bored and it wouldn’t be a huge deal. But if I can win stuff playing cards, that would be good, right? You won’t have to call in favors to keep me safe. You shouldn’t have to do that anyway, but it’s awesome of you.” He bit his bottom lip, glancing over at Noah, whose jaw ticked as he led the way to their cell. “Are you mad at me?”

Past the bars, Noah stopped and pointed at his bunk. “Sit.”

Wren sat, his stomach churning. Yeah, Noah was definitely mad. The only person who gave a fuck about Wren on this side of the planet and he’d managed to ruin it. Why did he have to be such a failure at everything that didn’t involve numbers and strategy and coding? He lowered his head as Noah began to pace.

He didn’t stop until a guard came in, handing over an ice pack and a roll of self-adhesive elastic bandage. Once the guard was gone, Noah came to the bed. Sat beside him, closer than he used to, which Wren took as a good sign. It always relaxed him when Noah was near. His casual touch, his very presence, fed a need he seemed to understand better than Wren. Any affection was brief, and limited, but whenever he was overwhelmed, or scared, or ready to curl up in a ball because everything was so hopeless, the man would be there. Squeezing his shoulder, brushing a hand over his hair, looking into his eyes in a way that made Wren believe all he had to do was trust Noah. He’d get him through this.

Fifteen minutes of silence while Noah iced his wrist. The pain faded to a dull throb. He held still as Noah carefully wrapped his wrist, tearing the tape with his teeth when he’d used all he needed.

“Better?” Noah smiled at Wren’s nod. “All right, as I said, your gambling. It stops. You told me about your aunt, and she was wrong to abandon you, wrong to get you involved in betting so young, but she was right about one thing.” He held up a hand before Wren could interrupt. “It’s an addiction, Wren. And your need to feed that addiction is what got you in here. Betting on stamps might seem like a small thing, but it’s setting you on the same path.”

“I…” Wren worried his bottom lip with his teeth. He didn’t get it at all. Gambling was his whole world and...all right, not anymore, because he was in prison and most of his money was gone. If he lived long enough to get out of here, what else was he supposed to do? But Noah’s words hit him harder than his aunt’s ever had. His throat tightened as he faced one simple fact. “I’m not sure I know how to stop.”

“Therapy might help, and I’d like you to make an appointment. The woman who works here, Cindy Ngo, is very good at her job and she won’t mind how much you like to talk.” He tapped Wren’s nose, his gaze softening. “I also have another idea.”

Chewing on his bottom lip again, Wren met those gray eyes which held everything he’d ever wanted. A steadiness, a genuine concern for him that he’d never gotten from anyone. Sure, sometimes Noah would ask him to slow down and stick to one topic, but he listened. He showed interest in Wren’s life. Seemed to know the right thing to get Wren through the roughest days when fear and loneliness cemented inside him. He’d never minded being alone when he was at home, but that was different. He’d had all his online friends and whatever Dom wanted him to perform for them. Sure, there were times he wished any of them were close enough to touch, but he’d done all right.

Now, that existence seemed so empty. Unlike Noah, he didn’t have anyone to call. Anyone to write letters to. If he’d had more time, some of his online friends might’ve given him a way to stay in touch. But he hadn’t. His digital presence was erased. And he wasn’t sure anyone would care.

“Hey.” Noah lifted his chin with his knuckles when he lowered his gaze. “I need you to pay attention. All the Doms you’ve had were online, but you have a good understanding of the lifestyle, yes? You pleased them and found satisfaction by following their commands. One even gave you a collar?”

Wren’s bottom lip quivered. “Yeah, but he made me take it off. He found someone local who could give him everything I was and more.”

Noah cupped Wren’s cheek, brushing away a tear under the rim of his glasses with his thumb. “That happens and I know it was hard, but stay with me. Your submission is a strong part of who you are and I believe it will help you here.” He pulled something out of his pocket. A long piece of white twine, knotted into a circle in a way that could loosen or tighten before being secured in place. “I want you to wear my collar. You know what that means. If you accept it, you will follow my orders. Without question.” He shook his head before Wren’s automatic acceptance could burst past his lips. “This will be more intense than anything you’ve ever experienced. It has to be if I’m going to get you out of here alive. You will obey me. You will be punished if you don’t. Do not say yes if you aren’t willing to accept that.”

More tears spilled as Wren tried to breathe past the lump in his throat. “You are so fucking amazing, I don’t even know what—I mean, I would do whatever you wanted with or without the collar, but yes. Yes, I’ll wear your collar and I’ll be the best sub ever. I swear.”

Shaking his head as he slipped the twine over Wren’s head and tightened it so it rested snuggly against Wren’s neck, but could be tucked under the collar of his gray shirt, Noah chuckled. “You won’t be swearing anymore. Or speaking, to anyone besides me, the guards, and the counselor.”

Fingers brushing over the most precious gift he’d ever been given, Wren nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“Give me your cards.”

