The past four years had not been easy. So many things happens. She gave birth to a boy and he's three years old now. She had also made it as a renowned writer. She had published five novels during the past years. All films company wants her to write their scripts for them. One of her book was turned into a movie in country N. And she wrote a so many short scripts for some directors back in B-city. She didn't plan to come back but she knew she cannot avoid B-city. It's her roots and her loved ones are over there. Though Scarlett used to visit her during some holidays and even became her son godmother, she still missed her. She missed her grandmother and Yanis too. Mia didn't know how to express herself but she is really warm hearted.
She is always thinking about the people she left at B-city. Yanis had visited her once during one of his business trips.
Mia had to go back this time around because she got a good offer from B-city. An agency wants her to write a script for them and assist in directing the movie. Most directors prefer having the script writer around during shoot. After all, she understands the story more than anyone else. The offer was quite good and Mia was excited. Script writing was her dream. She decided to return to B-city.
When she saw her brother holding up a sign for her at the airport, she was glad she came back. She missed this place. She grew up here after all.
She looked around and noticed that people were staring at her son. She is used to it though, her son is a child that attracts attention wherever he goes. She knew he must have gotten his father's gene. His father must be very handsome.
She held the boy hand tighter. She is over protective of her son. When they got to Yanis, he picked the cute little boy up and kissed him.
"Uncle", the little boy greeted.
He knew Yanis well. His mother make sure he recognize and know these trio well: grandma, Scarlett and Yanis. To Mia, they are the only family she could bother with.
Yanis smiled at her after greeting the boy.
“Welcome back home, Mia", he said.
"Thanks", Mia replied.
Yanis helped with the luggage and walked them to the car.
Mia texted Scarlett.
Mia__I'm in B-city.
She breathed in.
She is back here after four years.
She looked at her boy who is looking up at her.
“Chris, this is mum's city. I grew up here", she told him.
The boy just gave a cute smile.
Mia just ruffled his hair.
"Mom", he called grimacing.
Well, Chris cares about his look and he hates it when someone ruffled his hair.
“I’m sorry", Mia told him.
The mother and child entered the car and Yanis started driving.
"Are you going over to the house!” he asked.
“I’m not going back. I've asked Scarlett to rent an apartment for me", and she gave him an address.
"Mia, grandma is old now and will want you to stay home..."
"I'm sorry but I don't want to live with my father's wife. I will just say Hi and go home. To me, that house is really not home. It's always cold", Mia said.
Yanis did not say anything. After all, it's his own mother giving her all sort of problems.
Yanis drove into the estate. Nothing has changed here. Four years is not that much though but to Mia she will never forget those four years. She suffered to take care of herself during pregnancy, she went into labor herself with no one waiting for her outside the labor room. After giving birth, no one helped her to buy food, prepare things, and handle the hospital bills... She had no guardian. Scarlett did came but she could only stay the weekend because of work. She was a young single mother who raised her child alone.
Mia's is twenty three when she got pregnant with her child. She need to raise her child in a strange place with no family or anyone to lean on. She got several suitors but she rejected them all. All she wants is to concentrate on her son and writing.
She had spent nights crying alone.
She smiled. All that is in the past anyway. Though she did not have much right now but she is not as poor as she was then. She could afford three square meals now. She could afford to pay rents and bills. She could buy not too expensive cloths too. Those expensive cloths only sells brand, it looks the same with cheap one when worn and her boy is so good looking that he looks good in anything he wears.
"Mom, where is this?” Chris asked when Yanis car stopped.
“This is the place your great grandma lives", Mia responded, smiling.
"Oh", Chris mouthed.
Yanis led them into the house and they saw the old lady waiting for them in the living room. When she saw Mia, her eyes turned misty as she called.
“Mia, is that you?” She asked.
Mia smiled. She felt emotional to but she held it in.
“Yes, it's me"
It's after hugging Mia for a while did she saw the cute rice ball tugging at the helm of Mia's dress.
"Oi, see this cute great grandson of mine. C'mon come over and greet grandma", she told him.
The boy stopped holding unto Mia when he saw the old woman smile at him.
“Great granny, my name is Christopher Quinn", the boy introduced.
"Who said the boy can use that surname?” a manly voice asked.
Mia looked up and saw her step mother coming down the stairs.
" I was wondering why the old lady was sitting in the living room all day, turns out she is waiting for this scourge of a child",
Mia clenched her fist.
She didn't want to talk to this woman. Yanis had told her that her father is on a business trip.
Madam Quinn turned to her son.
"So you went out to bring this girl in?” She asked him.
“Yes, this is Mia's house too", Yanis replied.
Madam Quinn shook her head and walked away.