There was a tiny voice in the back of Wren’s mind that wanted to argue, but he ignored it, pulling out the cards and placing them in Noah’s hand.

“So long as you’re in here, you won’t be touching these again. You are not to gamble in any way. When you’re out I may let you play sometimes, but only for fun. Never for anything of value, understood?”

“Yes, sir.” Wren’s brow furrowed. “But you’ll be out before I am.”

“Let me worry about that.” Noah curved his hand around the back of Wren’s neck, lips brushing over his softly and sending a jolt of pleasure zipping along every nerve in Wren’s body. “You’ve given me something special, Wren. All I ask in return is your trust and your submission. And that you take both seriously.”

“I will.” He toyed with his collar again and gave Noah a shy smile. “Is there anything you want me to do now, sir?”

Noah’s lips slanted as he stood. “Stop playing with that, you need to avoid drawing attention to it so the guards won’t notice. There are other Doms here who will understand what it means, but aside from Renner, I don’t know them well enough to count on that earning you their protection. But you won’t be speaking to any of them, so their opinions are irrelevant.”

Wren lowered his hand with a firm nod.

“Good boy.” Noah snapped his fingers, then gave the hand signal for Wren to stand, which he’d learned from his other Doms and responded to automatically. “Get some rest. I’ll go to the infirmary and get you some painkillers.” He observed Wren for a moment. “But you haven’t even noticed the pain since we started talking, have you? Your focus is entirely on me.”

“Yes, sir.” Wren licked his bottom lip, the subtle taste of mint and coffee there making the high from Noah’s brief kiss linger as though he’d done so much more. And he had. His hold on Wren was more solid than the walls that surrounded them. “Is...that what you want?”

“That’s exactly what I want.” Noah jerked his chin toward Wren’s bed. “If you have trouble getting up or down, we can switch until you’ve healed. You will be honest about everything and I’ll know if you’re holding back for any reason.”

“I’d never lie to you, sir.” Wren used his good hand to climb the ladder, slipping onto his bunk effortlessly. “And I got this.”

“That’s a relief. I wasn’t looking forward to banging my head on the ceiling.” Noah gave him one last, long look, inclined his head as if to some silent thought, then left the cell.

The nightly routine was the same as always, only, completely different. Every command Noah had given him was important, but there was another level to following them, a deep satisfaction as he kept his eyes down and his mouth shut. Not only because it would keep him safe, but because his Dom expected it of him.

My Dom. Holy shit.

That night, as he lay in bed, he felt like he was worth something to someone and maybe, just maybe, that would be enough for him to survive his sentence. Enough to imagine what his life might be like when he returned to the outside world. He was smart, so maybe he could use that to help people. Good people.

The idea began to take form as he pictured himself taking classes so he could...no, he couldn’t be a teacher. Not with a criminal record. He thumped his head on his pillow. Fuck, he didn’t know how to do much of anything. But he would learn. Maybe the counselor Noah wanted him to see would have some ideas.

Cell locked, lights out, Wren closed his eyes. After a stretch of silence, he heard the sound of flesh moving over flesh. Nothing else, but his breath caught as he realized what was happening. Every few nights, Noah would quietly find his release at his own hand. Wren would lay in the bunk above, blood pulsing low, and wish he could be the one giving him that pleasure. The ache brought on the urge to touch himself, but it was almost like he was waiting for permission. Which he didn’t dare ask for and hadn’t been given.

But...maybe Noah didn’t know his submission included everything? Should he tell him? No, subs didn’t do that. They waited, patiently, to be told where and when they were needed.

The stroking got faster.

Wren fisted his hands in the sheet. Jerked at the pain in his wrist, a whimper caught in his throat as he pressed his fist to his lips.

Below him, the stillness told him he hadn’t been fast enough to avoid notice.

“Come here.” Noah’s quiet voice gave him no clue if the man was upset. It was a command. Nothing more, nothing less.

He slipped silently from his bunk. Once he reached the floor, he couldn’t meet Noah’s eyes. Shame brought him to his knees.

“That is not what I asked you to do, my little bird.” Noah crooked his finger, shaking his head when Wren crawled to him. “Up. You might not notice it when you’re in this zone, but your wrist needs time to heal.” Before Wren could move, Noah pulled him onto the bed and lay on his side, elbow braced, head in his hand. “You haven’t given yourself any pleasure since you’ve been here, have you?”

Cheeks blazing, Wren shook his head.

“Hmm.” Noah’s brow furrowed. “I don’t want to abuse my position, pet. But there are few options for you, and none that are safe except for your hands.” He slid his thumb over Wren’s bottom lip. “Or mine.”

“Not only hands, sir.” Wren’s lips parted. He shook his head. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have...if you wanted more you’d tell me and I’m not trying to be in control at all. I don’t want to be, but I wasn’t sure you knew that I would do anything. Literally anything. And—”

Noah’s lips covered his. Not a comforting brush of lips, but a kiss that controlled air, spread warmth, and left no room for doubts. He closed his eyes as Noah’s hands moved over him, lifting his arms above his head in a way that made it clear that was where he wanted them to stay. He brushed his lips down Wren’s throat.

Brought them to his ear. “You must be very quiet. Not a sound unless it’s to tell me you want me to stop. This time, there is no need for anything else.”

The only response Wren could give was curving against Noah’s hand as it moved down his chest. He jerked at the firm grip around the base of his dick, choking back a moan. His play online had been good for one thing. He knew how to hold back his release until it was demanded from him. Thank God, because that one touch came close to setting him off.

“Such a good boy.” Noah rose over him. “Be still, I’ll be right back.”

Not moving a muscle, Wren hardly breathed until Noah returned to lay over him. He held up a condom and a small package of lube, his gaze letting Wren know this would go no further if he wasn’t ready. But Wren had never been more ready for anything in his life.

Drawing Wren’s pants down and off, Noah slicked his fingers with lube, spreading him open with his knees. He held Wren’s gaze as he penetrated him with one finger. Smiled as he added another, then a third as Wren pressed against him and let him in.

He leaned down, biting Wren’s bottom lip as he began to move his fingers in faster. Harder. “I could work my whole fist inside you right now, couldn’t I?” His dark gaze said he was tempted. “I don’t have experience with online power exchanges, but you’ve been trained very, very well.”

Wren had to be quiet, but he let his eyes speak for him. He’d meant what he’d said. Noah could have anything he wanted from him.

“Not here, but one day I may consider it. When I can enjoy the sounds you make as I test your limits.” Noah’s lips curved. “For now, my hand’s gotten enough action.” He lifted and slid on the condom. Guided his dick into Wren with one smooth thrust. He pulled Wren’s legs up and wrapped them around his waist, letting out a low growl as he moved, fast and hard, but never letting their bodies slap together so the sound wouldn’t travel. He kept his voice low so only Wren could hear every dirty thing he said. “Tighten around me so I can feel my dick stretching you. This is mine, pet. All. Fucking. Mine.”

The risk that they could be caught added an edge, but nothing like how Noah dragged out the pleasure. He didn’t use Wren for a quick fuck. He drove into his body as though he never planned to stop. The pressure of his pelvis on Wren’s dick made holding back almost impossible, but as he stared up at Noah, amazed that he belonged to this man, he couldn’t imagine taking what was his to give. As the insistent pulse at the base of his spine became almost overwhelming, he reached deeper into the side of himself that craved surrender. His vision glazed, making the world around them shimmer beyond the dark haze.

Hands curved under Wren’s ass, Noah lifted him as he pistoned in and out, faster and faster. Then mouthed one word, as though giving it sound would make it a shout.


Tipping his head back, the erotic pulse rode over Wren as he came. He panted as each spurt hit him. Gasped as Noah’s dick passed over his prostate in a way that kept the pleasure going to an almost painful insistency, before he took his own release, pressing deep inside, one hand braced against the mattress by Wren’s head.

For a long time, Noah didn’t move. When he finally slipped away, Wren expected to be dismissed to his own bed. Instead, Noah brought some wet wipes, using them to clean every inch of him before tending to himself. He tossed the used wipes and lay on the bed, pulling Wren into his arms.

The intense, confusing emotions poured over Wren as he rested his head on Noah’s shoulder. He shivered, pressing his face into Noah’s chest as Noah stroked his arm and kissed the top of his head.

Noah pulled the blanket over him, his voice full of concern. “Talk to me, little bird.”

“I don’t...I don’t know what to say. This doesn’t seem like something I get to have.” He fought back the tears which had no place after what he’d just experienced, but they came anyway. “Like I know it won’t last, it can’t, but part of me wants to believe I could be the type of person who deserves it.”

“Listen to me.” Noah tipped his chin up. His gray eyes warmed him more than the blanket, chasing away the chill. “You deserve this because I’ve decided you do. You will be mine until I believe you don’t need me anymore.”

Wren wrinkled his nose. “Sir, have you met me? That will never happen.”

Expression stern, Noah gave the collar, one of the most valuable things he’d ever owned, a little tug. “Are you arguing with your Dom, sub?”

“No, sir.”

“I thought not.” Noah curved his hand around his throat. Added some pressure, almost as though to increase Wren’s awareness of how tight his control over him truly was. “I can only give you so much, Wren. But someday you will leave here. And someone will give you more.”

There couldn’t possibly be more, but Wren refused to question the man again. He would never lie to him, but there were some things he couldn’t voice. Like the fact that he didn’t know how he would get through a single day once he was alone again. That he couldn’t see his life beyond this cage. Because nowhere else would a man like Noah ever have chosen him. Away from here, the fierce, handsome Dom could have whoever he wanted, but maybe Wren could prove he could still be useful. Still have a place, no matter how small. Noah made him feel like he was worth more than he’d ever believed of himself. He couldn’t let that go.

Because, once the bars weren’t holding them both, he couldn’t imagine anyone else ever would.

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